Chapter 26

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Longer chapter guys ❤️
    Kihyun's pov
Well, wherever I decide to go, I can't go shirtless!
I thought as I walked into Wonho's closet and picked out a hoodie. As I was pulling the hoodie on, I realized just how much weight I had lost since No Mercy began.
I was a healthy weight six weeks ago, now I'm verging being underweight. All of the extra dancing and singing, mixed with the chaos of a soulmate who pushed me off a bunk, is making my body grow weary.
Even so, I could still bear a few kilos more...
I shook all of the negative thoughts from my head as I grabbed my phone, earbuds, and wallet and walked silently out of the front door.
With no place in mind in particular, I began walking around aimlessly. Almost emotionlessly, I made my way into the park purely by muscle memory.
Before I had grown close to Wonho, I would come to the small lake for serenity. The lake was the only other place I could go to, my family was never an option; they had all given up on me after mother died.
I kneeled close to the water's surface and let my fingertips run through it, small ripples forming behind them. A smile rose to my face as a few ducks swam past.
My phone began ringing, the ducks all quickly swam away from the annoying sound. I checked the caller ID: Nunu, I ignored the call and turned the ringer off.
From Wonho's hoodie pocket I could feel it vibrate with each text. Instead of checking them, I chose to ignore them and watch as the sun set. The sky that once was hues of blue had now faded to pinks and oranges before I checked the texts.

Nunu 🐻
Why did you ignore my call?
Ki, where are you?
You aren't in the dorm
None of the others have seen you
I don't know where you are, but I'm coming to find you!

Wonho 🐰
Kihyun, why aren't you answering any of our calls?
Where did you run away to??
Are you okay wherever you are, at least?
I'm coming to find you!

I turned my phone off and nonchalantly placed it back into the hoodie pocket. Figuring I wouldn't want to go back to the dorm quickly, I began walking to the closest convenience store.
I pushed the glass doors of the store open then began browsing the isles for anything to pique my interest. I nervously chewed on my lip as I looked over the snacks; I knew just how unhealthy they all were but I couldn't care any less at this point.
Picking up a few different chocolate bars and a drink from a fridge, I walked to the register counter amd quickly payed. I thanked the worker then hastily made my way out of the store that felt like it was closing in on me.
As I began to stumble back to the park, the sky began to cry; its tears dripping into my earthy brown hair. I sighed and pulled the hood over my head then sat down under a tall tree.
The weather seemed to perfectly mirror my mood; I too began to silently cry as I sat under that tree.
My lips quivered as I desperately tried to hold back the tears; now was not a time to shown weakness, but when was there going to be another time I would be fully alone to cry by myself?
I began to weep— all of the pains finally merged their powers together and began beating me senselessly. My abusive home life, stress of being a trainee, finding my soulmate, losing two fellow trainees, being hurt by my soulmate; the pressure of them all caused me to break down.
For what felt like hours—but had only been a few minutes— I sobbed under that old Ash tree. I wiped the tears on my cheeks only for them to be endlessly replaced. I looked toward the sky, still it was pouring, the rain drops mixed with the tears still rolling down my cheeks.
"Kihyun!" I heard a muffled voice yell. My tears had obscured my vision to the point of being unable to tell who was running towards me. My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to decipher who was sprinting in my direction.
I was cut out of my thoughts by a pair of lips being pressed to my own, a pair that felt too right moving with my own chapped and tear-soaked lips. My eyes closed as I allowed the kiss to continue. His hand reached into my damp hair and he softly ran his fingers through the brown strands.
He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine, "Kihyun, I found you." He whispered. I still had yet to open my eyes; I was far too stunned with the amount of passion I had felt. My mind grew fuzzy as I still felt his warmth on my lips and heard him whisper so closely to me.

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