Chapter 16

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Alright y'all it's midnight and I'm drinking coffee, these next probably four or five chapters are gonna be the terrible result of caffeine and loudly played kpop 😂

Kihyun's pov
As I set all of the cooked food onto the table, I felt like I was forgetting something.
Did I turn the stove off? Wait- it's Minhyuk's birthday!
"Shownu, can you grab a cake in the fridge and set it on the table too?" I asked as I reached into the cabinet for plates.
"Kihyun, it's 10 am, why are we having cake?" Shownu questioned but got the cake regardless.
"Because Nu, it's Minhyuk's birthday! He's eighteen now, so hopefully he will find his soulmate!" I replied with a smile.
"Kihyun, how are you still so nice to him? He always had something cruel to say to you, yet you bought him a cake?"
"No, I didn't buy him a cake, I made him a cake!" I exclaimed as I saw how well the cake turned out.
I spent three hours making that cake last night, I hope he likes it!
Shownu just shook his head in disbelief and carefully placed the cake on the table. Once we had everything on the table neatly, the remaining eight trainees filed into the kitchen.
Minhyuk sleepily stumbled in last and quickly sat down in a chair, placing his head on the table. Light snores began to fill the air. I giggled then sat down beside Minhyuk.
"Minhyuk, wake up! It's your birthday, come on! I made you a cake!" I chimed as I poked him a few times. From the other side of the table, I could see Jooheon shift nervously and pull his shorts lower on his thighs.
Minhyuk lifted his head and rubbed his eyes. His eyes suddenly widened slightly. His face grew red- out of being shy or anger I didn't know- then his eyes landed on Jooheon.
"Are you serious?" Minhyuk lowly asked, glaring at Jooheon.
"So it's true." Jooheon calmly replied.
I looked back and forth between the pair. Once I looked back to Jooheon, I heard Minhyuk's chair loudly screech before seeing him stand up.
"I can't- no!" Minhyuk screamed then ran out of the kitchen in a blur. My eyebrows furrowed before I followed Minhyuk out of the kitchen.
I remembered how I had ran off the morning I found out Shownu was my soulmate. Because of what I had done, I walked into the dorm room Minhyuk inhabited.
Where is he? Why did he run away?
He wasn't in his bunk, nor around the bedroom. My eyebrows creased again as I walked out of the bedroom. I began to check other rooms in the dorm.
Not in the living room, the kitchen, the dining room, or a bedroom. Where did he go? I didn't check the bathroom!
I softly whacked my forehead with my hand before running towards the bathroom. I leaned my ear against the door and heard faint sobs. I lightly knocked on the door.
"Minhyuk? Why are you crying, today is the day you find out who your soulmate is!" I asked from outside of the bathroom.
Minhyuks heart-wrenching sobs only grew in volume.

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