Chapter 21

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Kihyun's pov
A smile graced my lips as I watched Minhyuk. I was stood rigid in Shownu's strong arms.
Don't enjoy it too much, keep your guard high. Although he explained he was jealous, he could still do it again. Dad would apologize, then do it again. Don't trust other guys!
Together, the nine of us watched as Minhyuk blew the eighteen candles on his cake out.
"Minhyuk, what did you wish for?" Jooheon timidly asked, still stood in the corner.
"If I told you, it wouldn't come true!" Minhyuk childishly exclaimed. He pulled a candle from his cake and licked the frosting off.
   "Min, you're gonna get your germs all over the cake!" I jokingly whined and begrudgingly pulled myself out of Shownu's hold.
   "Right, right. Sorry mom!" Minhyuk apologized as he laughed a little. Jooheon slowly walked behind Minhyuk and gently rested his hand on Minhyuk's back. Minhyuk stiffened up a bit then melted— possibly because he was distracted by cake.

       Minhyuk's pov
   I finished apologizing to Kihyun and felt a hand gently take rest on my mid back. I dont know who's hand it is on my back, but I hope he doesn't move.
   I was stood anxiously as I blew out the candles, but Jooheon's touch is calming. Far too calming.
   Why am I so calm about Jooheon's skin ship? I never let anyone touch me for this long, not even family or friends!
   I shook those thoughts out of my head and decided to live in this moment. Kihyun had worked so hard on the cake that I don't want to disappoint him. Instead, I allowed Jooheon's hand to stay in place. Jooheon and I could bicker later— cake comes first.
   Wonho sliced into the cake and began serving pieces on some plates. Wonho handed me the first piece saying, "Birthday boy first!" I smiled in thanks and picked up a fork, then sat at the table.
   My eyes widened after the first bite, as did everyone else's as they ate.
   "Yoo Kihyun, you've done it again! This is amazing!" Wonho exclaimed with a mouthful. Kihyun and Shownu looked at each other and began laughing hard.
   "Yoo Kihyun?" Kihyun asked Shownu in a fake deep voice, mocking Shownu.
    "Uh oh, gotta go!" Shownu exclaimed and fake ran towards the living room before coming back.
   The ten of us all smiled as we remembered our first day in the No Mercy dorm. In the midst of this, Jooheon's hand slid from my back to beside my hand.
   I only noticed where his hand was once he gained confidence to lace his fingers with mine.
  "Happy birthday, Minhyuk." Jooheon quietly says ad he rubs his thumb on the back of my hand.
   "Thank you, Jooheon." I whispered back just as quietly. I gave his hand a light squeeze and continued to enjoy Kihyun's beautifully frosted, vanilla cake.
   I let my head fall to Jooheon's shoulder— all of the previous tears and the restless night had exhausted me. Jooheon's head soon rested on mine as I fell into a deep sleep, cherishing his warmth and closeness while I was tired.

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