Chapter 28

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Kihyun's pov

Wonho smirked again, knowing he had completely shut me up. "If you regret it, why did you kiss back with so much need and want?"
"I thought you were Shownu." I hopelessly whispered as he opened the door. I felt utterly defeated as I gave up fighting. The single thing I could do was silently cry even more fiery tears from my puffy eyes.
I pulled my phone from my pocket and typed Shownu a quick text.
Nunu 🐻
Wonho found me
I'm back at the dorm
I'm so sorry

"Even after all of this, you're still trying to run back to Shownu? Kihyunie, I already told you he isn't worth wasting your time on!" Wonho exasperatedly exclaimed as he brought me to his bunk.
"And you are?" I questioned as I ran just as soon as I was sat down on his bed. I heard Wonho growl a little under his breath as I left.
I ran into Shownu and I's room and quickly locked the door. I crawled into Shownu's bed and pulled his blanket over my tattered form. Everything around me then faded to black once I laid down.

Shownu's pov

Ki 💜
Wonho found me
I'm back at the dorm
I'm so sorry

I read Kihyun's texts to myself as I stood in the rain. I pulled my hood tighter to myself and began sprinting as fast as I could, not caring at all how my lungs begged for me to slow down.
I made the ten minute walk to the dorm in two minutes by running. I pulled the door open then stumbled through the door. Not caring how much water I was dripping, I made the journey to my room and twisted the handle. Locked.
I continuously knocked on the door, "Kihyun! Ki, it's Shownu, please let me in!" I begged the closed door. I heard no response from the other side. "Ki? Baby? Are you okay?" I asked to no avail.
I clenched my jaw and rolled my shoulders before walking to Wonho's room. I angrily knocked on the door but gave a deceiving smile to Wonho.
"Wonho? What did you just do?" I asked the smug male. Wonho lifted his eyes to meet my own.
"I told you how I feel about Kihyun, and what I would do if I found him first. I kissed Kihyun, and he kissed back." Wonho states as his smirk grows more.
Why would Kihyun kiss Wonho back? Am I not good enough?
"He- he kissed back?" I timidly asked, my angry façade lowered for a second before I raised it back up. "Oh, he kissed you back, huh? I'm seriously betting he regrets it. Why else would he have locked himself in our room?"
"Maybe he's realizing you aren't what he wants." Wonho says with a sickeningly sweet fake smile. "Maybe he's realizing he doesn't want someone who has hurt him— someone who has triggered his ptsd oh so frequently."
"I may not be the best for him yet, I may not be exactly what he wants— but I'll try my hardest to be the best for Kihyun. I'll be the best soulmate possible to Kihyun." I coldly reply before walking away from him.
   I'm coming, Ki. Don't worry!

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