Chapter 10

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       Trigger warning: abuse, homophobia
      Kihyun's pov
  Feeling arms wrapped around my waist, I smiled as I awoke. I let out a quiet yawn and gently rubbed my eyes.
    I really hope yesterday was just a dream. Please let it have been a dream!
   Hesitantly, I looked at the arms wrapped around my stomach. They didn't look like Shownu's arms at all. They were much lighter than Shownu's arms, and my name wasn't on either wrist.
     I turned around in the pair of arms and found Wonho. I let out a sigh of relief that it was my best friend. My happiness, however, didn't last long.
    That means yesterday really happened? He really pushed me away?
    With tears threatening to spill, I slowly got out of Wonho's grasp. I stood up beside the bed and groaned, feeling how much the bruises hurt. I stumbled my way in front of the bathroom mirror then first looked at my arms. Shades of blue and purple littered my arms. I changed last night without inspecting my body so I feared what I would see.
   Gingerly, I tried to lift my shirt over my head. It took some emotional convincing and strength to pull off  my shirt. Once my shirt was on the floor, I first looked at my chest in the mirror. What once was a smooth, pale chest now had an angry hand print in the middle. Hesitantly, I turned around to look at my back.
   My eyes widened and I gasped. I barely lowered the band of my sweatpants to see how far it bruised. My entire lower back is various shades of blue and purple. I laughed bitterly, not wanting to believe that these bruises were real. I put my hands on each side of the sink and lowered my head.
   See Kihyun, this is why dad hit you so much. I'm so easy to bruise that dad got a sense of pride seeing the colors litter my skin. He always said it would toughen me up; that it would make me more of a man.

        Flash back

  I walked into my house as quietly as I could. If I made a lot of noise I would wind up with more scars and bruises than I already carried. I tiptoed towards my rooom but was yanked back by the blue collar of my shirt.
    "Where are you going, Kihyun? You know better than to run off so quickly!" The deep voice of my father boomed.
   I flinched. "No- no where!" "You know it's only worse when you lie. Why do you never learn?" He pulled me by my collar back into the living room, only to push me to the floor. With dazed eyes, he looked around for what item he would choose to use. Finding nothing to spark his interest this time, he instead used his fists and feet.
   He pulled my face up to look at his own. "You're just so easy to bruise! What kind of a queer  little faggot of a son did I create and raise? If only you would toughen up, then this wouldn't happen as severely!" He shrugged then gave a quick slap to my left cheek. My head turned with the force and my hand reached towards the mark.
   My father only sighed then kicked me in my side. Knowing I would never be able to overpower him, I curled up in a ball on the floor and just let it happen.

          Flashback over
  I struggled to pull myself out of my memories. I turned the tap on and rinsed my face with water then put my shirt on. I fake smiled to myself and walked out of the bathroom, knowing I would have to cook breakfast once again. Knowing that I would have to face Shownu again.
      I don't think I'm ready...

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