Chapter 31

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    Shownu's pov

    After punching the floor repeatedly, and getting majority of my self anger out, I shakily stood up and walked to one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs.
   A few minutes later, Wonho runs into the waiting room, tears also streaming down his cheeks.
   "How is he?" Wonho asks, his voice unstable from his tears and worry. I wiped a few tears from my cheeks with the back of my hand— which I just now noticed the knuckles had begun to bleed.
   "When I asked the paramedics they said they didn't know if he would wake up this time." I sobbed before continuing. "They said if he did wake up, it was likely he could have some amnesia. They said he would most likely forget some of the events that lead up to this second time."
   Wonho lifelessly fell into the chair beside me, he put his head in his hands. I leaned my head against the wall, my heart felt too heavy having to sit in the hospital again so soon.
   The scent of Clorox and other disinfectants burned my nostrils as I tried to calm my breathing. A nurse passed us by but quickly walked over to us.
   "Sir, what happened to your hands? They're bleeding!" She exclaimed as she took my aching hands into hers.
   "I punched the floor." I dryly laughed. All of the pain I felt had caused me to feel numb completely. The nurse calmly pulled me out of the waiting room into another room,  she then began to clean the small cuts on my hands.
   She wrapped some clean gauze on my knuckles then secured it with tape. I quietly thanked her before walking back into the waiting room.
    I emotionlessly sat down in the chair and stared at a scratch on the wall. The paint surrounding the scratch seemed to be chipping off.
    After a long moment of silence passed, Wonho tapped my shoulder.
   "Shownu, what do we do if Kihyun doesn't wake up?" He timidly asked, not meeting my eyes.
    "Kihyun's will to survive is far too strong for him to pass like this. Knowing him, he would probably wake up just to put us back into line." I soullessly muttered as I anxiously gnawed on the already chewed up pull string of my hoodie.
  "He will pull through this." I tried to convince us both. "He's strong, Kihyun is a strong boy."
   With a sad smile, Wonho finally raised his gaze to meet my own.
   "Did you know Kihyun already got his soulmate mark? He has been eighteen for who knows how long, and he didn't tell either one of us about it. Yet he made absolute sure Minhyuk, the same guy who spewed hate after hate, had a happy birthday party."
   "Kihyun got his soulmate mark, his birthday passed, yet he told no one? Why wouldn't he tell us? Why wouldn't he tell me?" I asked in a hushed whisper.
"Maybe he didn't know how? Maybe he didn't want to? Only he would know." Wonho replied then rubbed his puffy eyes.
He can tell me anything, he has told me so many dark things he hides, but he can't tell me his mark showed up? I thought Kihyun trusted me a bit more...

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