Showho 25k special

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Thanks for showing my story so much love! This will be my last update until another big milestone for this story: 50k. I just don't have so much time anymore with 11 works in progress. I'm sorry, please understand guys.

    Wonho's pov

   I smiled down at the set of photos in my hands, tears slowly rolling down my cheeks. They were photos of my first sonogram. The fetus was barely a dot, but I was overjoyed with the sight. It would soon enough grow into a bigger dot, then eventually a baby.

   I froze up wondering what my boyfriend would say. He didn't even know I could conceive, mich less did I know. What would I tell him?

    "Oh yeah, hey Shownu? Remember the night we had sex for the first time? Yeah, it sorta got me pregnant, here's the photos!" I exclaimed, not knowing Shownu was behind me.

    "You're pregnant?" He asked, dropping the basket of laundry he held. I turned around like a deer caught in the headlights of a car.

   "I'm sorry, I know you probably don't want it, but please don't be mad at me," I cried, just from imagining my boyfriend hating me. He quickly dried my cheeks as I cried harder.

    "Please don't be mad at me..." I sobbed. Shownu quickly pulled me into a sweet kiss, keeping a small distance between our stomachs. Once he pulled his lips away from mine, he knelt in front of my stomach. He softly held onto my hips as he kissed my belly.

    "Hello my love, its your daddy speaking. I'm going to take such good care of you and your dad, you won't believe it. I'll never leave you, I promise." He spoke to my stomach. I smiled down at him and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Aren't you mad at me?" I asked tearfully. My hormones have been really acting up since I became pregnant.

    "No, no I'm not. I'm happy you're pregnant, Wonho. I'm so excited to be a father!" Shownu smiled. I grinned through my tears.

    "Shownu I- Ah!" I screamed feeling a sharp pain in my stomach.

    "Are you okay?" Shownu asked.

   "The doctor says pains are normal sometimes but- oh god..." I exclaimed feeling a liquid running down my legs. I looked down and found blood dripping down my thighs through my shorts.

   "Shownu! I'm losing them!" I exclaimed as I cried. I knelt on the ground as the pain became worse and worse.

    "Call me an ambulance and stop gawking Shownu! I need your help baby please." I whined as the pain increased. Suddenly I heard sirens.

    "Please save my baby." I repeated over and over and over while I was transported to the hospital.

    "I'm sorry sir, but the fetus is gone." The doctor apologized and left the room, tears in her eyes. 

     I sat emotionless in my hospital bed in a gown. Shownu tried to talk to me, but I ignored him.

    "I lost my baby?" I asked finally after a full week of silence in the hospital. They kept me to run many tests.

    "Yes we did." Shownu replied somberly. I cried for the first time in a week, and the tears wouldn't stop for what seemed like ages.

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