Chapter 20

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Kihyun's pov

Shownu carefully led my dizzy self to a kitchen chair and made sure I was sat down.
    "Don't worry, Ki. We're capable of cleaning our own mess!" Shownu states before turning away from me. Before he walked away, he leaned down and gave a soft kiss to my forehead. He walked away with a smile on his lips.
  Heat rose to my cheeks as I sat still. With a small smile I touched my forehead- right where he kissed me. I felt my forehead tingle as the warmth from his lips faded. The smile didn't seem to leave my face.
   Soon, the eight men finished cleaning the kitchen and Hyungwon returned from his shower- no longer drowned by the white flour. My dizziness faded as I walked into the now-clean kitchen.
    "Good job guys, you cleaned that wreck of a mess up." I muttered as I walked towards the fridge.
     "Minhyuk, are you ready to celebrate?" I asked over my shoulder as I took the cake from the fridge.
    With a shaky sigh, Minhyuk nodded then raked his hand through his messy bangs.
   I carefully took the cake to the table and placed it in the middle. I opened a box of candles and slowly pushed eighteen of the blue and white candles into the center of the cake.
   Before I could search for a lighter, Shownu pops up behind me— scaring me slightly— and lights the candles. He took me by my hand and calmly lead me a few steps away from the table so Minhyuk could blow them out.

     Third person pov

   As this happened, Jooheon was stood in a corner, his hands in his pockets, as he sadly watched his soulmate near his cake. He knew of what Minhyuk did in the bathroom— his arm being a telltale sign.
  Jooheon also knew how large of a homophobe Minhyuk is- or hopefully was. He had witnessed firsthand as Minhyuk threw insult after insult of verbal abuse to Kihyun while Shownu wasn't around.
   But now, how would Minhyuk change— If he did at all? Would he fall for Jooheon as Jooheon fell for Minhyuk? Would he only become more malevolent and cruel? Jooheon didn't know what would happen between them.
   The pair had been getting along so well— save for Jooheon being shy around Minhyuk. They weren't clashing or sending rude comments— they were simply coexisting. But to Jooheon, he was happy they were friends. The thought of Minhyuk hating him sent knives of agony through his heart and mind.
   It would nearly kill Jooheon if he knew what Minhyuk thought of them— disgusting humans.
   Minhyuk absolutely hated that his soulmate was a guy. He didn't mind that the guy was Jooheon, just the fact that his soulmate was a guy too.
    Although Minhyuk couldn't deny to himself an interest in Jooheon, he would never say such aloud. Instead of dwelling longer on these pestering thoughts, he made a silent wish within his mind and blew the candles on his cake out.

         'I wish this is all just a sick, twisted joke...'

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