Chapter 30

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Shownu's pov

Yet again I had to hear the horrid siren. Yet again I had to sit back and watch as Kihyun was placed onto a stretcher. Yet again I had brought harm to Kihyun.
My head began to dully ache as I held back a flood of tears. My bottom lip trembled as I watched them take away my sickly pale soulmate.
I tried to get into the ambulance but was stopped. "Sir, we cannot let you in." The paramedic states as he pulls Kihyun, who is still passed out on the stretcher, closer to the ambulance.
"He's my soulmate, let me go with you. He's my soulmate, don't stop me, please." I begged as I showed the paramedic my wrist with Kihyun's name on it. He sighed then nodded, motioning for me to sit on a bench inside the ambulance.
I quickly took a seat and grabbed one of Kihyun's cold hands. I looked away as a paramedic attached an IV to Kihyun's inner arm.
"Can you tell us why he passed out?" Another paramedic asked as she checked Kihyun's vitals. Her eyes widened seeing a lower pulse.
"I think he got too stressed; the doctor had said for him to not do anything stressful or he could pass out again." I replied as I lightly squeezed Kihyun's limp hand.
She nodded her head then connected Kihyun to oxygen. "What's his name and age?" She asked as she worked.
"Yoo Kihyun, he's seventeen." I muttered as I looked over Kihyun's slightly sunken in face. A tear slid down my cheek as I noticed just how much more think Kihyun had gotten.
"Will he be okay?" I asked the pair of paramedics who were working on stabilizing Kihyun.
"It's too soon to say anything for certain, but he may have memory loss if he wakes up." The female paramedic says after thinking for a bit.
"If he wakes up? What do you mean if he wakes up?" I question as my eyes well with more scalding tears.
"Kihyun is so young, he's under weight slightly, and this is the second time he's passed out from this one concussion. His brain may not be able to handle it." The male says as he looks at me with remorseful eyes.
The fiery tears quickly raced down my cheeks. My head felt too heavy as it began to hang. Sobs wracked my body as the ambulance pulled into the emergency side of the hospital.
The pair of paramedics quickly jumped out and pulled the stretcher out. They rolled Kihyun's unconscious form into the hospital as they exclaimed indecipherable comments to the nurses and doctors who ran to the stretcher.
"Sir, you can't go any farther. Please, let go of the patient's hand." A doctor asked as he grabbed my hand that tightly held Kihyun's. My grip never faltered as I daringly looked the doctor in the eye.
"Sir, if you do not let go I will result to using force." The doctor states. I didn't let go— I couldn't let go of Kihyun.
The doctor exhaled loudly then pulled my hand away from Kihyun's. He then wheeled Kihyun away behind a par of doors as a few nurses followed behind.
I fell to my knees on that hallway floor of the hospital emergency room. My silent tears changed into blind anger as o began to punch the floor with as much force as I could muster.
Kihyun, I'm sorry. I think I love you..

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