Chapter 19

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Okay y'all I got into a school play so these parts may be a little less frequent but it'll still be updated at least weekly.

Kihyun's pov still
Once fully collected, Minhyuk and I arose from the cold bathroom tile.
"Ugh my butt went numb from sitting so long!" Minhyuk whined then genuinely laughed. I laughed with him as we walked back to the kitchen.
No amount of past cooking mistakes could have prepared me for the mess Minhyuk and I entered to. The other eight trainees made a huge mess in the kitchen.
Sure, they were laughing and having fun, but the kitchen! There was spilled juice and coffee coating the table, floor, and some of their clothes. Poor Hyungwon was even completely covered in flour.
Minhyuk looked to me, unsure of what we should do. I motioned for Minhyuk to cover his ears. I quietly sighed before screaming. Once everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to me, I began calmly speaking as I carefully walked into the kitchen.
"Guys, what is this mess? Why is Hyungwon suddenly the Pillsbury Dough Boy? I leave y'all alone for," I looked at the oven clock, "thirty minutes and my kitchen gets wrecked?"
   The eight boys hung their heads before apologizing.
   "Thank you for your apologies, guys. Clean this mess up spotless and I will forgive you." I replied as I scanned over just how large a mess they managed to make.
   My eyes flashed to the table as I remembered Minhyuk's cake.
   "At least you had the decency not to ruin the birthday cake I worked so hard on." I mumbled as I placed it back into the fridge.
    Hyungwon closed his eyes tightly as he tried to wipe some flour from his face. I gave up the angry façade I held up.
    "Did you guys have fun at least?" I asked. They all nodded with small smiles on their faces.
   "Then that's all that truly matters." I smiled back before helping them clean some.
   A few minutes into cleaning, I realized we wouldn't get too far with Hyungwon continuously losing the flour that clung to him.
   "Hyunwon, go on and shower that mess off, we can't clean it all if you keep snowing!" I laughed a little as the powdered doughnut I knew as Hyungwon retreated.
   "I've got to ask, who floured him?" I snorted as I dried some coffee up.
     "That might've been me but you'll never know for certain!" Wonho exclaimed as he put the bag of flour away.
    "Hmm, that half empty bag in your clutches says otherwise." Minhyuk chimed in as he wiped down the stove. Shownu let out a chuckle as he and Seokwan washed the dishes.
    Hearing him laugh, my head whipped around- quite possibly too quickly as I got slightly dizzy. I held onto the counter hoping it would pass.
   "Ki, are you okay?" Shownu asked as he came to stand beside me, sliding his arm around my waist to support me.
    "Yeah, I guess I moved too quick." I mumbled.
    "Kihyun!" Shownu whined, "You know the doctor said not to move suddenly! Come on, sit down for a bit. The eight of us have it covered. We're almost done now."
    Shownu carefully pulled me to sit down in a now clean chair. I carefully rubbed at my temples and forehead.
What would I do without you, Nu?

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