Chapter 25

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Kihyun's pov
As I laughed I leaned my head onto Shownu's shoulder, deeply inhaling his intoxicating scent. I couldn't put my finger on what exactly, only that it made my head spin.
"Kihyun, can I talk to you for a second?" Wonho asked as he stood in the doorway, he tapped his foot on the floor.
"Aren't you talking to me already?" I coyly shot back, a smug smile on my lips as I craned my neck to look at him.
Wonho sighed. "Yes, I am talking to you, but this is serious, Kihyunie. I need to talk to you, I don't think it can wait any longer."
I turned around in Shownu's lap, my back now laid comfortably on his chest. "If you really need to talk to me, you can say it in front of Shownu; we've silently promised no secrets." I explained.
Wonho closed his eyes in annoyance for a few seconds before walking farther into to room.
"Kihyun, Shownu, I really am happy you two are getting along so well, but isn't this much progress in such a short time a little weird to you?" Wonho asked as he took a seat on the bed opposite Shownu and I.
"Not really...?" Shownu trailed, "Why would it be weird? Because we're two guys?"
"Don't jump to an accusation like that, Shownu. I couldn't care any less that you're both males, but rather how quickly your pace is. You've known each other's physical existence for, what, six weeks now? And just two days ago, you were put into the hospital, Kihyun, because of Shownu's recklessness. Here you are, forty eight hours later, sleeping in the same bed as each other, in a bedroom all by yourselves." Wonho was cut off by Shownu.
"Don't try to tell us we're going 'too fast,' what matters is we are comfortable in our relationship, as of now it holds no true title apart from soulmates. Remember, Wonho? How soulmate pairs will feel a pull towards their destined half? I really can't help how I feel towards Kihyun, but if it makes him uncomfortable any at all, I will back off and avoid repeating it."
I opened my mouth to speak, but Wonho beat me to it.
"I understand that, but I don't think you've grasped just how hard he was crying into me Sunday night. Poor boy couldn't even breathe properly until ten minutes after his tears subdued." Wonho began, leaning forward a little defensively towards us.
My hands began to shake a little as I played with Shownu's left hand, my unstable fingers tracing my name.
"It wasn't a panic nor anxiety attack like he's had before a stage, Shownu. You know just how bad his PTSD is, especially when he first met us all. Cowering when a voice was slightly raised. Growing pale when alcohol was even mentioned. Running out of a room when two members play fought.
"It- it took so, so long for him to have enough courage to just look us in the eye. I don't want to go back to that time again; I don't want Kihyunie to be that scared around us. I'm scared you're going to cause chaos and just leave Kihyun and I to pick up his shattered pieces." Wonho finished, slightly out of breath. He looked as though a weight was lifted from his shoulders.
"I'm not going to hurt him." Shownu was interjected by Wonho again, "Shownu. You said that again to me two adays before this mess happened, what's to say it won't again?"
"Guys, can I butt in?" I whispered. "Guys." I said a little louder. The two didn't seem to hear me and continued bickering. Even as I moved off of Shownu's lap and out of the bedroom, I was unnoticed.
I can't handle this, they're getting really loud! But where do I go? Wonho is obviously busy, Minhyuk is sleeping, and I don't want to bother anyone.

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