Chapter 2

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    Shownu's pov

I was shaken awake, hearing, "Come on, wake up! I made breakfast. If you don't get up and eat, don't complain to me later!"

 Their hands left tingles in their wake on my skin. I quickly sat up and rubbed my eyes. It was the trainee I had yet to meet, stood on the ladder to my bunk. I looked into his brown eyes and my whole world froze. The only thing I could see was his smooth, angelic face- which had a small scowl on it.

   He quickly climbed down the ladder and I followed, pulling on a shirt once I reached the floor. I made my way into the kitchen and took a seat at the table. I began to eat as the guy placed coffee in front of the sleeping trainees. 

  Out of no where, Wonho shouted, "Yoo Kihyun this food is amazing!" Then ate some more. 

  "Yoo Kihyun?" I whispered as I looked to my wrist. 

   Yoo Kihyun is the name of my soulmate, my other half. I looked up at the teen I now knew as Kihyun, both of our eyes wide with surprise. His cheeks became a bright shade of pink, then he quietly ran out of the kitchen. I quickly sat down my silverware and followed him out. 

   When I found him, he was curled up under his blanket. His hair was peaking out from under the blanket in some spots. I quietly laughed as I kneeled by his bed. 

   "So, you're Yoo Kihyun, huh?" I questioned as I smoothed his unruly hair down. "Nope, wrong bunk, sorry dude!" The little lump on the bed squeaked out. Making sure not to pull his hair, I slowly pulled the blanket away from his face. His eyes were squeezed shut and he covered his face. 

  I carefully removed his hands from his face. "Kihyun, please be serious. Is this your writing on my arm?" I asked, now sitting on the floor, holding his hands in mine. His eyes flickered to the writing on my wrist, then he slowly nodded. 

"I'm only seventeen so I don't have a name on myself yet." Kihyun sighed out. "That's okay, Kihyun. You're still young; you're seventeen. I'm twenty two so I've known your name for a while now." I replied.

   I smiled before hugging him; his arms wrapped around my neck just as quickly as mine moved around his waist. I felt him deeply exhale into my shoulder, his breath tickling my neck.  

   Suddenly, he inhaled sharply and jumped back out of the hug- I fell back to the floor. Confused, I looked at him only to find tears rolling down his cheeks. I quickly got up and sat beside him on his bed, trying to stop his tears. Before I could try to dry his tears he slapped my hands away. 

   "No! This shouldn't be right!" Kihyun sobbed out, "Why am I your soulmate? What terrible thing sin did you commit to be stuck with me?" This took me aback. 

   "What do you mean, Kihyun?" I asked, then finally dried his tears.

 "You shouldn't be stuck with me, Shownu. I'm- I'm not okay; I'm not good enough for you. We may have just met, but you really don't need me to burden you." Kihyun cried out, "Plus, this isn't normal! We're two guys, Shownu! This shouldn't happen!" 

   "Kihyun, we aren't the first same-sex soulmate pairing. There's been a few girl pairings and one other male pairing. If it wasn't normal -or about to be normal- why would it keep happening?" I reasoned as I continuously dried his tears. 

   "But look what happened to them! None of them lasted as long as regular couples, Shownu! That single guy pairing had a double suicide because of the backlash! And they weren't even in the eye of the public! What would happen to us? You can't cover the soulmate mark up, the second we show up on No Mercy it will be known a second gay pairing emerged!" Kihyun continued. 

   "Ki, we cant control the soulmate bond. What we can control, however, is how we handle it. We don't have to end up like those guys and girls. We'll get through this, together." I promised. Kihyun froze as I began speaking. His cheeks flushed once again and his eyes widened.
I thought nothing of it and left the bedroom a few minutes later - after Kihyun had calmed down.

Kihyun's pov

Shownu left the room once he stopped talking. He left so abruptly it made me confused. 

There isn't any time for confusion in this, Kihyun. You have to be prepared for your first performance tonight! 

While in my thoughts, Shownu walked back into the room, carrying a plate of food and some coffee.

"You didn't eat yet, Kihyun. Here, see how well you did." He said as he carefully put the plate on my lap, and placed the coffee on the bedside table. I smiled shyly and began eating the food I cooked. 

After a few minutes, Shownu began asking me a few questions. "What song have you prepared for tonight?" He asked with genuine curiosity. I swallowed the food in my mouth then replied, "Hyeya by Jonghyun. I think I'll do pretty well with such a desperate song. What've you prepared?" 

"I'm going to sing All Of Me by John Legend then dance to Add Me In by Chris Brown." Shownu spoke again, a smile rising to his cheeks. He seemed excited to perform on stage. 

When he smiles he looks like a bear! I internally awed. "Have you noticed how bear-like you look when you smile?" I asked. "People call me a polar bear." Shownu shrugged. 

"It's adorable." I giggled, now was Shownu's turn to blush. "Well then, I guess I should keep smiling!" Shownu laughed too. 

    After spending the next few hours together, he and I went our separate ways to prepare for our solo performances tonight. The time I spent getting ready was a blur, suddenly I was already dressed and prepared to go on stage. 

    I sat in the green room -anxious- and watched as Shownu performed first. As I listened to Shownu sing, I began to feel bewitched by its sound. He quickly became my favorite vocalist, regardless of his lack of  a career. 

    For his entire performance, I was entranced by him.

Edited: August 29, 2020

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