Chapter 24

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Shownu's pov
I intertwined my pinky with Kihyun's smaller one and stamped our thumbs together with a small smile.
"I promise, Yoo Kihyun. I- I don't actually know how I've survived these past few days since I- since I.." I choked back tears as my voice cracked. Kihyun seemed to understand as he nodded his head slightly.
With tears threatening to spill and my head pounding, I gently sat Kihyun and I up on his bed. My fingers slowly made their way to the bottom seam of Kihyun's gray cotton T-shirt.
I looked into Kihyun's eyes, silently asking permission to lift his shirt. He shyly nodded his head, whispering "Go ahead."
I gently pulled the gray shirt off of Kihyun's slender body then placed it on the bed. A tear fell from my eye once I saw the bruises on his back.
   The dark hues of purple and blue painted his lower back. They seemed almost endless as they faded upwards to the middle of his back. I gently rubbed above the bruises, hoping not to make them ache anymore than they probably did.
   I grew more disgusted with myself the longer I studied the bruises. I carefully turned Kihyun to face me as we still sat on the bed.
    I saw the less severe-but more emotionally traumatizing- bruise shaped like my fingers on his chest.
I lightly ran my right hand— the hand that shoved Kihyun from the bunk— over the bruise just under his pale collarbone.
Liquid pain poured from my tear ducts; the bruise was a perfect match of my hand. Without a second thought I pressed a kiss onto the bruise, my tears rolled onto his chest and lap.
   The weight of the past occurrence grew heavy in my psyche as I lowered head shamefully. I couldn't conjure any words even if I wanted to as I carefully pulled Kihyun onto my lap. I felt Kihyun's small hand thread it's fingers through my dark hair.
   Here he is comforting me even though I was the one who caused this pain— his pain. I don't deserve him, I don't deserve his love or caring nature directed at me.
   "Kihyun, why don't you hate me?" I mumbled as I caressed my nose into his neck, my tears still dripping onto him.
   "Why don't I hate you?" Kihyun asked for confirmation.
   "Why do you still care about me? I was the one who hurt you, you should hate me." I whispered just loud enough for him to hear me.
    "You're one of the most important people in my life, I couldn't hate you for anything. I might get disappointed, but never hate you for anything. We're young, we are bound to make mistakes and hopefully grow from them." Kihyun wisely states, "That-that was a mistake, right?" He then worriedly asked.
   "Absolutely! I never want to do that again— I never wanted to do it in the first place, but I can't change the past. I have to live with what I've caused." I exclaimed once I lifted my head from the crook of Kihyun's neck.
   We then heard an impatient cough from the doorway. "Am I interrupting something?" Wonho asked with a small smile as he looked from me to the shirtless Kihyun still sat facing me in my lap.
   I looked Kihyun in the eye and we laughed a little together as we saw Wonho's surprised look.

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