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     Im so excited about Wonho so I wrote another special chapter!

Third pov

     "Kihyun!" Shownu exclaimed and ran into the hospital room. He slid onto the floor beside the bed and held his boyfriend's hand softly.

     "Who are you?" Kihyun asked softly, not really sure of who the man was who held his hand. He nonetheless allowed the contact to continue, secretly enjoying the stranger's presence.

    "You- you don't remember me?" Shownu asked confusedly. His eyes scanned the younger male for any hint of his words being a lie.

   "Should I?" Kihyun asked cautiously, he moved on the bed to get more comfortable. Shownu raked a hand through his hair.

    "I guess not after the wreck you were in. Well, I'm Shownu, Son Shownu, and you're Kihyun, Yoo Kihyun. Our names are on each other's bodies." Shownu spoke and showed Kihyun his wrist. Kihyun pulled the blanket down to see "Son Shownu" written on his thigh.

    "So before the wreck, I actually found my soulmate? We're both guys though!" Kihyun exclaimed and covered his legs back up anxiously.

    "Do you remember Monsta X?" Shownu asked worriedly. Hopefully their group hadn't lost their main singer.

   "Yeah! I was our main vocalist. Then, why don't I remember you?" Kihyun asked. Shownu shrugged his shoulders but continued to hold Kihyun's hand in his.

    "You must have hit your head too hard. Is there anything you want to know?"

   "Who were you to me? Were we dating?" Kihyun asked timidly. Shownu glanced down at the rings on Kihyun's hand and his own.

    "We were married, Kihyun. We got married two years ago after I proposed during No Mercy. So, you don't remember me at all?" Shownu questioned is lover. Kihyun shook his head.

    "I'm sorry." Kihyun apologized and lowered his head. Shownu smiled softly and lifted his chin.

   "It's okay, maybe I can get you to fall in love with me again- from zero." Shownu said and caressed Kihyun's cheek.

   "I can already feel that I loved you, but I'm scared of it. I lost all of my memories of you, Shownu. What do I do?" Kihyun's eyes watered out of fear. Shownu wiped the tears as they fell.

    "Hey, Hey, don't worry. I'll be okay, I'm just worried about you. You got hurt coming to see me." Shownu mumbled and kissed Kihyun's forehead. He quickly pulled away with wide eyes.

    "I'm sorry—"

    "You missed. If we were married, I want to see videos, pictures, anything. I want proof! But, can you kiss me again?" Kihyun asked shyly. Shownu smiled and kissed Kihyun on the lips sweetly.

    "Anytime you want me to." Shownu smiled once he pulled away. Kihyun pulled him into another kiss by his nape.

    "As much as I love this, you probably feel like I'm a stranger. Look, I have pictures from our wedding." Shownu says and clicks on a picture of them stood at the alter. He showed Kihyun the picture of them exchanging rings and the video of their vows.

    "I was really in love with you, wasn't I? You know what? Let's live like I never lost my memories. Let's live like I remember every second I spent with you. If we were this in love with each other, you shouldn't have to suffer because I can't remember." Kihyun claims and pulled Shownu into another kiss.

    "You lost your memories?" Wonho asked sadly, his hands tightly clasping the bear he brought for the younger male.

     "Wonho!" Kihyun exclaimed embarrassedly. His cheeks were tinted red.

    "You remember me?" Wonho asked calmly. Kihyun nodded.

   "I remember everything except for loving Shownu. I don't know how that could happen, but here I am." Kihyun sighed. Shownu stroked his hair calmingly.

    "Don't worry, I'll be okay. I just want you to be happy. Now, you have to get better! We were in the middle of a tour." Shownu chastised Kihyun jokingly. Kihyun nodded his head and saluted his husband.

    "Alright, babe. I'll try to heal as quickly as possible." Shownu choked on his saliva at the pet name.

    "We're already back to babe and baby?" Shownu asked happily. Kihyun nodded his head, then held it in pain.

    "Ugh my head hurts." Kihyun whined. Shownu pressed the nurse button on Kihyun's bed. A nurse enters and asks what's wrong.

    "My head hurts." Kihyun repeated himself. The nurse nodded and turned up the morphine drain.

   "Thank you." Kihyun says as the nurse leaves.

   "Don't stress yourself out too bad, baby. You went through a lot over the past few days." Shownu says and kissed Kihyun's hand. Wonho shakes his head.

   "Enough with the cutesy, how is my niece doing?" Wonho asked Shownu. Shownu smiled awkwardly.

   "Niece? We had a daughter?" Kihyun asked shocked. Shownu nodded his head and pulled up a picture of their one year old daughter.

   "Awe, she's so cute! Did- did either of us make her, or did we adopt?" Kihyun asked. Shownu smiled.

   "You were very adamant that she was yours. You had Mary be our surrogate and now we have little Kiyeon waddling around the house." Shownu says sweetly and shows a video of Kiyeon's first steps.

    "She's ours?" Kihyun asked again for confirmation.

   "Absolutely! And we have another one on the way." Shownu smiled and showed Kihyun a picture of Mary's latest ultrasound.

   "We retired from the group, right? To focus on our family?" Kihyun asked. Shownu nodded his head.

   "We have more than enough money between us to fully support our family, so we decided to leave the tours, but still be part of the music." Shownu comments and gently toys with Kihyun's fingers.

   "I love you!" Kihyun exclaims excitedly. Shownu blushes.

   "I love you too!" Shownu captures Kihyun's lips in his once more.

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