Chapter 9

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Wonho's pov
I gently moved Kihyun and I off my bunk, then carefully lifted the back of his shirt to look for bruises. They weren't dark bruises, but they would be tomorrow. I had to take a few calming breaths before speaking again. "Shownu is as good as dead, Kihyun."
   I had told him many times 'don't hurt Kihyun or else!' And what does he do?
    I lowered Kihyun's shirt and sat him back down onto the bed. "I'm gonna go grab you an ice pack, do you need anything else?"
   "It might sound a little silly, but can you get my brown stuffed bear please? I can't sleep without it! It's on my bed- but please don't hurt Shownu, he probably didn't mean it." Kihyun muttered, looking down at his hands. "Okay, I'll be back in a bit Ki." I nodded and left the room on my small mission.
    Planning to get the worst over with first, I walked a few doors down and opened it. Biting my tongue, I walked to Kihyun's bunk in search of the brown bear. I kneeled at his bunk to look, but couldn't find it. I sighed, knowing I would have to ask Shownu where Kihyun's bear was.
  I stood up then poked the lump on the top bunk. "Shownu!" No response. I groaned and pulled the blanket back, only to find the man in question curled up to the bear and crying silently. When his eyes finally opened and looked to me, he gave a small glare.
   "Shownu, Kihyun wants his bear." I put it simply, trying to control myself. Shownu whined but nevertheless gave me the bear. I held the bear and stepped down the ladder.
   While I'm here, should I grab him pjs or something?
   I opened Kihyun's suitcase and grabbed out a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. I zipped back up his suitcase then made my way out of the bedroom.
   Once I was in the kitchen, I opened the freezer and grabbed an ice pack. Then I opened the fridge and grabbed a couple juices and a snack for Kihyun. With my hands full of Kihyun's stuff, I walked back into my room.
   Reaching the bed, I first handed Kihyun his bear and clothes. I sat the drinks, cookies, and ice pack beside him. His eyes softened and he smiled wide. "Thank you so much, Wonho. I really don't know what I would do in this world without you." Kihyun stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist.
   "No problem, Ki. I promised I would be here for you, and I intend on keeping that!" I exclaimed as I ruffled his hair, a gentle smile resting on my face. After a little bit, he pulled away and picked up his clothes. He smiled at me once again then left to change. A few minutes later, Kihyun hesitantly stepped back into the room- as though as he might set off a trap.
    Kihyun eventually came back towards my bed after I made grabby hands. He giggled a little then crawled under the blankets with me. I raised my left arm and he quickly laid down on my chest, letting out a content sigh.
   Oh Shownu, if you hadn't shoved him he would've been this close to you! You're such an idiot.

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