Chapter 29

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    Shownu's pov

    "Ki, please let me in, I'm not mad at you. I'm a little disappointed, but not mad. Open the door?" I asked after knocking. "Ki? Kihyun?" I asked, this time more worried about him.
   Receiving no response, I tried to open the door again, although I already knew the outcome. I pressed my ear to the door to listen for any sign of Kihyun. As I knocked repeatedly on the door, Hyungwon sleepily came out of his room and rubbed his eyes.
  "Quit knocking Shownu, use the stupid key!" Hyungwon groaned then stumbled towards the living room. I smacked myself on the forehead.
Why didn't I remember the key?! I'm so stupid! Anything could be happening behind that door yet I'm just knocking away!
   I reached my hand to the top of the door frame in search of the small metal object. My anxious fingers caused the key to fall from the frame. I sighed then quickly grabbed the bronze colored key and stuck it into the lock.
  I pulled the now unlocked door open. My shaking eyes scanned the room for my soulmate. I noticed the large lump on my bed and scampered towards it.
  "Kihyun, are you okay?" I asked as I lightly shook the sleeping male. "Kihyun?" I shook him a little harder, but not enough to hurt.
Why isn't he waking up? He isn't responding to being shook.
I sat down on the bed beside Kihyun and continued to shake him. I physically couldn't do anything besides shaking him; my body just wouldn't cooperate.
'Don't dance or get too stressed, I don't want to see such a young man here again' I remember the nurse saying just before Kihyun and I walked out the front door of the hospital.
Oh my god Kihyun! He's passed out again— this is twice in a single week!
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent a text to Wonho.

Come to my room

Have you finally came to your senses?

No, but neither is Kihyun
He stressed out too much
He isn't responding to anything

The second I pressed send, Wonho bounded through the door. "You better not be lying to me, Shownu." Wonho exclaimed before his eyes fell to the unresponsive Kihyun laying in my bed. His smug façade quickly dropped as he quickly walked towards Kihyun and I.
"Kihyunie, wake up! Stop acting like you're asleep. Kihyunie, it isn't funny anymore!" Wonho teared up as he carefully tried to wake Kihyun up.
I dialed 911 and put the phone to my ear.
"I need an ambulance, my soulmate passed out again. He has a concussion and isn't responding to anything I try." I cried into the phone.
"Sir, you're going to have to calm down a little. What's the address?" She asked as I heard her click a few keys.
I quickly told her our dorm address and she dispatched an ambulance. "The ambulance will be there as soon as possible, please remain calm." She states then hangs up.
How the heck do I stay calm? Kihyun has passed out again because of my actions!

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