Chapter 27

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Thank you for 4000 reads and 300 votes <3 I didn't really expect this book to reach even 10 reads honestly 😂
Kihyun's pov

"Why did you run away, Kihyunie?" The still-muffled voice asked, "You really scared me!"
"You guys started fighting and raising your voices, so I panicked and bolted." I mumbled as I wiped my tears from my cheeks.
"I'm sorry Shownu and I got loud, I was just really worried.." he replied as he smoothed my frizzy hair down.
"Yeah, you two were— wait! You aren't Shownu?" I timidly asked as I meekly opened my eyes to see the spaced out form slowly merge into one.
"No, I don't know why you were expecting him to find you. That idiot was looking in every place you wouldn't be, but I found you. I found you first." Wonho explained with a smirk on his lips.
"Wonho?! Why on Earth would you kiss me? You know I was perfectly content with the forming relationship with my soulmate!" I exclaimed, a new wave a tears washed over me.
"Well why wouldn't I kiss you?" He slyly states as he pecks my lips again. "They're intoxicating, no wonder that imbecile cares about you."
"Wonho, haven't you realized what you've just done? What you're causing?" I choked out and scooted away from him a bit.
"Shownu clearly doesn't deserve you, look how he has treated you, Kihyunie. But yet through your struggles, your problems, who was there more? Who was always there to pick up your shattered remains?"
"You were always there, but I thought you were a friend; a brother! Not a lover!"
"Come on, Kihyun, be real with me. He wouldn't be capable of protecting you, loving you as you should be, caring for and about you. Shownu just isn't that kind of man." Wonho says as he helps me stand up from the muddy ground. My legs wobbled and my knees buckled underneath me.
Without batting an eye, he lifts me into his arms and begins walking. In my weakened state I tried to free myself of his grip.
"No, Wonho! Stop trying to feed me all of your lies, they aren't going to work!" My scratchy voice exclaimed.
"They aren't lies, Kihyunie. Shownu doesn't deserve your love, your caring nature. He isn't worth wasting your time on."
"He's my soulmate, Wonho!" I cried, still thrashing around in his iron grip. "He is my soulmate— Shownu is! Wonho, you aren't the name on my thigh, Shownu is. 'Son Shownu' is on my thigh, not 'Shin Wonho!' Let me go!"
"Who really cares anymore, a lot of pairings choose to stay as friends. Kihyunie, I really like you. If I didn't I wouldn't be out in this downpour carrying you back to the dorm. Just, think it over, okay?"
"What is there to think over? My soulmate versus the guy who I cheated with? Oh my god I'm a cheater! I cheated on Shownu!" My eyes burned with more and more tears that formed.
"Shownu is going to hate me, and it's all your fault! Why did you have to kiss me?" I wailed.
"Why did you kiss back?" Wonho shot as he carefully shifted me in his arms.
"I thought you were Shownu! I didn't know who you actually were, I regret it!"
"If you regret it, why did you whisper 'That felt right' after I pulled away?" Wonho asks as we near the front door of the dorm. My tear-filled eyes widened.
Why did kissing Wonho feel so right, so perfect?

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