JooHyuk special

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     Third pov

   "Stop, Jooheon, just stop. What's done is done, you can't change it. Thank you for telling me." Minhyuk stood up from his chair and turned to leave. Jooheon grabbed his wrist gently.

   "I was drunk, Minnie. I didn't mean to get with Wonho. We were both drunk out of our minds, and we had sex. It was just sex, not love! I promise you I regret it and hate myself for not stopping. I'm so sorry, baby." Jooheon spoke softly as he rubbed Minhyuk's hand.

   "Don't "baby" me, Jooheon. We're soulmates! We shouldn't cheat on each other! I thought you loved me, Joo. What changed?" Minhyuk asked tiredly.

   "Nothing changed! I'm still as in love with you now as I was when you found out we were soulmates. Please believe me, Minnie. It meant nothing, I swear." Jooheon spoke comfortingly.

    "It sure didn't seem like nothing when I walked in on you two. Do you know how bad I felt- how bad I feel? You were screwing another man! How else am I supposed to react?" Minhyuk exclaimed tearfully. Jooheon pulled Minhyuk into a kiss. Minhyuk pulled away quickly and slapped him.

   "No! You cheated, Joo! I don't want you to kiss me yet! Give me some time, Jooheon. Maybe after I cool down some we can still be together." Minhyuk claimed and left the room.

Jooheon dropped to his knees on the carpet. He made up his mind and ran out of the room towards Minhyuk.

"I can't let you go, Minnie. I'm in love with you, I can't lose you. I'll do anything you want me to to forgive me, anything. Just- please don't leave me." Jooheon cried. He held weakly onto Minhyuk and sobbed into his back.

"I love you too, but you overstepped boundaries that shouldn't have ever been broken. Am I not enough for you?" Minhyuk finally let his tears fall down his cheeks.

"No, you're more than enough for me. I'm just really stupid when under alcohol. I should have never drank in the first place." Jooheon comments. He hides his face in Minhyuk's chest instead of his back.

"You were and are stupid for thinking it's all okay because you apologized. I'm tired, Joo. I'm tired of you being out so late. I'm tired of you ignoring me unless you need something. I'm tired of being used." Minhyuk confessed, his head hung.

"I'll change- I promise! I'll do anything for you! Please don't leave me!" Jooheon wept. Minhyuk gave the older male a look of distrust.

"You can't change over night, it's impossible. Find me again once you know you're a different man." Minhyuk muttered and pulled himself free. He grabbed his keys and walked out of the front door of their shared apartment.

"Goodbye for now." Minhyuk called and shut the door quietly. He let silent tears continue to fall as he sat behind the steering wheel.

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