Chapter 33

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Shownu's pov

"Wonho, I'm—"
"Save it, Shownu. It's been three years, I should be okay by now. I should be at peace by now, but here I am, going after your soulmate. This isn't fair to you, I should be the one apologizing here." Wonho cut me off.
"No it's both of you who should be apologizing." Minhyuk exclaims as he and Jooheon sit in other plastic hospital chairs.
"Neither of you thought to tell the others when you rushed out of the dorm to the hospital. Neither of you stopped to tell the rest of us, who all, newsflash, care about Kihyun. I get that it was hectic, but we shouldn't have had to find out on our own one of you three was hurt because of the ambulance sirens." Minhyuk verbally exploded.
Wonho and I both lowered our heads like scolded children.
"So, what happened to Kihyun? Why are we back in the hospital a whole,three days later?" Minhyuk demanded.
"I may have kissed Kihyun and made him too stressed." Wonho mumbled.
"Wonho, there is no 'may have,' you either did it or you didn't." Minhyuk spoke.
"I'm not proud of it, okay? I didn't mean for this to happen, I just thought he might like me back." Wonho replied sadly, his eyes grew misty.
"Wonho, nothing against you buddy, but why would Kihyun like you back when he has Shownu? His soulmate?" Jooheon tried to reason.
"Well, Shownu had caused so much pain to Kihyun I thought he might've fallen for me. I was always there for him after he fell apart each time. I thought it was possible." Wonho states, feeling crestfallen.
"Wonho, I never hurt him knowingly—"
"Oh so your body just randomly spasmed and make Kihyun fall off the bunk and get the concussion in the first place?" Wonho cut me off again, fire hot anger blazing in his eyes.
"That's not all my fault, Wonho! It was you two who were so close in the first place! Anyone else would have thought the same!" I exclaimed.
"Yes they would have but most would have had the intellect to ask first before reacting! You didn't have to act so carelessly and hurt him!" Wonho yelled.
"Alright you two, shut up! We are in public, stop fighting!" Minhyuk interjected and covered both of our mouths.
"Ack, Wonho stop it, you aren't five, stop licking my palm! Anyways, when I remove my hands, I don't want to hear a single word. Do you both understand that? Not a single word." Minhyuk droned.
Wonho and I nodded our heads in acknowledgment. Minhyuk slowly removed his hands and slumped back in his chair. He grimaced and wiped his spit covered left palm on his pants leg, muttering "I swear you act like a kid sometimes."
Minhyuk yawned and put his head on Jooheon's shoulder. Jooheon smiled and wrapped his arm around Minhyuk.
Wonho and I both looked at the pair in yearning, just wishing to do the same with our soulmates.
Please pull through, Ki. Please hold on...

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