Chapter 34

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I'm probably not correct about any of the medical stuff in this, don't take everything for 100% fact.
Shownu's pov

"Family of Yoo Kihyun?" A Doctor finally asked as he walked into the waiting room.
"That's us! What's wrong with Kihyun?" I exclaimed, worry lacing my voice. I quickly stood up and faced the doctor, Doctor Lee.
"I am sorry to inform you that Yoo Kihyun has yet to wake up. As of now, Kihyun has a high probability to wake up within the next two days." Doctor Lee states as he holds his clipboard close to his chest.
"Will he have any amnesia or memory loss?" Wonho asked as he bit his nails.
"While it is possible, we cannot—" Doctor Lee was cut off by a frantic nurse running into the waiting room.
"Doctor Lee, come quickly! Yoo Kihyun is failing!" She exclaimed before running back out of the room. Doctor Lee and the four of us quickly chased her.
"Wonho if he dies, I will never forgive you." Shownu growled, though tears welled up in his eyes once again.
The four of us start weeping as we follow the medical pair. We eventually make it to Kihyun's intensive care unit room and we run into the blindingly white room.
"We're losing him!" The same nurse yelled.
"Nurse! Grab the defibrillator, clear out the room!" Doctor Lee barked as he ran towards Kihyun's bed.
"You're going to have to leave." Another nurse claims as she pushes us out of the room.
"I'm his soulmate, let me stay, please!" I begged as I showed her my wrist. She hesitated for a minute before sighing.
"I could get in so much trouble for this. Stay out of the way and you can stay." She quickly replied as we run back into the room.
"Ki, please make it, please don't leave me." I whispered as I looked at Kihyun, my shaking right hand touches the soulmate ink on my left arm.
"We're losing him!" The nurse yells again.
God, if you can hear me, please let him live. Don't take him away from me, he's only eighteen! I prayed as I watched the three shock Kihyun.
"Increase the voltage by twenty volts!" Doctor Lee yelled before grabbing the defibrillator pads. "Clear!" He shouts.
"Let's go again— clear!" No response from Kihyun came. "Again! Increase the voltage to one hundred sixty!" The only sound ringing through the otherwise silent room was a lengthy beep.
"We have to call it. Time of death, 1:32 Am, Tuesday, August fourteenth, two thousand fifteen." Doctor Lee sighed. The three of them began crying as the realization kicked in— they had lost such a young patient it ached within their hearts.
"Is he okay?" I whispered. The three look at me remorsefully but do not reply.
"He's alive, this is just a joke, right? He set you up to get me back?" I walked closer to Kihyun's body. I grabbed a pale, cold hand within my own and brought it to my lips.
"It isn't funny, Ki. Stop joking!" I exclaim, tears racing down my cheeks. I finally looked down to my wrist for the final confirmation.
The name that gave me so much strength— Yoo Kihyun— was Crossed.

Thank you all for reading my book and rating it so well. This book has been my child for the past almost four months, and I'm sad to say this is the ending of my story. There will not be a sequel, this is it.
If anyone is confused, Kihyun is dead. His brain and heart couldn't handle the stress so they gave out.

Oh yeah! To add insult to injury or salt to the wound, the 1000 special was what would've happened if Kihyun had lived. :)
Ended: September 7,2019
P.s: check out my other books if you want to :)

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