Special chapter *Showki*

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A shy Kihyun walks up to his husband-who was laying on their bed reading a book- with a small smile. His cheeks are red with embarrassment, and his heart is pounding, but he is adamant about this. For once in his life, Yoo Kihyun was absolutely sure of something.

He wants a family.

"Shownu, can I talk to you for a minute? It's important..." Kihyun trailed off. He anxiously played with his fingers as he looked anywhere but his lover's face.

"Of course, come here!" Shownu exclaimed as he put his book away. He sat upright and scooted over togive Kihyun room to sit down.

"You know you can tell me anything, so what's up? What's on your mind?" Shownu sweetly asked his soulmate.

"I- ah, it's nothing. It was a stupid question, never mind." Kihyun mumbled then turned on his sock-clad heel. He took a step before he felt a hand lightly grip his wrist.

"There's no such thing as a stupid question, Ki. What did you want to ask me?" Shownu asked as he gently pulled Kihyun to his lap. Shownu lovingly wrapped his arms around the younger male's waist.

"Well, I was just wondering," Kihyun began, his voice in a normal sound level, " I want us to start a family." He whispered, his voice too low for Shownu to understand.

"Sorry babe, what did you say?"

"I want us to start a family, Shownu! I know we haven't talked about having kids since we met in No Mercy, but I-" Kihyun was cut off by a sweet kiss from his lover. Shownu brought his hands to gently cup Kihyun's cheeks as he caressed them softly.

"Then come on, let's make one." Shownu breathlessly mumbled against Kihyun's lips. Kihyun laughed a little to himself.

"Shownu, we're both guys, we can't make a baby together."

"We can hire a surrogate, or we can adopt. I don't mind either, but I know you want a child of your own making."

"Really? So you aren't mad I want kids?" Kihyun timidly asked. He lowered his gaze to his hands in his lap. He felt Shownu's hands softly brush through his hair before a chaste kiss landed on his forehead.

"No, god no, I'm not mad, Ki. I know kids have always been a priority for you, so I've prepared myself for when you did want them. But do we want someone close to us to surrogate, or a professional?" Shownu replies.

Kihyun could feel his heart swell with love and happiness. His eyes watered as he looked into Shownu's eyes.

"I love you, Shownu. I really, truly do. I don't think God could have paired me with someone more perfect for me." Kihyun says as salty tears of joy drip down his cheeks.

"Hey, hey, don't cry. I love you, so incredibly much, Ki. Now, let's get to work on that baby!" He joked and flipped Kihyun onto his back on the bed.

"Shownu!" Kihyun whined as the prior sweetly kissed all over his face. Kihyun's cheeks flushed red as he gently tried to push the older away.

"Later, babe! For now, let's see if maybe Mary would want to be our surrogate. I'd rather be able for us to help out with the pregnancy instead of just getting the baby once they're born." Kihyun points out as he pulls his phone from his pocket.

"Wow, you're really adamant about this, Ki." Shownu spoke with pure admiration towards the younger. Shownu smiled to himself as he saw the sparkle in Kihyun's eyes as he typed away to their female friend.

"Nu, she agreed! She said she would be our surrogate, now we just have to figure out how this works legally." Kihyun exclaimed. His eyes still shone bright with their excited gleam.

Shownu could feel his world falling perfectly into place.

Oh my god thank you guys so so much for 10 thousand reads and 560 votes. I made this story on a whim six months ago for a class writing project. Now in November, 2019 this story has reached an achievement I couldn't have even dreamt to meet.

I know these stories aren't written as well as I'd like them to be, but thank you so so much. I am truly grateful to you guys for this. As I'm writing this author's note, I'm holding back tears.

    I wanna thank my best friend The_Ghost_Queen3 for always reading my stories and giving feedback, and my wonderful irl girlfriend for always keeping me happy and giving me inspiration. I love you both 💜
I'll try to make even better plots for you guys to enjoy! Though the actual story has come to a close, I'll still update from time to time with short additions.

And if you haven't already, check out my other stories I'm writing!

-Seeing Red(Yoongi and Jimin of bts)
This was my first story I started way back in January, 2019. I enjoyed writing it so much it inspired me to start this one as soon as I finished it.
^Soul mate AU^

-Trapped In The Past(Jaehyun and Taeyong of NCT)
This is one of my newest works. I love writing it so incredibly much.
^Vampire Jaehyun x Angel Taeyong^

-It's Pulmophia, Love (I.N and Bang Chan of Stray Kids)
This story is one of my favorites to write, because it's so easy to come up with new ideas for it.
^Gang AU^

   -An Angel and a Demon(Changbin x OC x Jisung of Stray Kids)
I started this story for one of my best friends whom I absolutely adore.

   -I'm Sorry( Young K of Day6 x OC)
This is one of my stories I decided to write because of the fact Young K writes so many sad and sarcastic breakup songs.

   I'd appreciate if you guys would just give the stories a try. Even if you don't stan the groups, the stories are written in a manor so that they're still understandable to a non-stan reader.

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