Chapter 22

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Here's a pretty soft chapter, I'm sorry it's kinda a filler 😂

Jooheon's pov
Minhyuk laid his head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I sat as still as I could but wrapped my arm around him, so he wouldn't fall.
    I had expected him to sleep for a few minutes but that had quickly turned to thirty. I gently shook Minhyuk.
   "Minhyuk, come on. Lets get you into bed." I managed to mutter and helped Minhyuk stand upright. I held  one hand around his waist and another on his hand and led him into our shared dorm room.
    I pulled his blanket back and guided his sleepy form onto the bottom bunk he resides in. I then pulled the blanket up and over his body. Minhyuk snuggled deeply into his blanket and pillow. I smiled and turned to leave. However, I was halted.
    Minhyuk's bandaged arm shot out from the burgundy comforter and grabbed my hand. I turned around confusedly and looked down at the half-asleep boy.
    "Please, stay.." Minhyuk begged as he tugged me closer to himself on the bed.
    "Minhyuk, you're just sleepy. You don't actually want us to sleep in the same bed." I replied sadly. The smile I held had faded as I thought of what he'd actually say.
     "I don't care, come here." Minhyuk demanded this time and pulled me into the bunk and under the comforter.
    I awkwardly pulled the blanket to cover us better. Minhyuk didn't act awkwardly at all— he instead placed his head onto my chest and fell asleep to my heartbeat.
How did you manage to fall back asleep so quickly Min?
I snapped out of my thoughts as my eyelids grew heavy. I pulled Minhyuk closer and succumbed to sleep myself.

   Kihyun's pov
     A smile rose to my cheeks. Jooheon held Minhyuk so gently, as though Minhyuk may break from the slightest of pressures. Jooheon led the sleepy younger male out of the spotless kitchen.
    Shownu suddenly grabbed me by my hand and pulled me into our dorm room— that now sadly held just our two bunks. He shut the door before turning towards me with a sly smile.
   "Why did you bring me in here, Nu?" I asked as I pulled a stuffed bear to my chest.
That smile always makes me nervous..
   "I'm just really sleepy although I've had coffee." Shownu pouted as he sat down beside me. I shyly smiled back and laid down, Shownu followed my lead and laid with his arm open expectantly.
   I gave him a confused look until he pulled me into his hold. I grinned and sat my head on his chest. His arms wrapped around my waist and my left hand rested on his stomach.
As Shownu's breathing and heart rate slowed and evened, my left hand fiddled with the cloth under my hand.
Being held like this, it's calming. I feel loved. Why do I keep pushing him away?
Before Shownu succumbed fully to sleep, he sleepily muttered a thought that was plaguing my mind.
"Ki, why do you continuously push away my affection? I don't like being pushed away.."

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