Chapter One

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"'Always be careful whom you trust.'", Rapunzel quoted with heavy gasps.
Why? Why in the world did this give her such a sick sense of deja-vu?
Suddenly it dawned on her as she stared into Cassandra's hateful glare.
Varian. This reminded her of Varian's betrayal and words.
"Sorry princess,", Varian's words echoed to her from the past,"but I know firsthand how well you keep promises." , Varian fired.
And now Cassandra was throwing fire for her to be burned down with.
"Yes Rapunzel," Cassandra nodded an evil smile lighting upon her face, "Tell me,", Cassandra ventured,"Who do you trust now?"
"I don't understand Cass, why are you doing this?!? Why? I thought we were friends!"
Tutting Cassandra shook her head,"Poor Rapunzel. Poor, naive, little princess Rapunzel. I tried to warn you about the world and now it is time you pay the price."
As Cassandra spoke she grew a couple of rocks around herself, demonstrating her newfound powers.
Rapunzel tried to break through,"Cass, listen! I don't know what I did to you but I'm so sorry. Please, whatever it is this isn't the way."
Eugene pulled Rapunzel up to her feet and stood protectively beside her.
Cassandra smiled, "That's where you're wrong Rapunzel. This is the way."
And before anyone could say 'knife' Cassandra thrust her arm towards them growing a volley of rocks at an immense speed.
Eugene pulled Rapunzel away right as a rock would've impelled her. He then pushed her as more rocks chased after them.
"What about Cass? We can still try to...", Rapunzel cried but was cut off by Eugene.
"No Rapunzel, no we can't. Cass is is a madwoman and she's trying to kill us. Right now we need to focus getting out of this alive!", Eugene panted banging on the door.
"Eugene, we're trapped in here and Lance and the others probably don't even know we're in trouble. We need to try to talk to her."
"Blondie, stop being so hopeful and help me get this open!"
Rapunzel dodged a rock and shook her head, "She's still my friend Eugene, I've got to try."
Suddenly rocks erupted everywhere and Eugene dove onto Rapunzel, shielding her.
Rapunzel and Eugene embraced each other waiting for the end. After a few moments Eugene chanced a peek and gasped.
"Blondie, look!", Eugene said as Rapunzel opened her eyes. The two were wrapped in Rapunzel's glowing unbreakable hair in a protective dome, sheltering them from the rocks.
"We're alive!", Rapunzel grinned kissing Eugene on the lips. Eugene smiled and was about to return the favor when suddenly the dome shook and rocked violently, making the two slam into the walls of hair.
"What is happening?", Eugene cried trying to regain his footing.
"I think Cass is hitting us with rocks!", Rapunzel shouted as the thumping of rocks became louder.
As the two were being shaken Cassandra was pummeling the rocks against Rapunzel's hair trying to break in.
Every time the rocks hit the dome though, they curved away and didn't do any damage besides hitting the outside.
"Come on!!!", Cassandra yelled through gritted teeth as she gave all her willpower into the rocks.
Back inside the dome things were getting ugly as the two were being shaken like coins in a piggy bank.
Rapunzel looked at Eugene and took his hand, "Eugene, do you trust me?"
He looked at her trustfully and tightened his grip, "I always trust you Sunshine."
Rapunzel smiled, "Okay, here goes nothing!"
And before Eugene could blink Rapunzel dropped the dome of hair and jumped down the abyss, pulling a yelling Eugene with her.
"What the ?!?", Cassandra yelled in shock as the two hurtled to their doom. "They must have lost their minds!"
Then a sudden realization dawned on Cassandra, "Her hair still can dome around them! Thought you could get away Rapunzel? I don't think so.", she said staring down into the abyss.
She then jumped down and after a long fall rolled onto her feet, not breaking a single bone in the process.
"Rapunzel, where are you?",Cassandra called searching the area.
After several moments of quiet she started blasting rocks at nooks and any other possible hiding place.
After she had torn the area apart Cassandra glared at the area, "Listen close Rapunzel, you may have been able to hide from me but you won't hide forever and once your out of hiding, you're done for.", she threatened.
And with that she turned away and grew the rocks as steps up back to the top of the bridge.
Rapunzel and Eugene watched her go from their hiding spot and breathed a tiny sigh of relief.
"Told you it would work.", Rapunzel whispered.
"Yah, it worked but can we get out of here? The blood is all rushing to my head."
"Of course.", Rapunzel whispered dropping them from their upside down hiding spot. The two had hung from a jutted cliff edge upside down like bats, concealing them from view and any rocks.
Eugene rubbed his head, " Never again please."
"I make no promises.", Rapunzel smiled, "Now how are we going to get out of here with the rest of our friends?"
Suddenly they heard yells and the sound of objects crashing up above them.
The two exchanged a look and Eugene smiled bitterly, "I think Cass has found them and they now know that she's evil. Hopefully they'll run if they know what's good for them."
Rapunzel's hand went towards her hair but Eugene stopped her.
"Rapunzel, I know you want to help but we need to let them deal with this."
"But Eugene, we can't just leave them!", Rapunzel protested.
"I know and I don't like it as much as you but we will only put them in more danger, Cass is only after you.", Eugene said.
Rapunzel looked upward listening to the chaos that was going on upstairs.
Eugene took her chin and gently turned towards him, "Hey look at me, they're going to be fine. They're all strong and brave people, I trust they are all going to be okay."
"Alright Eugene.", Rapunzel relented her heart feeling very heavy. "Let's get out of here."
Rapunzel then whipped her head around as all the chaos became deathly quiet. Not a sound pierced the air except the two's labored breath.
After a few agonizing moments of quiet suddenly Lance's voice cut through, "Eugene? Princess? Are you here?"
"Son, where are you? Son, can you hear me? Son!", King Edmund shouted along with Lance.
"Down here!", Rapunzel called waving her arms. Eugene joined her when the group on the bridge finally heard them and peered over the edge.
"Princess, you're alive!", Lance exclaimed.
Adira came over, "Are either of you hurt?"
Eugene shook his head then remembering they couldn't see them yelled that they were alright.
"We're going to get you out, hold on.", Adira told them.
After a few moments a long rope fell down to them and the two had climbed up to their friends.
The group gave quick hugs and caring words for the next few minutes before asking what had happened.
"So what happened up there?", Eugene asked Lance, Adira, and King Edmund.
Smiles faded as Eugene drew them all back to the reality of what had just happened.
Lance swallowed, "While we were waiting we heard yelling and crashing so we started trying to come in and help. Once we finally got the door open though Cassandra attacked. She was different and had rock powers and we were not prepared. We didn't know what happened but we did know we had to defend ourselves. After a fierce battle Cass just disappeared."
"Disappeared?", Rapunzel asked in shock.
"Yup, poof. Gone.", Lance said miming an explosion.
Eugene held up his hands, "Wait, so you're telling me Cass just disappeared? How is that possible?"
"I don't know son, you tell me.", King Edmund said crossing his arms. "I can't believe I let you go in there and now look where we are now, the moon drop is in the wrong hands!"
"We didn't know Cass was going to betray us!", Eugene fired.
"You should have seen the signs but you ignored them and let her go in there with you. So if it's anyone's fault, it's yours and Rapunzel's.", Adira fired back at Eugene.
"This isn't Rapunzel's fault!!!", Eugene yelled.
"Guys, STOP!!!", Rapunzel yelled over the heated arguments.
Everyone stopped and looked at Rapunzel.
"Listen, you're right. This is sort of all my fault and we had no way of knowing Cass would do something like this but we need to stop fighting. Nothing is going to get better if we're all at each other's throats.
"So if anyone has something to say make sure it won't cause tension between us, we already lost a couple of friends, we don't need to lose anymore.", Rapunzel finished.
The group looked guilty but then mumbled apologies to each other and shook hands.
"Alright then.We're good?",Rapunzel asked.
Everyone nodded.
Rapunzel looked at all her friends and her heart ached realizing Cass didn't want to be a part of it. She was going to get Cass back no matter what, even if no one believed she could.

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