Chapter Thirty-Three

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A little AU drawing :)

Cassandra was impatient.
She was done with waiting and done with trying to be subtle and she was especially done with the Separatists.
"It's simple, spread out and find Rapunzel. How hard could that possibly be?", she muttered annoyed as she walked on the dirt road of Old Corona.
She had sent off the Separatists to search Corona for Rapunzel and all of them were worse then a bloodhound with a no scent.
She didn't care if Corona knew they were there or not.
The only thing and desire she had in her mind was to find Rapunzel.
She looked behind her and shook her head in disgust as Varian lagged behind.
"Come on! Stop walking like you're dying and help me search!", Cassandra commanded.
Varian groaned, "But we've been walking for the past couple hours, the sun's been beating down on us, I'm starving and we've been going uphill. I'm tired okay?", he said sounding like a whiny teenager.
Cassandra stopped and waited for Varian to catch up to her.
"Listen, I know you're tired of walking, but unless Rapunzel is going to walk straight up to us, we gotta continue.", she said crossing her arms annoyed.
Varian sat on the ground and looked up at her, "You never know. Rapunzel just seems to walk into danger blindly so the chances of her coming to us are pretty decent.", he commented as Ruddiger chittered in agreement.
"I don't care. We're still walking.", Cassandra said glaring down at him.
Varian looked up at her and then shook his head, "That's a no.", he said defiantly.
"You walk.", Varian said lying on the dirt, "I'm going to rest."
Cassandra looked at him for a good ten seconds before she kicked him in the gut making Varian yell out in pain.
"What the heck was that for?!", he wheezed sitting up and holding his stomach.
"Let's go.", Cassandra said staring at him in challenge.
Varian got the message and stood up and followed her without complaint as Ruddiger stroked his cheek.
That's when Varian had a thought come to mind.
"Hey Cass, where's Owl?", he asked realizing he hadn't seen Owl since he had been was put in jail.
Cassandra glanced back at him, "Who?"
Varian smirked, "You sounded like an owl.", he laughed then becoming serious again.
"You know,", Varian prompted, "Owl. Your pet owl."
Cassandra thought for a moment and then nodded, "Right, Owl. He's gone now.", she said turning away.
Varian's eyes grew sad, "He died? I'm so sorry."
"He didn't die, he just left me. Which in itself is kindave worse then him dying.", Cassandra admitted.
"Oh.", Varian said meekly before going quiet.
Cassandra glanced back at him before continuing and sighed.
He was still to weak and soft, but he could still play his part.
Varian would be perfect.
She smiled thinking about how close she was to achieving her goal.
"Can we at least eat something?", Varian asked breaking her thoughts.
"What?", she asked confused whipping around annoyed.
"I need to eat something, I'm starving.", he said crossing his arms.
Cassandra sighed, "You'll live."
"If I don't eat I'll get hangry.", Varian warned as she heard his stomach growl impossibly loud.
"You'll get What now?"
"Hangry.", Varian said simply.
Cassandra blinked, "The heck, that's not even a word!"
Ruddiger chittered in protest as his stomach growled along with Varian's.
"Is to.", Varian said defiantly, "And it just means when I get hungry I get angry. Therefore, hangry."
"Hangry, angry, I don't care. We're walking and we're going to find Rapunzel. So stop your bellyaching..."
"We kindave can't stop if we don't eat anything.", Varian interrupted pointingly as his stomach let out another growl.
"...and move your lazy rear ended self over here!", Cassandra finished highly ticked off.
"But I'm hungry!", Varian whined flopping onto the dirt.
"I thought you said you were hangry.", she pointed out looking at him lying in the dirt.
He looked up, "I am, but this is only one mood of hangry and it's deprived. I'm exhausted.", he moaned faceplanting back into the dirt.
Cassandra's eye twitched, "Fine whatever! Let's get some food so you'll stop whining and move!", she said while throwing her hands in the air.
"Alright!", Varian exclaimed jumping to his feet, "Let's go!!", he said pulling her along behind him.
Ruddiger chittered in agreement as they rushed off to the nearest food source.
"Funny how you suddenly have energy all of a sudden.", Cassandra muttered as she ran along side Varian.
They arrived at a little food peddlers cart and Varian with no hesitation, raided the whole thing.
"Sweet food!", Varian said happily cramming little sweet rolls in his mouth.
"Will you just hurry up already?", Cassandra said impatiently as she tapped her foot in annoyance.
Varian looked up from a mouth full of vanilla covered-strawberries, "You don't want any?", he asked in shock.
Varian shrugged, "More for me!"
He then continued to eat and after he was done, shoved some extra food into his pockets.
"Was that really necessary?", Cassandra asked annoyed as she pulled Varian away from the cart.
Varian and Ruddiger nodded their heads in unison, "Yup. We'll need food later too, you know."
Rolling her eyes, Cassandra continued her search, "Alright, you got your food and now we can start looking for Rapunzel again. So no more complaining, you got it?", she warned.
Varian nodded, "Yes, m'lady!", he said bowing slightly.
Cassandra groaned and veered off the path into the woods.
"C'mon, we're going through here.", she told Varian pulling some tree branches out of the way.
"Can't we just use the path?", Varian asked annoyed.
"We have used the paths, but I now have a hunch where Rapunzel is and it's very off-path. So suck it up and let's go.", Cassandra retorted letting the branch smack Varian in the face.
Varian gritted his teeth in pain and anger as he followed her through the woods, muttering insults under his breath.
"So, you can sense her or something now?", Varian asked sarcastically.
Cassandra turned, "Yes, I can as a matter of fact, but I can only sense the Sundrop, not actually Rapunzel. I just know that we're getting closer."
"Why would she be hiding out in the middle of the woods instead of back at the castle or something?", he pointed out.
"Because, she arrived here about the same way I did. Through transportation. Don't ask how I know, because I already told you,", she warned as Varian raised a finger, "also I figured she might run into hiding as their are demons flying around and she probably went into the woods to lose them and if I figured this out correctly, is hiding out at the old tower sight now.", Cassandra said.
Varian looked at her, "And you couldn't have figured this out a couple of hours ago?"
"Ugh. Shut it.", Cassandra ordered.
She was so close to finding Rapunzel, so close.
She could feel it.

Wowzers Guys, I am so hungry right now! Which haha is probably why I'm writing this chapter like this!

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