Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Everyone blinked at the sight as a couple of demons wreaked havoc on Old Corona.
The demons flew through the air and screamed maniacally while trashing the place, one demon even toilet papering the trees.
"Flying potatoes!", Shorty cried out pointing at the lime green demons.
"Is this Corona?", Eugene asked his face ashen staring at the scene.
Aunt Willow frowned, "I believe it is. And this is still not the cliffs of Camanbaya!", she exclaimed looking at the piece of chalk.
"This is ridiculous!", King Edmund said, "Bring us back to the dark kingdom immediately!"
"Sure!", Willow said shrugging.
"Wait, why are there demons here? Something is wrong and we can't just leave!", Rapunzel objected grabbing her aunt's wrist, preventing her from drawing again.
Max snorted as Fidella whinnied in shock as a demon swooped over their heads.
Eugene's face was still pale as ever, "How did they even get here?"
Adira was quiet as everyone started piping up short theories.
"Another painting class?", Rapunzel suggested.
"How about another demon?", Lance asked.
King Edmund sighed, "It could have been your new moon friend Cassandra."
Aunt Willow glanced at them all, "Who's Cassandra?"
"I don't think Cass has that kind of power.", Rapunzel interjected, "Does she?"
"Who's Cassandra?", Willow tried again, but was ignored.
"It's certainly possible she does.", King Edmund said staring at the flying demons.
"But why would she want to free Zhan Tiri's demons?", Lance asked confused.
Eugene shook his head angrily, "I knew Cass was against us, but I never thought she'd join Zhan Tiri!"
"Eugene! We aren't quite sure Cass did this in the first place!", Rapunzel argued.
"Oh yeah? Well who else do you think did this, huh?! Answer: Cassandra!", Eugene fired.
Rapunzel gave him a look, "Cassandra isn't responsible for every bad thing."
"Will you just stop defending her already?!?", Eugene yelled.
"WHO'S CASSANDRA???", Aunt Willow yelled over them in the top of her lungs.
They all stopped talking, even the demons attention was caught at Aunt Willow's outburst.
Unfortunately the demons then flew toward them as they noticed some new prey.
The demons grinned as they swooped down and their demonic smiles chilled everyone down to the bone.
Adira's face went white, "Everybody, RUN!!!", She commanded.
Rapunzel, Eugene, Lance and King Edmund followed Adira as she ran across the dirt road.
Max and Fidella ran over to them and scooped up the escaping group, except Adira, who could easily run as fast as a horse in front of them leading the way.
After running through the woods and making a couple of sharp turns, the group was able to lose the demons through the trees.
The horses ran full speed ahead with Adira somehow running faster until they came to the old tower spot.
Adira held open the curtain of vines and everyone entered quickly and sat on the soft grass in relief.
The group disembarked from the horses, relieving them from their weight.
"Way to go Maximus!", Eugene praised patting the warhorse's side.
Maximus nodded tiredly and kneeled on the ground for a moment besides Fidella while keeping his ears alert for trouble.
"That was way to easy.", Adira commented while looking up at the sky through the thick leaves.
Lance laughed, "Yeah it was! Maybe we're finally catching a break for once in our lives! Take that you snot-covered demons!", he shouted.
"Don't tempt fate like that Lance, you're just asking for something to happen whenever someone says something like that.", Eugene said shaking his head.
Rapunzel nodded, "As much as I would like to say I'm not a superstitious person, I know anything can change. So please don't say things like that Lance, irony is a cruel thing and I can't take much more of it."
She then turned to Adira, "Do you really think that escape was to easy Adira?", she asked concerned.
Aunt Willow sighed, "So is anybody going to tell me about this Cassandra?"
Rapunzel cleared her throat, "Didn't you already meet her when you came over last year Aunt Willow?"
"If I had, why would I be asking who she was?", Aunt Willow responded crossing her arms. "What's going on niece?"
"Well, Cassandra was my lady-in-waiting last year.", Rapunzel started as everyone's eyes trained on her.
She took a deep breath before casting a quick glance at Eugene who's face was neutral.
"She was tough, loyal, fierce warrior who was a good friend in her own special way.
"She like to fight and test her skills, violence was her way to have fun. But she was still gentle at heart and taught me how to wield certain weapons.
"She made me happy and supported me, helping me sneak out that night on that big party, teaching me how to play chess with a game face, and trying to achieve my dream of exploring the real world.
"Though, in the last week or so, Cass betrayed me. Betrayed,", her lip quivered a little, "Betrayed us, all of us.
"She stole the moon opal from me and is now using the power of the stone for herself.
"Cassandra hates me now, just like Varian, and I don't know what I need to do to fix it.
"I've made so many mistakes in the past and maybe I chose selfishly even if I thought I wasn't. I wish I could turn back time and do things differently, I really wish I could. I've hurt so many people and caused so much pain and now I've lost my best friend because I wouldn't heed her advice.
"She's now a monster, a corrupted being from what she once was, and I have no idea on how to get her back.
"But I know Cass is still in there, she is! Something terrible happened at the house of yesterday's tomorrow and she warned us not to go, but I went anyway.
"I wish I would have listened more, but now it's to late and I lost Cassandra's trust in me.
"I want Cass back.", Rapunzel said as tears went down her face uncontrollably, "I want to practice sword fighting with her or hear her and Eugene fight their petty little arguements. I want to feel her brush my hair and hear her worry about my safety in her way of saying she cares about me. I want to hear her voice again asking me if I'd like something or just sitting together quietly enjoying the day.", she collapsed to her knees crying heartbrokenly.
"I want her to love me!", Rapunzel cried as she covered her face with her hands, "I want my big sister back!!
"I'd do anything to have her back! But I realize the world doesn't care about what I want and the reason we're in this mess at all is because of my selfish wantings.
"I wanted to touch those rocks that made my hair grow back, I wanted to follow the legend of Lord Demanitus, I wanted to go into the house of yesterday's tomorrow and I wanted to go through the Great Tree.
"I was asking for something like this to happen through my actions and I regret every part of it.
"I'm sorry.", Rapunzel cried as her hair draped her face and tears flowed and stained her cheeks.
Eugene went over to her and put a hand on Rapunzel's shoulder, "I know you wish things were different, but we have to keep moving on. Otherwise we get hurt even more and in the process hurt the ones around us."
Sniffing, Rapunzel wiped at her tears furiously a little mad at herself for breaking down the way she did.
Lance nodded, "We can only try our best to make the world a better place princess."
"Your the Sundrop and as the Sundrop, you hold the responsibility of being the light and hope of the people.", King Edmund said speaking, "You can not give up because of your past mistakes because you think it would be better for everyone. I made that mistake once and it cost me my kingdom; don't let the same fate meet you as it did me.", he advised.
Rapunzel looked at Eugene who had already turned away from her and felt her heart sink.
Sighing she stood up a little shakingly and brushed away some more tears.
Aunt Willow hugged Rapunzel, "I'm sorry that your X-lady-in-waiting did that to you."
"Thanks Aunt Willow.", Rapunzel said returning the warm hug.
"So she's a crazy moon demon or something now?", Willow asked as they broke apart from the hug.
"Great! More adventure!", Aunt Willow crowed.
Adira frowned at Willow and bowed her head continuing the previous conversation as if nothing happened, "Yes Rapunzel, to answer your question from before, it was way, way to easy and I'm fearing there is a bigger plan in motion. They should have caught us or at least attacked us, but it seems like they were just trying to scare us...", her eyes widened as she drew her sword.
Her shadow blade.
Everyone tensed as Adira turned slowly trying to listen for any sounds.
"Someone's here.", Adira whispered.

This chapter guys! I love writing this angsty stuff but it kindave makes me sad writing it to. Lol.
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