Chapter Eighteen

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Varian set up the table with all the ingredients he'd collected.
After a long few treacherous hours, he had managed to get what he needed along with the help of his companion, Ruddiger.
"Okay buddy, lets try this.", Varian said sliding the goggles over his eyes.
Ruddiger slid his tiny pair of goggles that Varian had made for him over his eyes and did a thumbs up.
Varian mixed some of the chemicals and watched as a drop of bright green fluid turned a blue chemical into a turquoise element.
A small puff of smoke came out of the mixture as it turned turquoise and dissipated.
"Perfect!", Varian declared pushing the goggles up to the top of his head.
He then poured the mixture into a potted plant, making the plant sprout up with life.
Flowers sprung open with vibrant colors and the leaves spread out aggressively. The whole plant was given a growth boost which rejuvenated the neglected plant.
"There you go my friend.", he said softly touching a petal gently.
The flowers were unique to anything else and his father had treasured that plant.
Varian had always loved its bright violet and dark blue petals and the leaves were shaped almost like stars.
When he was in prison Varian had feared the plant would die, but once he escaped he was relieved to see it had survived but needed some special care.
So Varian had cured the plant, restoring it to health and Varian was extremely happy with himself.
He had managed to save something of his father's.
He then turned to the amber with shining eyes, "Hey Dad, I was able to save your favorite plant. I'm sorry I wasn't here for a while to nurture it, but it's all better now.", he said patting the pot proudly, "I wish you could see it. It looks so heathy and nice.
"I concocted a new plant serum and I think I might work well on the crop and make it grow faster and healthier.
"I'm still thinking of you Dad and I'll get you out soon. I just need something new but until then, it just isn't possible.
"I'll talk to you soon again, I love you Dad.", Varian said to his father lovingly with cheeriness.
He then turned away feeling sad again.
Talking to his Dad was hard, but Varian believed his father could maybe hear him and that was enough to keep Varian going.
I believe Dad would be proud I saved his plant, thought Varian happily.
Ruddiger watched him as he finished and cuddled his leg, almost purring.
Varian smiled and picked him up, "Thanks buddy."
Ruddiger chittered as Varian tickled him under the chin.
"Let's get back to work.", he said pushing his goggles down again all business.
Ruddiger chittered in agreement and hopped off his shoulder onto the table.
Varian and Ruddiger went to work as they made serums and handy mixtures.
They worked all day, occupying themselves and always staying alert for the Coronan guards.
"You know, I can't remember the last time I was this happy Ruddiger.", Varian commented setting down a couple of chemicals.
Ruddiger furrowed his little brow sadly.
"Well, I mean that in a good way. Working with you makes me happy and I don't feel so sad about my Dad. I've learned how to look at things differently and positively. Sure it's hard, but it's worth it.", Varian said putting away the ingredients.
"I know things could always be worse and I was very lucky and blessed with Pete's sacrifice. I sometimes feel guilty for my mistakes, but I know he would want me to be happy and so would my Dad.", he pushed the goggles up and sighed, "I just hope I won't have to keep on hiding."
Ruddiger jumped into his arms, knocking Varian down in his embrace as he licked his cheek.
"Yeah buddy, you're right.", Varian laughed as he squeezed his raccoon lovingly.
Suddenly Varian kneeled down holding his forehead as a splitting headache racked his brain.
"Oww, ow, ow.", Varian mumbled rubbing his temple.
Ruddiger looked at him in concern and his little ears flattened as he watched Varian groan from the pain.
The headache was intense and his head throbbed with pain, making him see things.
Something is definitely wrong here, Varian thought as he clutched his forehead.
"Ruddiger, I need that headache medicine.", Varian managed to say snapping his fingers.
Ruddiger nodded and came back with the relief and passed it to him.
Varian quickly drank the medicine he had made, but it didn't help the headache at all.
"It didn't work.", Varian groaned as frightening thoughts went through his head.
He held his head as his eyes widened with pain and fear. What was happening to him?!?
The headache had appeared out of nowhere and it felt like someone was using his head like a battering ram.
A battering ram against a crashing ocean.
Images flashed through Varian's mind in a scary succession and glimpses of new thoughts ran through his mind as well.
This can't be happening!!!, his mind screamed.
Sweat beaded and dripped down his face as the headache attacked.
Varian's heart beat faster then he thought possible as emotions started to surge their way to the surface.
Emotions that had never been there before.
Varian screamed out in pain as his mind and body went overload, making him collapse to the ground in a heap.
Ruddiger walked over to him slowly, chittering in fear and concern as Varian dropped.
Varian groaned as Ruddiger sniffed him and Ruddiger backed away a little, his ears flattened in fear.
Varian sat up with effort and took a couple of deep breaths and wiped his sweat covered brow.
Breathing slowly and deliberately, Varian held his head gently rubbing it in slow circles.
The headache was gone, but a little throbbing was left behind in his head.
"Ruddiger,", Varian said looking at his raccoon, "I need some water, could you get me a glass."
Ruddiger ran off and came with the water which Varian drank in one go.
Varian then stood up shakily and smiled.
Smiles usually make someone else want to smile along with them, but Varian's was the exact opposite of such a smile.
He smiled.
His face conveyed mischief and wickedness as his eyes glittered.
Ruddiger cowered knowing that Varian was different and he chittered nervously as Varian stood over him.
Varian suddenly laughed in triumph as he awoke from his own mind.
It had worked! It had really worked!
"I'm back Ruddiger!", Varian declared, "Took it long enough to wear off, but it worked!
"And what did I tell you, the Coronans are so predictable especially that Pete guard.
"It was all to perfectly played out, it's almost unreal!!", Varian laughed.
He smiled proud of himself of his cunning and his plan that had succeeded.
The mood potion had done its job and Varian was glad it worked.
Because of course it would work as he was actually changed, actually sorry about all his past crimes.
That was now over and Varian was glad to be rid of his naive ego.
Now I can start planning my revenge again, Varian thought wickedly, and when Rapunzal comes back I'll be ready for her!
"Hope you're ready Corona,", Varian whispered as he smirked evilly, "'Cause Varian is going to tear this place down."
Ruddiger chittered sadly as the true colors of Varian stood and wished for the regretful boy with love to come back to him.

Didn't see this coming I bet 😈

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