Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Cassandra rushed after Lady Caine who led them through the battlefield.
Tired legs pounding the hard uneven surface, Cassandra felt her heart beat faster with every breath.
She felt like the world had already fallen as she ran and jumped over the bodies that already littered the ground.
Swords and fire crashed and clashed against one another as the townspeople and guards fought for their life.
Bright lime green, black and red filled the landscape as demons, magic and blood flew.
This was life or death.
And if everyone wanted to make it out alive it was up to her to help.
Cassandra suddenly then looked up in instinct and drew her dagger as she spotted a couple of demons headed toward Rapunzel and Varian.
Before Cassandra could even blink though, she was pushed aside by Lady Caine.
"Eat metal!", Lady Caine yelled furiously.
She then swiftly threw three of her iron stars into the heads of the three demons, causing them to turn to dust and clearing the way to the massive tent.
Cassandra blinked in surprise and then glared at her as she followed behind Caine, "I had that one Caine.", she panted as she stabbed another demon in the chest.
He dissipated like his friends as Cassandra wiped her brow from the chaos and stress that strained down on her, "I didn't need your help.", she retorted.
Smiling smugly at her, Lady Caine pointed to the tent, "Give me a break sweetheart, you didn't have it at all.", she retorted back before pointing to the base, "The king and captain of the guard are inside, there you can talk to them for your big plan.", she told the group.
They nodded and went down to it as Cassandra entered pace with Lady Caine.
"Just why exactly do you have to be so annoying?", Cass questioned her as she followed the others as Lady Caine finished off another demon that Cassandra was about to handle.
Lady Caine smirked, "What can I say, it's just one of my many talents princess."
Cassandra huffed in annoyance, "I'm not a princess Caine."
"Right, whatever. Just get in the tent over there.", Lady Caine dismissed, "The big purple one in front of your face.", she mocked.
"Yeah, I can see it thanks.", Cassandra retorted back snarkily.
The tent was hard to miss as it was an aggressive vibrant purple against the grey dark skies with flags of bright gold and purple waved wildly in the wind. Cassandra quickly glanced down and saw that the tent was also guarded. Five strong-looking bulky and armored guards stood guard outside, brandishing bows and swords.
Rapunzel and Varian rushed toward the tent faster, cutting the enemy down and away.
"Dad!", Rapunzel called sliding down the steep ground running to the entrance past the guards who admitted them through, "Dad I'm here!"
Varian quickly followed and opened the tent flap, "King Frederick? Captain?"
Cassandra then watched as a demon tried swooping into the fort, but was easily stopped with an arrow to the chest by one of the five grim faced guards.
Cassandra nodded in appreciation and respect at the guard and looked at Lady Caine before turning to go in, "Thank you, for you know, for helping us.", she thanked reluctantly, feeling the need to show her grudging respect.
"Hey, it's my world to. So if you really do have some plan to save us, I'm all for it.", Lady Caine said grabbing a sword, "I'm counting on you guys to do your thing right."
Cassandra put her dagger away in her boot, "Yeah, I'm counting on me to.", she answered grimly.
"See you on the other side.", Lady Caine bid, charging back into the turmoil.
Cassandra watched her go for a moment and then turned and went inside the tent, leaving the battle and familiar faces out of sight for the moment.
"Rapunzel! My precious daughter.", Cassandra heard King Frederick say as he warmly embraced the princess in a big hug, "I'm so glad and relieved to see you are safe."
"Cassandra!", the Captain cried out tackling her in a big hug of his own, "You're here!"
She gasped in surprise as her guardian rushed toward her with relief and love written on his face.
Her heart then beat suddenly again with something she'd never realized she lost, she had missed her father.
"Dad?", Cassandra choked out.
Cap pulled her in tighter, "Tell us what we need to do Cassandra and I'll be there.", he said gruffly pushing her away gently.
She blinked and then nodded, "Right, of course."
"We need to get to close to Zhan Tiri.", Varian supplied who was standing awkwardly in a corner, "Once we are we'll be able to save Corona and everyone else."
Rapunzel nodded pulling away from the king, "We'll need all the cover we can get. We've got one chance to do this and I'm sure once I start, Zhan Tiri will be onto us like plum pudding on potatoes."
Queen Arianna hugged her daughter quickly as Rapunzel returned it and said something to her that was inaudible.
"We need every spare soldier you can spare Captain.", Cassandra said walking over to the strategy table and figurines, "And you need to focus your attacks to the heart of the enemy, and let yourself be driven away. With most of Zhan Tiri's forces distracted, Rapunzel, Varian and I can sneak over to the evil warlock himself."
She then moved the pieces on the board as she explained, laying out the plan, "Can I count on you?"
The captain and king studied the table for a moment in silence.
"What ever are you going to do my dear that can stop him?", King Frederick asked looking toward Rapunzel.
Rapunzel took a deep breath, "I'm going to do what I have to. I'm going to use the ultimate incantation."
"And are you sure this ultimate incantation can stop him?", he questioned.
"No, I'm not sure Dad, but this our only hope and our only lead.", Rapunzel said putting a hand on the table, "And I need you to trust that I know what I'm doing, Dad, I need you to let go of me."
Cassandra held her breath as King Frederick stared at Rapunzel as his mustache quivered.
The then queen rested a gentle hand on his broad shoulder in silence for a moment as the room was quiet.
King Frederick smiled at her and then straightened, his face string and determined.
"Captain, make sure they get to their destination by going with their plan. Get every hand available and fight with everything we got, we are no longer holding back.", the king commanded putting on a helmet, "We're engaging in this war now!"
"But sir! Are you sure this is the wisest course of action?!", Nigel protested as the Captain nodded, "If you direct all enforcements now we won't be able to stand on our own two feet if this attack fails!! We'll be pigs for the slaughter!!!"
"We know what we're doing Nigel! And besides, no one asked you!!", Varian suddenly yelled, "So shut the hell up!"
Cassandra has to stifle a laugh as Nigel nearly choked on air.
"I am quite sure I know what I'm doing. And I appreciate the concern, but if we don't do this, there might not be a later.", King Frederick told Nigel ignoring Varian's comment mercifully, "But if you want, you can join in the battle and help make sure we'll all be around tomorrow."
Nigel spluttered as his face went bright red with either shame or anger, "I think I'll stay put with the queen."
"Alright then, then you might want to grab a horse Nigel.", Queen Arianna announced walking over toward her husband.
Cassandra stared at Queen Arianna in admiration and respect as Nigel completely lost his cool.
"Are you telling me you're going out there your majesty?!", he cried out.
She nodded, "Yes I am. Is there a problem?"
"But, but, you are the queen!", Nigel protested as Queen Arianna signaled for some horses.
Cassandra laughed, "Face it Nigel, you're a coward.", she then grabbed his fancy ruffled collar, "Everyone has to fight in this and if a queen can do it or the kid out there who's barely twelve, you can too!"
Rapunzel stood behind her and nodded, "There are people fighting out there who shouldn't have to, but are fighting anyway!! Do your part!"
The guards then came in holding the reins of several horses, handing them each a horse.
"What's it going to be old friend?", King Frederick asked mounting his stallion.
Nigel backed up shaking his head like a nervous bird, "I'm sorry, but I can't!", he cried out as Cassandra and everyone else hopped on their rides.
"Very well then,", the king sighed disappointed, "Let's go!", he said riding out of the tent.
The queen and captain followed him immediately and soon the trio were left staring back at the advisor.
"I hope you change your mind.", Rapunzel said quietly before turning to them, "Let's go guys, time is not on our side!"
She then snapped the reigns and the horses took off into the battlefield, leaving Nigel behind in the dark tent.

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