Chapter Thirteen

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Rapunzel was walking down the halls as Eugene ran up to her, holding a pair of drinks.
"Hey Sunshine! I got us a little something.", Eugene said handing her the glass.
Rapunzel smiled at her sweet boyfriend, "Aww, Eugene. Thank you.", she thanked as she drank some of the liquid.
"Mmm, what is it? It's sweet and a little sour!", she asked as the flavors hit her tastebuds.
"Midnight Berry juice. The berry is native to the dark kingdom and only grows here.", Eugene told her.
Rapunzel finished the glass and gave Eugene a quick peck on the bridge of his nose, "It was delicious."
Eugene smiled, "I'm glad you like it Blondie."
Rapunzel smiled and then frowned a little, "Hey Eugene, do you know where Pascal is? I've looked everywhere and I'm starting to get a little worried."
"I'm sure he's fine. The frog knows how to keep himself out of trouble and take care of himself. He'll find you when he's ready.", Eugene reassured hoping Rapunzel wouldn't keep looking for him.
"I don't know Eugene. With what happened to Cass and all the things we've been through, a dark, mysterious castle seems like a beacon for trouble.", Rapunzel said as she glanced at the halls suspiciously.
Eugene sighed, "Rapunzel, he's fine."
"How can you be so sure?", she asked.
Eugene saw that Rapunzel wasn't letting this go and she would probably rip the place apart if he didn't tell her where Pascal was.
"Pascal is being a lookout for me and the boys. He's camouflaged right now and is keeping an eye on my dad, that's all.", Eugene answered.
"Why is Pascal watching your father Eugene and what are you and the guys doing?", Rapunzel asked crossing her arms.
"Well Lance is hanging out with Adira, Maximus is with Pascal and Shortie's being a plant.", Eugene said as he counted it out on his fingers.
Rapunzel raised an eyebrow, "Alright Eugene, what is this all really about?"
Eugene opened his mouth to answer when Shortie suddenly walked in the room.
"We're trying to find out how to defeat that blue-haired girl by asking the tall lady with the red paint.", Shortie said.
"Also, your chameleon is with that horse. And I'm a plant and Mr. Rat is a potato.", he continued pulling the rat out of his beard.
"Shortie! Plants don't talk!", Eugene said. "And I'm pretty sure they don't move either!"
Shortie scoffed, "Shows what you know."
"You're supposed to be a plant Shortie! This is not being a plant!"
"Yes it is. How about those plants that move, remember those? I'm a plant and plants do have mouths like that one that ate you at the wizard's tree.", Shortie pointed out.
Eugene just stared at him for a moment before shaking his head and focusing back on Rapunzel.
Technically, Shortie wasn't wrong.
"Eugene, are you really trying to find out how to defeat Cass?", Rapunzel asked breaking the sudden awkwardness as she held the side of her arm.
Eugene nodded slowly, "Yes, we are."
Rapunzel looked uncomfortable, "But you heard your dad, we can't. There is no way and if there is one, I'm sure he would have told us."
"Adira knows a way and I want to find it out.", Eugene answered.
"But it's just a fairytale Eugene and Adira is forbidden to tell us anyway.", she said.
Eugene took her hands, "Blondie, don't you remember? 'Every legend is born of truth'.", he quoted.
Rapunzel gasped remembering, "Xavier! Yes, I remember now. Xavier told us the legend of the curse on Corona from Zhan Tiri and said that quote. I forgot to believe I guess. Things just have been going down and fairytales just, you know, seem like fairytales.", she shrugged.
"I know what you mean Rapunzel, but I believe this is our chance and we need to try to find it before it's to late. So what if King Edmund forbids it? He forbade anyone from going into the moonstone's chamber and then he realized he was wrong. It's the same thing here, we just need to convince Adira to help us.", Eugene said staring straight into Rapunzel's bright green eyes.
Rapunzel nodded, "I guess it wouldn't hurt, but if Adira doesn't want to tell us we shouldn't pressure her. And I'm only agreeing because the world might literally be at stake if we don't stop Cassandra."
"You heard my Dad Rapunzel, Cass is now a destructive force of power and wait, what? Did you just agree with me?", Eugene started.
Rapunzel nodded again, pursing her lips, "I might not like it, but like we both just said, the world as we know might get torn apart."
Eugene suddenly pulled her into a tight and warm hug, comforting and relieving her of any stress.
Rapunzel then buried her head in his chest, breathing in his warm scent and letting it ease her mind.
"Let's go find Lance and Adira, shall we?", Eugene asked as he pulled away from her.
Rapunzel pulled away from him too reluctantly, not wanting to leave his comforting scent and warmth and then gently kissed him on the cheek.
Rapunzel nodded, "Let's do this."
She then slid her hand into his and the two walked off, ready to find out the legend of the moondrop child.

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