Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Cassandra grimaced as she entered the base of the Saporians and saw to her dismay a certain familiar face.
"One mission, one. And you failed with a time-space of multiple wasted days.", Chella scolded holding onto her prisoner.
Andrew came in with Varian who followed behind him and stopped in shock.
"Cursun?!?", Varian exclaimed surprised as the dark-toned man tried to break free.
Cassandra looked at Chella in shock, "How did you..."
"I caught him, obviously.", Chella answered, "All you had to do was cut off the speed crystal and the rest was easy."
Andrew rolled his eyes at Cassandra, "I told you he had a speed crystal."
"Whatever.", she answered annoyed.
Cursun glared at the group and Chella, "Let go of me you witch!", he demanded.
Chella blasted him with dark magic making him go unconscious. She then threw him to the ground carelessly.
He fell to the ground with a loud thump and looked lifeless against the rocky dirt.
"No matter, I have what I sent you two for and I'm not even going to ask about the boy.", Chella said looking at Varian, "I can now release Zhan Tiri and Corona will burn in justice! And we shall fulfill the prophecy of my ancestor Egnigma."
"My name is Varian.", Varian mumbled a little insulted.
"Shush.", Chella commanded as she pulled out the box from her robes.
Cassandra then felt her head pound and her vision blur as Chella opened one of the latches.
"Stop!", Cassandra yelled growing a rock under the box, sending it flying into some bushes.
The Separatists of Saporia gasped as the rock blasted the box from Chella's hands.
Even Andrew gasped at Cassandra's sudden actions.
Chella turned to Cassandra slowly and narrowed her eyes, "Are you challenging me?"
"You can't open the box yet Chella, it isn't time!", Cassandra said.
Her heart pounded as she realized what was starting to happen.
Looks like I'll be taking the role of leader today, Cassandra thought.
"I believe I'll open it when I want to, unless of course you think you can take my position.", Chella said menacingly.
Cassandra narrowed her eyes and stared the leader down, "I'm challenging you Chella for position of the leader of the Separatists of Saporia.", she announced.
She had said it, she was challenging someone with magic, but she had magic of her own.
This should be interesting, thought Cassandra.
Chella suddenly lurched herself at Cass, magic swirling around her hands in bright green rippling waves.
Cassandra rolled out of the way and felt the ground crack and decay as Chella pounded the ground instead of her.
Chella removed her closed fist from the dirt and threw a bolt of black light.
She then threw more and more in rapid succession at Cassandra.
Cassandra ran and flipped, doing her best to avoid the arrows of dark magic.
She felt herself losing steam though rather quickly as she was still ill and in no condition yet to fight.
Chella seemed to sense her weakness, "Give it up! You can't win child!", she warned.
Cassandra grew a rock between her just as a bolt of magic would have hit her, "Never!!", she screamed fueling her body with adrenaline.
She then grew a rock sword into her hand and charged at Chella herself this time.
Chella tried blasting Cassandra, but she was able to flip over the blasts and kicked Chella in the face to the ground.
The group gasped as their leader was kicked to the ground and waited with bated breath.
Cassandra approached Chella cautiously and quickly, sword in hand.
Chella groaned a little and sat up, her neck resting right next to Cassandra's blade.
"Surrender.", Cass demanded, "Or I'll be forced to end you properly."
Even though Cassandra made the mercy offer, something inside her wanted to destroy Chella.
She wanted to rip her apart in the most painful horrible way she could think of. She wanted Chella dead.
Cassandra steeled herself against this awakening monster and glared at her enemy, awaiting her answer.
Chella laughed, "I think you forgot my child, not to underestimate your enemy."
Chella then disappeared and reappeared in a bright flash behind her.
Cassandra whipped around and took her fighting stance.
"I'm doing this for the good of the group and of you open that box before it's time, Zhan Tiri will not be happy.", Cassandra said brandishing her sword.
"And how would you know?", Chella sneered, "Been having tea with him lately?"
Great, Cass thought to herself annoyed, she's using sarcasm now.
"I just know! Now give up!", Cassandra yelled.
Chella in answer, charged at Cassandra with crackling hands charged with magic.
Cassandra blocked off her attack swinging her sword and ducking in expert swordsmanship.
Chella, Who was anticipating this, disappeared and reappeared several times avoiding Cassandra's blows.
As Chella avoided the strikes, she appeared wherever Cass's back was turned and blasted her with green energy.
Cassandra cried out in pain as she was blasted ten times in less then a minute.
Her strength was failing and Chella's magic was sapping away her life force.
Not good. Not good at all.
It was only a matter of time before she was dead if Chella kept blasting her.
Chella then blasted her square in the face, sending Cassandra tumbling to the ground.
The world went blurry and sounds danced in eerie distorted rhythm as Cassandra pushed herself to her knees.
Her head pounded like crazy and her body felt out of place, like she was a doll in clothes to big for her.
She saw Chella approach her through her poor vision and swore she heard slithery whispers of demons in her head.
"Kill her. Kiiilllll.", the voices chanted in murderous roars, "KILL!!!!!"
Cassandra screamed as her vision went white and she dropped her sword and cradled her head as the voices pounded her skull.
She heard Varian cry out in concern as she stood up suddenly and blasted the area with magic.
All thought was lost as she lost control.
Rocks popped out of the ground violently and magic swirled around Cass in scary devouring waves.
Cassandra didn't hear the screams or yells of the Separatists of Saporia or Chella's frightened squeal.
All she heard was the voices in her head, possessing her power and body in evil intent.
Then suddenly it stopped and Cassandra dropped to the ground as her sight returned and the voices faded from her mind.
Cassandra blinked and looked at the sight around her.
Rocks peppered the area and several members of the group, including Chella were impelled with the black rocks.
The rocks slid down as she watched and soon only the destruction of the base and the dead bodies were evidence of the rocks.
Andrew walked up to her with a grim face and offered his hand.
Cassandra took it hesitantly and stood up.
The remaining members cowered as she stood and looked at them, "I'm your leader now.", Cassandra said to the crowd, "And anyone who is against me shall be charged with treason and no mercy shall be spared."
The Separatists of Saporia were silent as a gentle wind picked up and the smell of death filled the air.
"Zhan Tiri will rise, but not until the Sundrop arrives.", Cassandra said her outfit completely transforming to her rock outfit but with new armor.
Rocks twirled around her feet in protective boots and a breastplate covered the opal.
She also had special rock swords on her arms that extended when she needed them,(like Hector's), and a helmet that was engraved with designs.
"Corona will fall and Rapunzel will die soon. Who's with me?", Cassandra called.
Everyone cheered half-heartedly and murmured in fear as Cass narrowed her eyes at them.
Andrew stood and looked at her carefully, trying to figure her out.
Cassandra looked at him, "Andrew, are you with me?"
He nodded, "Always."
She smiled and retrieved the box from the bushes, closing the latch that had been opened.
Cassandra then ran her hand over the box gently and gazed out into the sky.
Soon, she said to herself happily in a voice that quite wasn't hers, very, very soon.

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