Chapter Four

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Rapunzel paced the room as Pascal sat on her shoulder, looking concerned and mildly annoyed.
After a few more paces Pascal squeaked in agitation.
Rapunzel stopped and looked at him.
"I know, I know, Pascal. But I can't stop thinking about Cass! She was my best friend, well I thought we were best friends, she could have faked that the whole time. I mean she probably wasn't even my friend to start with! No that isn't true, we were friends until we came to Zhan Tiri's tree and I burned her hand.
"Though if Cass would have just listened to me none of this would have ever happened. So if Cassandra hates me because of that, it's really on her. But at the same time I shouldn't have done that incantation.
"I don't know what to do to make things right again. I mean, I just lost another friend Pascal. First Varian and now Cassandra!", Rapunzel rambled.
Then she was quiet for a moment as Pascal looked at her sadly.
"Maybe, maybe I'm not as good a person as I thought I was Pascal.", Rapunzel said quietly.
"I broke my promise to Varian and now his dad is trapped in amber. And I trusted Adira more than Cass, and now her hand is damaged. Who else am I going to be a bad friend to?"
Rapunzel curled into a ball, her arms around her knees.
"I've even made you feel unwanted, Pascal. And Eugene is waiting for me, which must be so hard for him. I have all caused you to hurt in the inside.", she said her heart feeling very heavy.
Pascal cuddled her and squeaked, trying to comfort her.
"Hey, Sunshine,", Eugene greeted while entering the room, "Did anyone order a cupcake?"
Rapunzel's face lit up, "Aww, Eugene. How did you know?", she smiled taking the cupcake.
"I just know when you need it and right now I believe you definitely do.", Eugene sat next to her concerned.
"You're right about that.", Rapunzel half-laughed while brushing a piece of hair away.
She then bit into the cupcake and then covered her mouth in surprise.
Eugene looked at her in surprise, "What is it? What's wrong with it? I baked it the kitchen earlier and I don't know if good old king Dad bothered restocking the pantry. Does it taste bad?"
Rapunzel looked at Eugene, obviously trying to find the nicest way to say it.
"Well it's definitely unique! I've never tasted a cupcake that has such an exotic flavor! Um, what flavor is it?", she smiled.
"Lint and dust bunnies.", Eugene answered with a straight face before laughing.
Rapunzel blinked for a moment and then cracked a smile and soon the two were laughing and laughing, forgetting about all their troubles and hardships over a bad cupcake.
"Thank you Eugene.", Rapunzel said giving him a big hug.
Eugene stroked her hair, "Of course Blondie. A bad cupcake will always be there for you if you want it."
"Not the cupcake Eugene, the cupcakes are pretty bad, but everything you've done for me. I love you so much and I don't know what I'd do without you.", she said looking up into his face.
He smiled, "I feel the same way Rapunzel. You're my light.", and soon the two kissed, appreciating each other more than the other could know.
When they broke apart, Rapunzel sighed.
"Eugene, I, I miss Cassandra. A lot. She was my best friend and now I ruined our friendship."
Eugene took hold of her, "Rapunzel, this isn't your fault. If it's anyone's, it's Cass's for going the way she did. No one made that decision but her."
"I know, I know, but if I hadn't burned her hand maybe things would be different."
"Maybe.", Eugene highlighted, "You have no idea Rapunzel. She could have still betrayed you."
Rapunzel broke away, "You're wrong about Cassandra, Eugene. I know she's a good person and somehow I messed that up for her. Eugene, Cass cared about me and was like the sister I never had, she would have sacrificed herself to protect me without hesitation. So you're wrong Eugene, I don't believe Cass would have ever betrayed me if I would have just..."
Eugene stopped her and held her hand in his.
"Sunshine? I believe you believe what you are saying, but I don't want you getting false lies. Stop blaming yourself, first off."
"And you need to except the fact Cassandra betrayed you for seemingly no reason at all, except for burning her hand, which is still not really a reason especially when we're talking about Cass. So you need to move on and relize that she is now on the bad side and that was her choice entirely."
"But Eugene, I,"
"You, were a good friend to Cass and she used you.", Eugene broke in. "Third, we need to think of a way to stop Cassandra and get back that stone and no one can do that without you Rapunzel. Again, sometimes we just got to move on because whether we're ready or not, life still goes on.", Eugene said gently.
She looked at Eugene her heart sore and broken. Didn't he understand the connection that she had had with Cass?
"Alright, maybe you're right. I should be out there helping the others to think up of a plan. Cass isn't going to be handing over that moonstone so easily.", Rapunzel stood up. "And Eugene, if I was being unkind or caused you heartbreak, I'm sorry.", she apologized.
He smiled and stood up next to her, "There's no need to apologize Blondie and again I know this whole Cass thing is hard on you, it's hard for everyone, but no one is leaving you behind. We all got your back."
Rapunzel took a deep breath and nodded, "Thank you Eugene. Now, I think I'm ready to start planning with the others now."
Then Rapunzel left the room with Eugene and Pascal, heading toward the giant dining hall.
As they entered they saw King Edmund and Maximus leaning over a giant map on the table while Adira and Lance were setting up figurines.
They were talking to each other about certain areas, pointing and shuffling the figures around the map. After a couple of minutes the group looked up and reliezed that Rapunzel and Eugene were there.
"Finally come to join the party, eh.", King Edmund said eyeing Rapunzel.
"Um, yah.", Rapunzel smiled awkwardly.
Lance pulled her and Eugene over to the table, "We're trying to figure out where she will strike next and where in the world she is. Do you have any ideas princess?"
Adira set another figurine down and looked at Rapunzel, "We already laid down Corona, the most obvious, Vardaroes, the island and some other forests and areas we were in recently.", she reported.
Rapunzel studied the map and sighed out in frustration, "I'm sorry guys, all I can think of is Corona and all the other places you've mentioned. Wait, what about Equis and Saporia? Those are close to Corona if she wanted to hide out."
Eugene nodded, "That could be possible."
Maximus whinnied and snorted, drawing everyone's attention. He then moved a figurine to the Corona castle.
Adira looked sceptical, "We don't know if Cassandra wants or plans on destroying the castle. She's more after Rapunzel than anything else."
"Well when Varian went sour, he went right for Rapunzel's parents.", Eugene said, "He knew that Rapunzel would do anything to save them. Who says Cass won't do the same thing?"
"We need to know more about her revenge motive and what is fueling it.", Adira lay out.
King Edmund scowled, "She's corrupted by the power of the stone and I doubt there will be any reason left in her. Cassandra will destroy things for the sake of destroying and the monster that she's become will know no limits."
"So do you think it's probable that she will attack Corona?", Adira asked.
"More than probable.", King Edmund nodded gravely, "In fact I'm sure she will destroy and attack that castle and anything else that stands. Like I said, she is most probably an animal of power. Wild, crazed and predictable destruction."
Lance swallowed nervously as everyone got real quiet.
"So that's it? We're going to all die?", Lance squeaked out.
Eugene ran a hand through his hair in frustration, "So, Dad. Do you have any suggestions on how we stop her then?"
"Oh you don't stop her, she's unstoppable with that much power.", King Edmund said.
"Seriously?! Then why are we sitting here trying to figure out where the heck she is and what the heck she's going to do if you knew the answer was going to be destruction everywhere for no reason and no way to stop it!!! Sorry, there's no way to stop her, she's unstoppable by the way!!!", Eugene yelled throwing the map into the air. "You could have brought that bit up sooner! Why didn't you just say we're doomed!!!", he screamed in utter frustration.
Rapunzel put a hand on his shoulder, "Eugene, it's going to be alright. There's always a way and we will figure something out, no matter how hopeless it seems. We just need to have faith and believe."
Adira looked at Rapunzel, "Actually there is a way."
Eugene's head snapped to attention, "What? There is?"
King Edmund looked uncomfortable, "Adira that is just a theory and furthermore a fairytale. I forbid you to say anything more on that solution."
Lance played with one of the forks, "But whatever Adira has to offer is better than complete destruction, right? I mean, soon Cassandra will destroy everything and nothing will be left."
Edmund shot him a look but Eugene nodded, "You're absolutely right Lance. Adira as prince I command you to tell me your solution!", Eugene said.
Max snorted in approval and Pascal squeaked in agreement.
"See? Even the horse and frog agree.", Eugene pointed.
Adira sighed, "I'm sorry, but King Edmund has spoken."

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