Chapter Fourty-Three

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Varian stumbled as his memories flashed away, revealing the real world.
Lightning suddenly flashed, illuminating the room he stood in eerie light.
"Is this my house?", Varian asked timidly realizing he was in his bedroom.
In the back of Varian's mind he knew he was supposed to be at the hidden glade of the tower, but pain and grief washed over him drowning it out.
Ruddiger chittered and started petting Varian on the cheek as he started to shake.
Suddenly Varian collapsed to the floor, burying his head between his arms and the floor, his body shaking from his tears.
"It's all my fault Ruddiger. It's all my fault!!", Varian cried.
Ruddiger chittered questionly, not understanding quite what Varian meant.
Varian cried as his heart filled with dread, regret and sorrow.
He had made a horrible mistake.
"Ruddiger, I saw, I saw my mom.", Varian cried brokenly.
The raccoon chittered in sympathy, curling around Varian's neck while listening intently.
"I killed my own mother Ruddiger, I killed her!!!", Varian suddenly screamed standing up, his face filled with multiple emotions, "I pretty much committed murder!"
Ruddiger screeched as Varian stood up almost making him fly off of Varian.
"And my own father...", Varian trailed off anger burning in his eyes, "Dad lied to me, he lied!"
Ruddiger cowered a little surprised at Varian's outburst; this had gotten 1 to a 100 real fast.
Shaking his head, Varian quickly stormed into Quirin's bedroom and without hesitation ripped the stones away in the hidden passage.
Ruddiger watched him scared as Varian's face grew angrier as the passage revealed itself to him, only proving what he had seen in those visions was real even more.
Without a word, he opened the chest and pulled out the sword that lay inside and stared at it stupidly.
"I thought, no I hoped, that what I saw wasn't true, but it seems it might be.", Varian whispered as he pulled out a helmet and armor, "My father has been leading a whole secret life I never knew about."
Varian then pulled out a pendant of the chest and he brushed the design gently with his fingertips.
The pendant was a moon crescent and it glittered silvery blue as it caught the fractured light in the dark room.
Varian felt himself almost drawn to it, wait no, he was drawn to it.
Clutching it, Varian felt wonderful energy pulse through the necklace, filling him but not.
It was like it was trying to give back a part of himself but the best it could do was an echo, a phantom replacement.
Varian faintly wondered if this used to belong to his mother as his eyes reflected the charm in an eerie trance.
Varian suddenly shook his head and dropped the pendant on the floor, backing away from it like it was poison.
"What mess am I in?!", he questioned himself staring at the chest's contents in the floor, "Why did Dad have to hide so much from me?!?"
Ruddiger chittered and looked at him with soft eyes, hoping that Varian would calm down.
Taking a deep breath as his raccoon drew his attention, Varian nodded, "I guess you're right buddy, maybe I am jumping to conclusions."
Ruddiger nodded and smiled.
The raccoon's face fell as Varian added in the next sentence.
"... I know what I saw. And it kinda explains a lot in some ways.", Varian said sourly.
Varian then looked up at the moon pendant that lay on the cold floor and bent down and retrieved it.
"I'm done waiting for answers; I'm ready to take them for myself.", he said angrily squeezing the charm.
Varian then shattered the pendant, breaking it into a million pieces as he slammed it against the floor.
The moon opal on Varian's chest then suddenly lit up a brilliant silvery blue as the the pendant broke, releasing powerful magic.
Bright turquoise energy flowed out of the former moon charm and circled Varian before turning into focused rays.
The magic waves then crashed into Varian, filling him with new found energy and a new sense of himself.
Rocks sprouted wildly as Varian's eyes went blank, empty powerful white light taking over his blue irises.
"Moonshine gleam and glow,
Let your power shine,
Make the clock reverse,
And bring back what was once was mine.", Varian chanted as his hair turned a bright blueish white, "Heal what has been hurt,
Change the fate's design,
Save what has been lost,
And bring back what was once was mine."
A giant explosion of energy then washed over the house, blinding poor Ruddiger temporarily.
As the light cleared Ruddiger blinked as the spots out of his eyes to see Varian almost hovering as his body still radiated magic.
Rocks surrounded him but they were white instead of black, and the blue lines glowed cheerily instead of ethereally.
Ruddiger whimpered, his ears flat against his head, and bravely touched Varian with one paw.
To his relief, Varian's white eyes faded out and the bright blue orbs were visible again.
Varian's feet were now completely on the ground as his eyes went normal again, but his magic aura still radiated from his slim body strongly.
"Wha...? What happened?!?", Varian asked staring at his new glow.
His attention was then caught as he heard a groan from down the hall, a familiar groan of...
Varian rushed off quickly out of his father's bedroom into his own and to his disbelief saw his dad out of the amber!
The amber was completely shattered and white rocks surrounded the destruction site, leaving his father safe and sound on the floor.
"Dad?", Varian said his voice cracking with emotion.
Quirin didn't respond and Varian quickly approached him, seeing that his father was unconscious for the moment.
The gentle aura around Varian glowed brightly as his eyes widened with fear and then dimmed to a faint glow.
Varian's heart filled with fear and he prayed his dad wasn't dead.
Varian knelt beside him and immediately felt for his pulse and after confirming his status of alive-hood, he checked his forehead as well.
After doing his little check up, he was fairly sure his father would be fine.
"Phew, heh, you're alive.", Varian half-laughed with relief sitting next to his father and raccoon.
All his dad needed was some time and he'd be good as new.
Silence filled the room, except for the thunder and loud wind outside, as Varian waited for Quirin to regain consciousness.
About five minutes ensued without any disaster happening until Varian's eyes lay on the scroll his father had held when encased in the amber previously.
The word 'son' peeked out of the crumpled paper as he picked it up and brushed off the stray amber pieces.
"Dad wrote this for me,", Varian said aloud mostly to himself, "I wonder what it says."
He then glanced at Quirin, who still lay unconscious, and focused his attention back on the letter.
Varian carefully smoothed the paper and took a deep breath before he started to read.
Maybe this letter would tell him everything his dad had tried so hard to avoid telling him, maybe it would prove his visions wrong, or it could prove them right.
Sweat trailed down Varian's neck in anticipation and fear as his eyes started reading the letter.
It was time to know what his dad wanted to say to him.

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