Chapter Twenty-Two

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My little cartoon. I know this is an old idea but I thought it would be cute.😊 Anyway back to the story!

Varian finished tying up his prisoner with satisfaction.
"So tell me, what's in this box and why shouldn't I open it?", Varian asked holding up the mystery box.
Taking the man to his house wasn't as easy as Varian had thought it would be.
Since the man was paralyzed from his new serum and unconscious, he had to drag the man all the way back to the house himself. It was long, sweaty, uncomfortable work and Varian didn't want to do it again.
So when Varian finished the last knot in the man's bonds, there was a sense of relief and accomplishment.
The man sat in his bonds angrily and shifted uncomfortably as he gained consciousness.
"Why am I tied up? I can still tell you these things without you tying me down.", the man said.
Varian laughed, this man must think he was an idiot!
"I'm not letting you go, otherwise you'd try to attack me for the box and I wouldn't want all my hard work to be for nothing. So stop being pouty and start telling me what's in this box or I'll open it right here, right now.", he warned.
The man sighed, "Fine, but at least tell me who you are and why you attacked me."
Varian rolled his eyes, "I already told you,", he scoffed, "because I wanted to. And my name is Varian, whatever your name is."
"Cursun.", the man supplied annoyed, "My name is Cursun."
"Great.", Varian said sarcastically. "Now we know each other and I answered your question, how about you answer mine."
Cursun dropped his head in defeat, "I guess I have no choice."
Varian tapped his foot impatiently as Cursun began his explanation.
"The box contains a very dangerous artifact that was hated by all, except Zhan Tiri and his disciples. This artifact was hidden by Lord Demanitus himself and was forgotten to the world.
"That box holds the evil within it so no one is tempted to use it and traps the power of the artifact inside.
"Inside the box the power to free Zhan Tiri lies inside and if freed even a good hearted person could be tempted into its power and magic.
"This is why you must not open it, otherwise we could be looking at the brink of dark times. The return of Zhan Tiri himself!
"Please I beg you to let me go so I can hide this evil before it falls into the wrong hands! It is important and the fate of the world is literally at stake!", Cursun told him desperately.
Varian stared at Cursun and shook his head, "No."
"No?!", Cursun repeated shocked and horrified.
"Yes, I said no.", Varian answered picking up the box. "I'm keeping it."
Varian then stopped in his tracks and felt his heart accelerate a hundred miles an hour.
What was she doing here?!?
"Hey Varian, kidnapping more people I see.", Cassandra greeted.
"Cass?", Varian asked shocked.
He stared at her in disbelief. What was she doing here?
Cassandra smiled, "Yeah, I'm Cass last time I checked.", she said leaning on the doorway.
"Why are you here?", Varian asked.
Then snapping out of his trance, Varian's anger boiled, "Didn't you leave on that trip to find Rapunzel's destiny or something? Where even is Rapunzel and her obnoxious boyfriend? And how come all of Corona hasn't exploded with joy seeing their beloved princess again?", he sneered.
Cassandra gazed at him calmly, "To answer all your questions easily Varian, I'm here because I left Rapunzel and she's still at the Dark Kingdom."
"Dark Kingdom? That isn't even a real place Cassandra.", Varian spat.
"Oh, it's real alright, I was there. And just because it wasn't on the maps doesn't mean it doesn't exist.", she answered.
Cassandra then looked at Cursun, "Good job catching him, I hate that guy."
Varian looked at him and then did a double take, "Wait, what?!? Are you congratulating me on kidnapping someone?!?"
She nodded, "Just don't get a big head."
Varian stared at her in confusion, Cass had said she left Rapunzel behind. Did that mean she was the princess's enemy now? But still, why would Cass ever complement him on kidnapping someone, ever?
Varian then noticed Cassandra looked different.
Her face was the biggest change, her eyes instead of their beautiful green grey were now a striking vivid blue and a scar ran down her right eye. And she wore a special glove on her right hand as well.
Cassandra was different to, she radiated a certain power and Varian could feel the waves of hate coming off of her as she glared at Cursun.
"Your eyes are blue.", Varian commented surprised as he noticed.
"Finally realized, huh?", Cassandra said.
Varian was curious, "How?"
"Maybe I'll tell you some other time Varian, but not right now.", she smiled a little, "I'm here to pick up something."
"And what is that?", he asked suspiciously.
"The box. Give me the box, Varian.", Cassandra ordered.
"Do you even know what's inside it?", he asked holding the box.
Cassandra grinned wickedly, "The power to unleash Zhan Tiri of course and the power to control him with the crystal inside."
Varian's eyes widened, "You want to free Zhan Tiri and control him yourself?"
"Yes, now give me that box.", Cassandra said impatiently reaching for it.
Varian stepped back and shook his head holding the box tightly.
"Here's an idea.", Cursun said, "How about you both give me that box and release me so I can put it where it belongs."
"Be quiet!", Varian and Cassandra ordered simultaneously.
Cursun looked peeved as he struggled against the ropes.
"I'm keeping the box Cassandra.", Varian declared as he pulled out some vials.
Cassandra just smiled, "What if I freed your father? Would you give me the box then?"
Varian faltered as he glanced at the amber subconsciously.
"What do you know? I've tried everything to free my father Cass and nothing has worked! I doubt very much you have a solution.", Varian said trying hard not to shake from sadness.
"Well maybe I can free him or maybe I can't. But I promise when Zhan Tiri rises he'll have the power to heal all the scars and mistakes from the past. Including your father.", she answered.
Varian's eyes betrayed his true feelings, he wanted his father back more then anything but he also wanted revenge on Rapunzel.
"Zhan Tiri is not a god Cass, he can't heal or undo anything like that. He might not even be able to help Dad.", he said trying to convince himself.
Cassandra smirked, "I see what's going on here.", she said nodding.
She then walked over to the amber and Varian watched in amazement and shock as her clothes transformed into her dark rock suit.
He looked at the little opal in Cassandra's chest and felt an urge to grab it and touch it.
The opal was the source of this energy, he realized, and it's calling to me.
Cassandra punched the amber with her fist and as she did, rocks sprouted and pummeled the amber at an unnatural speed.
The rocks didn't make a dent in the amber and Cassandra tried a couple more times, but to no avail.
Varian felt his hopes get crushed, if the rocks couldn't free his dad, what could?
Maybe this Zhan Tiri guy wasn't such a bad idea after all, he thought to himself.
"I'm sorry Varian, I tried.", Cassandra said walking over to him.
She then glanced at Cursun and grimaced, "Do you need him alive?"
Varian didn't have time to process the question before Cassandra grew some rocks toward Cursun.
Varian's eyes widened and he tackled Cass to the ground.
"Don't!", he yelled and the rocks stopped as he tackled her.
Cassandra looked at Varian in annoyance, "What was that for?!"
"You were going to kill him!", Varian yelled angrily.
She huffed and pushed him off of her, standing up again, "Maybe I was wrong about you Varian."
Varian felt his face heat up, "What do you mean?"
"You're still soft, not hardened enough for what needs to be done. I forgot you were still a child, but I thought you might have been ready and angry enough. I was wrong...", Cassandra said then paused for a moment, "But I could change that.", she smiled looking at him.
Varian stepped back concerned, "What do you mean?"
"How much do you hate Rapunzel, Varian?", Cassandra asked.
"A lot, you know that!", he answered.
"How much?", Cassandra repeated patiently.
Varian felt himself boil, "I hate her with every inch of my being."
"Take that hate and fuel it,", Cass instructed, "every one who's not with you, is against you. They're your enemy, just like Rapunzel. Use your hate."
Varian felt himself listening to her as his fear of this terrifying new Cass awoke his darkest part of him.
Cassandra then pressed her hand on his chest, over his heart, pressing firmly.
"We're a team now Varian.", Cassandra whispered in his ear as magic flowed through her into him.
Suddenly a giant blast of magic engulfed them both, setting off a blinding flash of darkness.
Varian felt something change in him as magic swirled around him in rapid succession.
His clothes transformed and he felt a piece of the opal had melted into his body and his hair turned completely blue as the transformation stopped.
Varian yelled out in pain as he collapsed to the ground.
His body went limp from the energy overload and he felt himself losing consciousness.
The last thing he saw was his father trapped in the amber as the world went dark.

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