Chapter Fourty-Five

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There are many things I have kept from you. Secrets, truths and lies will fill this paper and reveal themselves to you.
I'm sorry you had to find out this way, I never wanted you to ever know the burden of what I will tell you, but it is time for you to know the truth and as my time is slipping, I have no choice but to write this.
You are the moondrop, the moonchild, and you possess the power of destruction and decay. You were born with great power, but I was forced for your own good and the kingdoms to take it away.
You see, as a small baby you used your power and encased your mother. Your power was out of control and dangerous.
I kept your power diminished in a moon pendant, given by my friend Adira, helping you from hurting anyone else.
This is another reason I wanted you to stay away from the black rocks, cause even though your powers were 'asleep' there was a chance you might awaken them by touching the very thing you were connected to.
This moonpower connection is also what gives you that strip of blue hair as well in case you were wondering.
I'm sorry if I seemed so harsh about the rocks in the past and if I was harsh about your alchemy to.
Your mother was an alchemist as well and you remind me of her so much, I'm scared that I'll lose you too somehow.
As for how I know you're exactly connected to the rocks, I was part of a group called the Brotherhood that resided in the Dark Kingdom.
The Dark Kingdom has a moon opal which contains explosive destruction power, including the rocks, and I believe you somehow were born connected with it, as I previously mentioned, and the Brotherhood's job was to make sure the world never got to it.
(Which by the way Adira is a part of, I'm sure you'll meet her soon, so don't be afraid of her when you do.)
I've tried so hard to move on from my past and conceal it from you, but I realize now maybe that wasn't the best choice.
You always want to make the world a better place, striving for new ideas and inventions and headstrong even when you fail.
I wanted you to be ordinary so you could be happy, but I also see my error in that judgement.
I'm sorry for all the secrets and lies that have made up your life.
I wish I could take it all back, but I can't and I only wish for you to not make any mistakes you'll regret.
Son, be yourself and don't be afraid to try new things. Keep exploring the world, take chances and don't ever give up.
Don't let my foolish mistakes keep you from living your life.
I also want you to know that I've always been proud of you, so proud.
Even if it seemed I never was, I am proud to call you my son Varian.
Always remember that.
— Dad

Varian finished reading the letter as his chest started to ache with pain as tears streamed down his face.
Ruddiger curled up against him sadly trying to comfort him as Varian reread the whole thing again, his eyes flying and his mouth moving silently.
"No, no, no, no, no.", Varian cried holding his head and burying his face in the the paper as he finished rereading it.
It wasn't true, it wasn't!
Yet, here it was, written by his father's own hand.
Here his dad told him his mother had been encased, he was the moondrop and he was part of a secret society.
It was to much.
Varian crunched the paper in his fist as anger swept over him.
His whole life had been one big lie.
Quirin started and sat up, looking around trying to figure out what happened.
Varian saw him regain wakefulness and Varian stood up, backing a few steps away from him.
Ruddiger chittered nervously as Varian's father and Varian gazed at each other.
"Hi Dad.", Varian greeted darkly as the moonstone on his chest sparked like a sparkler, "Or should I even call you that."
"Varian?", Quirin asked not sure why his son was acting the way he was.
"You lied to me!!! You lied about Mom, you lied about yourself and you lied about me!!!",Varian screamed losing all self control.
Dark magic sputtered as Varian's mind filled with every negative thought, memory and emotion, the opal working its way swiftly into his hurting heart.
Quirin's face fell, "Varian, listen,", he tried.
"You lied about everything!!! You even lied to the King!!! You lied to the people of Corona too!!! Why are you nothing but lies?!?", Varian yelled as angry tears spilled onto his cheeks, "You told me Mom died by an illness, but she didn't!!!"
"Varian...", Quirin said sadly.
"I killed her!!!", Varian's voice rose as his eyes flashed, "I killed my own mother!!!"
"Listen Varian, it isn't like that. It was an accident, you were small and the power was..."
"Was what?!? To dangerous?! So dangerous in fact that you took a part of me away?!?"
Ruddiger squeaked in alarm as the white rocks went black again and glowed dangerously like Varian's moonstone.
"You've led me to believe that you're trustworthy, but I realize now you're not!!!", Varian cried thrusting his arm towards Quirin.
His father flinched but Varian just studied him with disdain.
"I would never hurt you again Dad, you should know that, but I'm done with you and your lies.", he said quietly as he looked at his father through his dark hair.
Black rocks then sprouted around his dad under Varian's command, trapping his father in a cage.
Varian then turned and ran, leaving Quirin stunned and regretful.

Quick note:
No one has even mentioned the fact that Varian earlier used the healing incantation with the moon, or the black rocks being white. Have ya'll even noticed?😂

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