Chapter Fifty-Three

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Happy Holidays guys!

"You need to make a decision Rapunzel.", Cassandra said impatiently as she tried to support her own weight, "We don't have all day."
She winced as her whole body ached and throbbed from everything she had gone through. And her head was a pounding mess.
Rapunzel stared her down, "I already made my decision Cass! I'm not letting you guys sacrifice yourselves in order to save the world!"
"Why are you being so stubborn about this Rapunzel?! We don't have time and we don't have any other choice and you know it!", she shouted back.
Cassandra gritted her teeth in annoyance.
Why did Rapunzel have to be so stubborn? Why couldn't she just accept her decision?!
The two argued as heavy wind howled loudly and chaos rose.
"I won't let anyone die!!", Rapunzel yelled angry tears going down her face.
Cassandra managed to stand up and waved off Varian who hovered over her protectingly, "Fine! If that's what you think is best Raps, we won't do it.
"We'll all just go head in there and fight an all powerful immortal warlock with our fists and wits, while praying that we even stand half a chance while his demons and possessed Saporian zombie army destroys everything, and somehow protect the kingdom and hundreds of innocent people.
"And if we don't beat him, everyone suffers and dies a horrible death along with the three of us who were going to die anyhow, when we could have died and saved the world.", she retorted walking over up to Rapunzel's pale face.
She watched as Rapunzel took a step back and looked down at the ground, "I see your point Cass, it's just I don't want anyone else to get hurt.", she whispered.
Groaning, Cassandra grabbed her, "Stop worrying about that Raps and just focus on the big picture. We can't do this without you.
"The whole freakin world needs you. Just do it."
Cassandra watched as Varian put a hand on Rapunzel's arm, "Please Princess, this is all we are asking of you. We want to fix our mistakes."
"I know that you might feel guilty about our sacrifice Rapunzel, but it's our own choice. I want this.", she said firmly, "I want to do this, even if you don't."
Varian nodded, "I want to do this as well, I want everyone else to have a chance at a good future or even a future to look forward to."
Rapunzel looked rapidly between them and pressed her face into her palms before looking back at them in disbelief.
"You still have a life to live Cass and Varian you have a life to go live too, why would you want to just throw it all away?", Rapunzel asked still being stubborn.
Cassandra exploded, not able to take it anymore, "What life Rapunzel?! What life do I have to live once this is all over, if this is ever is over?! Huh?"
"I won't and don't have a life anymore.", she breathed, "All I have left is to try to stop the mess I caused. And I'd rather die here then get locked up for the rest of my life with a chance of living. Everything I had is gone now, any relationship with the people I care about is probably destroyed. Just let me end this."
Cassandra watched as Rapunzel bowed her head, "And what about you Varian?", she asked her voice cracking.
He crossed his arms, "I don't have much of a life to live either Princess. And this needs to be done."
Ruddiger chittered sadly as Cassandra waited for her past friend's answer.
Silence filled the air as everyone waited.
"Alright.", Rapunzel suddenly said brokenly, raising her head, "I'll do it."
Grabbing her hand, Cassandra squeezed it gratefully, "You won't regret this Raps."
Cassandra blinked as Rapunzel pulled away, "I've already have regretted this, but I'm willing to do it to save Corona and for you guys."
"Thank you Princess.", Varian said, "it's alright to have regrets.", he thanked hugging her gently.
Rapunzel looked toward the direction of the Corona castle, "I have a feeling Zhan Tiri will make his way over to the palace, so we need to try to get over there as fast as we can.", she evaluated, "Max and Fidella, we need you both to take Varian, Cass and me to the center of Corona."
The two horses nodded and snorted, trotting over to the trio.
"Eugene, you take everyone else with you and try to find the guards and help out anyway you can, get people to safety and make sure no one else gets hurt.", Rapunzel directed climbing onto Maximus.
Cassandra watched Rapunzel impressed as she took the lead, even though it was clear she didn't want to.
She was making the decisions and doing what needed to be done, fighting back her emotions and using her head to try to help everyone.
Eugene nodded, "You can count on me Rapunzel, I won't let you down."
Rapunzel smiled as he walked over to her and kissed her on the lips, "I love you more then anything I ever have loved and I'm sorry we had our fights in the past. I was being very unloving to you."
She grabbed his hand, "I love you to Eugene and if I could, I would stay with you, but I can't. And you were never a bad boyfriend."
"I know you can do this Rapunzel.", he said swallowing backing up from her.
"What about Lance and Adira? And that Hector guy?", Aunt Willow asked looking at the princess.
Cassandra was about to answer but Rapunzel intervened.
"We don't have time anymore guys. You'll have to leave them behind and do what needs to be done.", Rapunzel said sadly with determination, "We can locate them after this mess is over."
Lightning cracked and thunder boomed as the weather got worse as everyone nodded hesitantly.
Cassandra mounted Fidella and Varian went behind her.
She looked down at Eugene, "I'm guessing this is goodbye Fitzherbert.", she smirked sadly.
"Goodbye Cassandra,", he said softly, "and since you're going to die anyhow, my real name is Horace.", Eugene said with a tiny smile back.
Varian laughed, "Horace?!"
Eugene smiled, "Goodbye Varian, I'm going to miss you kid."
Cassandra laughed a little, "I'm going to miss you to Eugene."
"We need to move now guys! Let's go.", Rapunzel commanded riding past Fidella.
"Bye, look after Ruddiger for me.", Varian said as his raccoon chittered looking up at him, his ears flat on his head.
He handed Eugene his companion as Cassandra snapped the reins and took off, leading the two horses into a full gallop.
Her heart felt heavy as she glanced back for a moment at the people who watched her leave.
It made her sad, a feeling she wasn't accustomed to feeling.
Emotions surged through her from her crazy day that was only beginning.
Tears came down her cheeks as Max and Fidella ran through the old streets of the town, dodging the maniacal demons and the flying debris from the strong wind.
"It's alright Cass, I'm here.", she heard Varian say as he squeezed her sides gently, "I'm here."
She felt him bury his face in her back as his body shook a little.
Cassandra looked back at him and with one arm grabbed him in an awkward warm hug, "It was brave if you to make the decision you did Varian, and it's alright to be scared or sad."
He clung onto her, "Thanks Cassandra, but I'm not being brave."
She glanced at him as she followed Max and Rapunzel, jumping a ditch that was lit with fire.
"No Varian, you're being brave. Me? Well I'm running away, I'm being a coward.", she said taking her dagger out of her boot fast and cutting a demon that swooped in to close, "I'm fixing my problems by not having any."
"It's not cowardly if you're saving hundreds of thousands of lives.", Varian said, "Or that's what I'm telling myself at least."
Cassandra watched as Rapunzel threw her frying pan at several Saporians who hands were lit with dark whispy green magic, knocking them out cold.
Guilt tugged on her heart as she saw the chaotic place, "Let's just try to survive.", she mumbled to him.
She felt him nod as he clung onto her still.
"I'm sorry.", she whispered looking at the destruction, "I'll make this right, no matter what it takes."

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