Chapter Fourty-Seven

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Cassandra bowed as Zhan Tiri emerged from the glowing portal tentacle by tentacle. His return thundered with lightning and wind.
"Welcome back Zhan Tiri, your arrival fills me with joy!", Cassandra praised as he finished stepping out of the Dark Veil, "We can now destroy and conquer Corona and the princess has the Sundrop no more!", she told him victoriously.
Zhan Tiri looked down at the voice and saw Cassandra and her former friends as the portal winked out of existence.
"No.", Rapunzel whispered in horror unable to move as the gravity magic still weighed down on them, "No, no, no."
"Well done, where's my Sundrop then?", Zhan Tiri's threatening voice boomed.
Cassandra held up the crystal and made it catch the light, "Here my Lord, it's right here."
Cassandra watched as Zhan Tiri shrank to a smaller human size, but he remained taller then the average human male.
Zhan Tiri still towered over her at an intimidating seven feet with impressive curled horns as he took the red crystal with one clawed hand.
Magic suddenly erupted from the crystal glowing into Zhan Tiri, and just as quickly as it had started, it ended.
"That's nice,", Zhan Tiri breathed smiling as a golden aura surrounded him before turning a sickly green, "It's just as powerful as I dreamed it would be."
Cassandra nodded and bowed again, "I'm pleased the power resides in you Master, no one else is as worthy to possess such great power."
She then stood up and smiled, "I assume you're ready for the Ultimate Power?"
Eugene and Rapunzel gasped.
"No Cassandra! Please, it's not to late to turn back!", Rapunzel yelled weakly as her voice felt like it was going through dense pea soup, "Don't give it to him!"
Cassandra ignored her as Zhan Tiri did a cruel grin, "Yes, I am."
"Cass!!!", Rapunzel screamed helplessly trying to draw her attention.
Zhan Tiri and Cassandra both turned towards her and exchanged a look.
"What is it Raps, I'm in the middle of something here.", Cassandra said smirking walking over and bending down to look at her.
Rapunzel felt her heart sting as she used her nickname, "Please Cassandra, you know this isn't right! He'll destroy everything!"
"That's kind of the idea Princess.", Cassandra sneered rolling her eyes, "I want Corona to fall as much as I want you to break."
"You know you don't want this any more then I do, c'mon Cass! Fight back!! Please!", Rapunzel tried reaching through for a speck of sanity, "We're sisters, you're my sister, that we both never had. You've cared for me and taught me how to play chess and wield a halberd.
"We painted and laughed and had adventures together! Why would you want to destroy all that? You care for me Cassandra, I know you do! You just need to push past whatever it is you're going through!"
Cassandra felt herself trying to push through the voices in her mind and the moonstone's influence.
Memories flooded through her, good memories, as she stared at Rapunzel's terrified but determined face.
For one glorious moment, she had herself, but it was cut off as her heart hardened and the dark side took over.
"The only thing I'm going through right now is dealing with your existence.", Cassandra said darkly, "But luckily I won't have to worry about that much longer."
She then stood up and walked over to Zhan Tiri, her only purpose serving him so he could destroy their enemies.
Suddenly a sword crashed down on Zhan Tiri and a foot smacked into Cassandra's hip, sending her to the ground with a hard thump.
"Sorry Cassie, but I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into.", a familiar voice said.
Cassandra sat up and glared at Andrew as he pointed his sword at her, keeping her still.
"Get out of my way Hubert! You're getting on my last nerve.", Cassandra warned huffing angrily.
"You don't understand, if you give him the moonstone, you'll die!", Andrew explained his eyes flashing.
"Get away Andrew!!", she repeated as her opal started to light up.
Andrew held his ground, "No, once he takes the power for himself, there won't be anything left for you! No energy, no power and no life!"
She laughed at him disbelievingly and watched as Zhan Tiri stood up an angry look on his face as he turned and looked at his attacker.
"I know exactly what I'm doing Andrew and I don't need some Saporian rat to tell me what to do!", Cassandra said kicking the sword out of his hand.
Zhan Tiri then caught the sword and swung the weapon at Andrew, who dodged and flipped, trying to avoid the fatal blade.
"I figured you'd be more impressive Zhan Tiri. I'll be honest right now, I think you suck at this whole bad guy thing.", Andrew commented as he slid under a swing of the sword.
Zhan Tiri narrowed his eyes and smiled wickedly, "Well if you want to be impressed..."
He then started glowing a toxic green and the magic flowed into the sword's blade, filling the air with powerful energy.
Andrew's eyes widened as the blade swung an inch to his arm, the blade's glow singing it.
"A sword that can make s'mores, congratulations.", Andrew said as he frantically tried to fight back, "The O' powerful warlock made a dessert maker for me, how thoughtful."
Cassandra watched and felt herself want to help, but who did she want to help?
Her mind warred itself as Zhan Tiri and Andrew faced each other off.
As Andrew delivered a punch to Zhan Tiri's chin, Zhan Tiri swiftly stabbed him in the gut in one fluid motion.
Andrew dropped to the ground with the sword still in his stomach, his eyes wide with pain and shock.
Cassandra heard Rapunzel and the others scream out in desolation, but it was distorted as her mind went foggy.
"You, statice report.", Zhan Tiri ordered walking over to Cassandra.
Cassandra's mind then went dark again as she heard the command.
"Your demons are free Master and the motion has been set. The power of the moon opal is now ready to be yours.", Cassandra said bowing again.
"And the Separatists of Saporia?", Zhan Tiri questioned.
"Wandering around Corona, ready for your mind control.", Cass answered straightening.
Zhan Tiri nodded, "Good, let us begin.", he smiled, "Before there are any more interruptions."
Cassandra then felt a sense of new found dread wash through her as she sensed her inner voice stepping back.
Wait, stepping back?
What the heck...
Before Cassandra knew what was happening, Zhan Tiri blasted her with magic, sending her to her knees.
Sharp arrows of magic shot into her body, draining her.
Cassandra couldn't help but scream as tendrils wove around her, extracting her energy and power, leaving her weak and in pain.
Zhan Tiri then walked over and stared into Cassandra's eyes, "If you're leaving, now would be the time to do that.", he instructed.
Cassandra then felt a relieving drifting as she felt whole again, her heart and mind freeing itself from whatever inner demons that had taken control of her.
Even though Zhan Tiri's magic still painfully dug their way into her, Cass let out a breath of relief.
She felt like herself again.
The feeling of relief didn't last long though when Zhan Tiri reached over and touched the stone on her chest with one finger.
Black and green magic bolted through her as Cassandra screamed in agony, her heart feeling like it was going to burst.
She watched helplessly as Zhan Tiri grinned at her and wrapped his fingers around the stone, magic swirling everywhere and causing her pain.
"I know you've always felt outshined Cassandra,", Zhan Tiri said with fake sympathy, "But you Rest In Peace knowing you gave me everything I needed. I couldn't have accomplished all of this without you."
He then sent a giant bolt of magic through her and Cassandra screamed as Zhan Tiri removed the moonstone from her chest.
Magic energy drained her, flowing into Zhan Tiri as he crushed the opal in his claw like hands.
Suddenly the magic stopped and dropped Cassandra as the evil warlock glowed with power.
"At last! The Ultimate Power is mine!", he cackled as he radiated energy, "And no one can stop me!!!"

Happy Halloween!🔮
Bam! Anyone see this coming? Be honest, I'd love to know!

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