Chapter Fifty-Five

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Varian tightened his grip on Cassandra's waist as demons dove at them, possessed Saporian rebels attacked, and fire and debris whizzed through the air.
The ground was covered in ice and harsh flames danced everywhere, destruction and death seemed to be written everywhere now that the warlock Zhan Tiri has been released.
Everything was in turmoil as they rode the horses through the chaos to the heart of Corona.
Rocks sprouted everywhere, blocking the path and making ditches that immediately filled with bright fire.
"C'mon Max! We're getting closer!", he heard Rapunzel urge on as they sped up beside her.
Varian held on tighter as Cass made Fidella speed up even faster.
He felt scared and nervous but also determined.
The world was in danger and it was up to the three of them to save it. And he had to sacrifice everything in order to do so.
Varian ran a finger over the moonstone shard on his chest and breathed in deeply.
A twing of guilt ran through him as he thought of the people he had to leave behind.
He felt bad for leaving Ruddiger behind with Eugene, but he knew that in order to help everyone he couldn't be there for Ruddiger afterward.
And as for his dad, Varian didn't know how to feel.
"Look out Varian!!", Cassandra yelled pulling his head down as a bright green fireball flew past where his head used to be.
"Varian! You need to be aware of your surroundings even with me driving!", she told him as grip tightened in the reins, "You can still be killed and we need to stay alive for this moment!"
Varian nodded, "Uh right! Sorry!", he stuttered shaking his head.
He didn't have time to deal with his emotions or wonderings any longer. He'd made his choice and now he had to focus on doing his part to try to help everyone.
Soon they ran into the capital of Corona, rushing through the abandoned city that was burning and broken to the ground.
Varian watched as the familiar buildings blurred and disappeared into the hot heat, Monty's Sweet Shoppe, Xavier's blacksmith forge, and even Feldsbarg's Cobbler Store.
He couldn't help but feel like their very existence was being destroyed.
Everything they had built and created had no meaning anymore when the flames consumed them. Varian only hoped he had a meaning to someone once they did the incantation.
"C'mon guys! The castle is only a few more miles away!", Rapunzel yelled looking straight ahead.
Hearing that, Max and Fidella galloped with new urgency, knowing they were closing in on their destination.
"Where do you think you're going?", an evil voice asked as they suddenly froze.
"What's going on?! Why can't I move?", Varian asked trying to move from his position.
Light green magic surrounded the horses and the gang, preventing them from continuing their journey.
Rapunzel and Cassandra struggled, "It's Ms. Sugerby!", Rapunzel said, "She can freeze people!"
"Actually it's Sugeracha the Eternal!", the demon corrected coming out from behind a burning cart.
"Oh come on! We don't have time for this!!!", Cassandra yelled straining, "I'm giving you two seconds to let us go Lady!"
Varian groaned, "Why are there so many of you??"
"I'm afraid I can't let you get to the palace right now. Awfully sorry.", another demon apologized bowing mockfully, "Sorry for this minor inconvenience."
Rapunzel and Cassandra let out a shared groan.
"Let me guess, you know this guy as well.", Varian half-laughed.
"Mathews or Tromus.", Cassandra supplied, "Just a weird jerk who used to live in a giant seashell house in the middle of the woods."
Tromus smiled, "You flatter me Casanova."
Cassandra glared at him as she struggled harder, "The name's Cassandra you overgrown lime!"
"Let us go!", Rapunzel yelled.
"Not going to happen darling,", Tromus said, "I'm afraid we have to kill you."
"Unless you'd like another painting lesson.", Sugaracha suggested.
"Oh that's nice, so we're literally incapable of defending ourselves while two moderately powerful demons are ready to kill us or offer us evil painting lessons?", he laughed, "'Cause it's not like we didn't have enough on our plate as it is."
Cassandra bumped him, "Get a hold of yourself Varian!"
"How can I? We're all going to die and be useless to everyone!", he cried out as he wrapped his fingers around a hidden vial carefully, "And we're obviously outmatched!"
The demons clapped, "Now you're getting it!"
"How would you prefer to die? Burning to death or having your essence drained?", Tromus asked Rapunzel.
"Stay away!", Rapunzel warned leaning as far away from Tromus as the magic holding her allowed.
Varian's heart sped up as he slowly willed his hand to move, "Please work.", he whispered.
Cassandra clenched her teeth as Tromus's hands lit with fire, "Stay away from her!"
Varian dropped the vial and it crashed to the ground, glass shattering.
Pink dust blew out and as it touched them Sugracha's holding spell was dispelled.
"I said STAY AWAY!!!", Rapunzel yelled swinging her frying pan with full fledged fury and force.
Tromus got a face full of hard cold metal as he was whacked onto his back.
Cassandra then felt the spell loosen and  directed Fidella into delivering a back kick to the former painting teacher demon.
Both demons were flat on their backs from the brutal hits to their faces and Varian took the opportunity and threw a vial with acid in it at them.
The acid immediately went to work and soon a foul burning smell filled the air.
"Alright, let's go! We've already wasted enough time as it is on those clowns!", Cassandra said as they watched the acid start to eat away at their faces.
"Varian!", Rapunzel cried out looking at him.
He looked at her, "What?!"
She gestured to the demons and his alchemy, "I know they were bad but..."
"We don't have time for this Rapunzel!", Varian exploded, "I did what I had to do! They were out to kill us and we need to find Zhan Tiri and destroy him before it's to late! Like Cass said, we don't have time for this!!"
Rapunzel was silent but then nodded determined and the horses started to move.
Suddenly Varian's leg was grabbed and he nearly fell off Fidella if Cassandra hadn't grabbed his arm a split second later.
"What the,?!", Varian screamed as he looked down at Tromus's acid eaten clawed hand and arm.
"Varian!", Rapunzel cried out turning.
"You're... not going... any... where.", Tromus wheezed his eyes reflecting crazy determination.
His face and upper body were a disgusting mess of melted and burnt flesh. Steaming skin boiled on his body while his bones became visible themselves as yellow blood leaked onto the ground.
The worst part was his face though, his nose was broken and swollen from the frying pan. The acid also ate away at his cheeks and eyes the fastest, giving him an even more ghastly appearance.
Varian held on to Cassandra's hand desperately as he tried not to throw up or loose consciousness.
"Help me!!!", Varian screamed as Tromus tightened his grip on his leg and pulled harder.
Cassandra grabbed Varian with two hands and directed Fidella to pull back.
"Rapunzel! We need some help over here!!", Cass yelled her arms straining, "He's stronger then he looks!"
Rapunzel and Max quickly came over and Rapunzel wrapped her hair around Cassandra's arms and Varian's.
"PULL!!!", Rapunzel ordered as the horses and the girls used everything.
Varian started to slide out of Tromus's grip while his body felt like it was going to break in two from the the opposing forces.
"I'm not let-letting... you... go so soon.", Tromus said pulling harder.
"GUYS, HELP ME!, Varian yelled out scared as he lurched towards the demon.
"We're not letting go of you Varian!", Cassandra promised, "Alright Raps on three! One, two, three!!!"
The group pulled with the force of a truck and Varian finally came out of Tromus's cold clawed hands, slamming into Cassandra.
"Let's go!!", Cassandra breathed out managing to hold her balance while holding Varian as the horses shot through the burnt streets.
They rushed off leaving Tromus and Sugracha behind as Varian shook still feeling the demon's hands on his skin.
The horses then stopped abruptly as Varian mouth widened in shock.
The castle was gone.

Cheers to 2020! 🥂 Happy New Year guys!

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