Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Varian had braced himself against Hector's attack and his world had gone dark.
He was dead.
There was no possible way he could have survived the attack.
Hector's blade was to quick for him to block it with a rock.
Varian felt like his body tingling with fear and adrenaline as he stared into the black void.
He had failed his father, his dad.
Now since he was dead, Varian wouldn't ever have the chance to try to free him.
His life was already over before he was ready for it.
So, how was it he felt his heart beating a hundred miles a minute?
It was still dark, so he must be dead, right?
Was he in heaven?
Or maybe he was somewhere else..., maybe he was somewhere safe.
Varian felt his heart start to calm down a little and realized his eyes were squeezed shut.
He felt his feet braced into the rocks and his back still tensed from the expected attack.
Varian opened his eyes and lowered his arms to reveal blackness.
"Great, so I guess I really am dead.", Varian said staring at the infinite blackness in front of him.
He sighed and continued staring into the black, "I guess I'm in hell to.", he commented his voice cracking a little.
He was scared, he didn't want an eternity of pain and suffering.
He felt his heart quicken in fear and put a hand to his chest.
Did dead people in hell have a heartbeat?
Maybe it was punishment to remind him of the life he could have had.
Varian turned and looked around at his new surroundings and gasped as he realized where he was.
He was still in the hidden glade and he was still sitting in the wreckage of the old tower.
Varian scooted away from the towering blackness and cringed as his whole body ached with pain.
Blood ran down his arm and it took all his willpower not to faint as he looked down at it.
"I'm not dead.", Varian said slowly as he patted himself down and gingerly touched his bleeding arm, "I'm not dead! I'm alive!!!", he laughed happily as he looked up at the setting sun.
Varian stared at the black and was shocked when he realized what it was.
It was a black rock.
A giant one at that.
Varian stood up shaking, while holding his left arm and walked around it.
Expecting Hector to be unconscious or something on the other side, Varian was surprised when he didn't see Hector anywhere.
He turned and quickly gazed around, trying to see if he was hiding somewhere.
"Hector! I know you're out there!", Varian called out bravely preparing to face him off, "Show yourself!"
Suddenly, someone jumped onto Varian from behind, knocking him to the ground.
"Get off of me! Get offa me!!", Varian yelled until he heard a familiar chitter.
Ruddiger looked at him and smiled as he grabbed the raccoon in delight.
"Ruddiger! Buddy!", Varian cried hugging him close.
"I'm glad you're okay and even more glad I'm alive. I don't know what I would do without you!", Varian said standing up again.
Varian looked around.
Where the heck was Hector?
Turning and looking at the rock, Varian felt his blood drain from his face.
"Did I do that?", Varian whispered.
The black rock held Hector inside it somehow.
Hector was completely encased inside, frozen just like his father, Quirin.
Suddenly seeing Hector in that rock brought a memory back.
A memory that shouldn't have been even possible in remembering.
Varian got whisked away as events played in his mind.
Varian was standing in his house and saw his father exiting his room.
"Veronica! Get Varian and stay out of this!", Varian watched Quirin yell at a red haired woman who followed him.
The woman pulled his arm and scoffed, "It's not like I can't fight Quirin and I'm not letting you risk your life without me!"
"Honey, you need to watch Varian!"
Suddenly the front door exploded off the hinges, sending splinters everywhere.
His father looked at Veronica and Varian felt his heart quicken when he realized this was his mother.
"I'll hold her off! Go and get away from here!", Quirin ordered turning toward the front part of the house.
His mother stared back at him defiantly, her bright blue eyes glittering.
His eyes were exactly the same color and shape as his mother's.
"We can defeat her easily and more effectively as a team.", Veronica said determinedly.
Quirin then suddenly drew his sword and blocked off a blast from the cloaked invader who entered the area.
Varian watched in awe and amazement, he'd never seen his father do anything like that before. Where did he even get the skills?
"Move It Veronica! I'm serious!", Quirin yelled as a cloaked person walked forward.
"I'm not leaving you!"
Quirin muttered a curse under his breath as the invader came forward, face hidden in shadows.
"Hand over the child!", the woman's voice commanded, "Or I'll kill you and end your lives."
Veronica smirked, "How can you end our lives if you kill us? Plus, aren't those exactly the same thing?", she asked.
Suddenly the cloaked woman made a swift motion with her hands, throwing a blast of bright green magic.
Veronica and Quirin jumped and rolled out of the way as Varian watched in amazement as his mother pulled out several vials from her dress.
His mother threw the vials with colored liquids inside at the attacker as she shot another magic blast.
The vials exploded in the cloaked woman's face, revealing the attacker as Gothel.
Varian felt his heart start as he saw and realized his mother was a...
"Don't ever mess with an Alchemist!!! You got that! Stay away from my family!", Veronica screamed throwing another explosion.
Gothel dodged the vials and explosions all while his father swung his blade at her.
"Get out!!!", Quirin and Veronica yelled simultaneously delivering a big blow on Gothel.
Varian watched in amazement as Gothel broke through and exploded through the wall, slamming into the field outside.
"Hand over the child! Now!!", Gothel yelled standing and forming a ball of magic.
"Never!", his father screamed bringing the blade down on Gothel's magic.
Gothel suddenly blasted the house and Varian watched in horror as the bricks turned green before the building exploded into ash.
"Mooommm!!!", Varian yelled heartbrokenly.
"Veronica!!!", Quirin screamed in terror as he watched helplessly.
Gothel laughed and blasted Quirin, but his father caught her arm before she land the blow.
"Quirin!", Veronica yelled behind him, "I've got Varian! Kick her butt!!"
Quirin looked up at Gothel, his eyes full of fire hearing his wife's voice, "You're going to pay for that you witch! And you're not getting your filthy hands on my son!!!"
He then unleashed a side that Varian had never seen before.
Varian watched in awe as his father attacked Gothel with his sword and speed, becoming almost a indestructible blur.
Gothel tried keeping up as Quirin unleashed his rage on her.
Veronica watched the battle, cradling a small baby in her arms protectivingly, "Come on babe! You almost got it, don't stop!!", she encouraged.
Suddenly Gothel blasted Quirin in the gut, immediately immobilizing him as he fell to the ground.
"Go!!! Run!!", Quirin screamed as he dropped to the ground, "Get Varian to safety!!!"
Veronica watched her husband fall and nodded tears brimming her eyes.
She then took off as Gothel followed after her, cradling baby Varian in her arms lovingly.
Varian watched as his younger self stared to cry.
"It's ok, it's ok.", his mother soothed panting, "Mommy's here."
"Nowhere else to go!", Gothel laughed appearing in front of her out of nowhere.
Veronica screamed and backed away, only to realize her back was against the Corona wall.
"Hand him over!!!", Gothel demanded, "This is your last chance!"
Baby Varian cried harder as his mother held him close to her heart.
"I would die first before ever giving Varian to you!", Veronica spat with venom lacing her voice.
Gothel's face grew with hatred and anger as she tried blasting his mom.
But something happened.
Varian watched in stunned silence as the world seemed to go mute and slow down.
His hair, baby Varian's hair, his blue strip glowed as he cried and wailed.
Rocks started to grow and cover the area and Varian stared as the rocks swallowed his mom.
Varian screamed in horror and pain but his voice faded out in distorted waves as he watched the black rock encase her.
Right before the blast could hit her.
Gothel's magic seemed to drain from her as his mother got encased and she disappeared, her faint echo of magic lingering behind.

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