Chapter Fourty-Four

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"Well you know what?", Andrew spit on the ground and used a Sapiorion cuss word before walking away annoyed.
"Hey! Take that back!", the thug shouted shaking his fist.
Andrew ignored him.
The thug was of no use, not that Andrew expected him to be. That low level criminal was Coronian after all.
On some other day, he would have destroyed the man, but Andrew's mind was occupied with other things.
And he knew there was no point wasting his energy on some stupid street thug that didn't know his right shoe from his left.
Why he bothered asking that sorry excuse for a criminal anything was beyond Andrew, but he guessed it might have to do with the fact he was doing this job half-heartedly.
Andrew walked through the streets aggravated as his fellow Saporian members strolled through the streets searching for Rapunzel.
Well, not strolling, they weren't stupid, unlike the Captain who wasn't even aware of half the things going down in the kingdom.
It was a laughing shock he didn't see the guards around trying to take down the demons, but he doubted even if they did they would have been able to do much of anything.
He doubted the King was even doing anything too, he was probably eating and relaxing while demons wreaked havoc on Corona.
Which wasn't his problem since he wasn't a good civilian of Corona.
Andrew slid through an ally and consequently stepped in some poop.
Searching for a happy-go-lucky princess in their sworn enemy's kingdom was not one of his top ten things to do on his free time list and stepping in animal poop wasn't in there either.
Disgusted, Andrew removed his foot from the junk and exited the ally.
It wasn't like guards were patrolling this minute anyway, the weather was bad and everyone was shuttered in.
But he wasn't idiotic enough to stay in the open, no matter how 'safe' it was, so he still stuck to the shadows.
Andrew looked up at the sky as dark clouds and lightning streaked the air with the occasional electrocution of a stray lime demon.
He watched as one demon got hit and swayed through the air, before crashing into the ground somewhere.
Shaking his head, he continued to sneak the streets.
The air was electric and humid, making Andrew feel like he was breathing through a static blanket.
It was the atmosphere for a bad storm.
The weather wasn't going to be any more pleasant, that was for sure.
"I hope that stupid kid gets hit by lightning.", he muttered, referring to Varian.
Andrew had no idea why Cassandra seemed to favor the brat so much.
In fact, Andrew didn't even know why he disliked the kid so much, he just did.
The kid was stuck-up and acted superior in some ways, so he could see how anybody could hate him, Andrew thought smugly.
Though Cassandra seemed to like him enough to gift him, gift him with half of her power apparently.
Except of course, Cassandra hadn't given him her power willingly exactly, Andrew remembered.
She had claimed to not remember doing anything of the sort and after the event, didn't look in the greatest shape.
Andrew suspected that Cass was possessed, her behavior had completely changed.
She was moody and impatient, sour and hateful and she regretted her decisions and then she didn't. Cassandra has grown into something else or more accurately was changed into someone else.
Andrew also couldn't help but feel even more frustrated as he thought about the strange closeness between them that had progressed.
The two of them had actually started to appreciate the other, but Cass then changed, shutting off anything that they had reached.
That he had reached.
Definitely possession, Andrew thought bitterly.
He also suspected the whole look for the princess thing was just a ploy to get the Separatists of Saporia out of her hair.
She didn't really even want them around anymore, especially not him.
Or the demon inside her didn't at least.
Andrew turned south and looked out at the far distance toward the Corona wall, a gut feeling something big was happening over there.
Suddenly a giant purple portal opened in the sky, shaking the air with energy, and looming inside stood Zhan Tiri himself.
Andrew's breath caught as he gaped at the sheer size and the dark power that radiated from him; and he wasn't even out of the portal yet.
He couldn't even imagine how much power Zhan Tiri would have once he was free.
Wait, if the portal was open...
Andrew's eyes widened with realization and he cursed inwardly rushing to the Corona border.
Cassandra needed Rapunzel in order to free Zhan Tiri, which meant that Cass already found the princess.
Looked like he was right after all.
"I swear Cassandra, you are not going to claim all this power for yourself!", he muttered running.
Demon or no demon, there was no way he was getting kicked out of the awakening of Zhan Tiri.
But Andrew knew if there was a demon possessing Cassandra, he would know the next time he saw her.
He would be ready for it and he was going to kick that demon's dirty spirit out of her and back into the chaos it came from.
He was not going to let a stupid possession ruin all his hard work on his and Cassandra's relationship.
Andrew then passed by a horse stable and smiled.
It wasn't like anyone was using them and besides, Corona was his sworn enemy kingdom.
He was taking a ride.

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