Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"C'mon, let's go!", Eugene yelled pulling a worried Lance along.
Maximus and Fidella followed limping, their legs weak and swollen.
Everyone rushed off into the trees as Lance carried a limp and bleeding Adira along.
"I don't know if we're going to make it in time!", Aunt Willow panted as they rushed to find help.
Lance ran ahead of the group, his heart pounding with hope and worry, "She's tough, she'll be able to hold on until we get a doctor!"
King Edmund looked skeptical, "Lance, she just got impelled. I don't think she's going to live much longer, it's a miracle she's even alive right now."
"Dad! Seriously! Not right now!", Eugene scolded shooting Edmund a look of daggers.
Lance felt his eyes brim with tears, "She'll make it, she'll make it. She just has to!"
"Lance.", Adira said brokenly as she coughed violently, her eyes barely open.
Lance stopped and stared at Adira, his eyes wide as everyone stopped as well.
"Adira, save your energy.", Lance said holding her hand gently while smiling a little.
Adira shook her head and coughed, "Stop Lance, I need to tell you something.", she coughed brokenly.
Eugene walked over to the two, "You know, Lance is right. You need to save your energy Adira, don't strain yourself more then you have to."
"We need to get moving.", Lance said starting to move again.
Eugene nodded and everyone turned away, continuing their journey.
"Stop.", Adira croaked.
Lance continued running and Adira summoned as much energy as she could to raise her voice.
"Stop!!!", she yelled her voice clear as they ignored her.
"I can't stop Adira, you're running out of time.", Lance interjected not breaking stride.
"Arnwaldo Snitz!", Adira yelled, "Stop this moment!"
Lance came to an abrupt halt as she used his real name and breathed shakily knowing Adira was serious.
Adira looked at him, "Arnwaldo, put me down next to that tree.", she ordered.
Everyone stared at her as Lance looked flustered.
"But Adira..,", Lance tried to reason.
"Now!!!", Adira cut in harshly.
Lance set her down her back against the tree gently and kneeled next to her.
"Listen, I don't have much time.", Adira started but Eugene cut her off.
"Exactly! Which is why we need to find a doctor as soon as possible! So let us take you!", he yelled angrily.
Adira looked at him impatiently, "Do me a favor and shut up Fishskin.", she coughed while straightening.
"I said shut it!!! Everyone be quiet!", Adira yelled tears streaming down her cheeks.
Silence filled the air and they looked at Adira intently.
Lance held her hand gently and nodded encouragingly, "We're listening."
"As I was saying, I don't have much time. I need to tell you guys something important, the key to defeating the moondrop."
Stunned and bated breath was shared as they listened to Adira.
"Rapunzel needs to combine the healing and reverse incantation in order to unlock her full power. Then after she does, she'll have to destroy Cassandra and Varian.", Adira said in a cracked voice, "And in the process she'll destroy herself as well."
"What?!?", Eugene yelled.
Aunt Willow gasped as Edmund looked outraged and angry at Adira.
Lance stood up and shook his head, "That can't be right Adira! That can't be the only way!"
Adira looked at them hurt and regret in her eyes, "I'm sorry, it's the only way."
Eugene grabbed Adira, "No! You're lying! This isn't the way!!", he screamed.
Edmund and Lance pulled him off Adira, right before he would have punched her.
"Let me go!", Eugene yelled as tears ran down his cheeks in anger.
"Eugene, you need to calm down!", Lance cried as Adira looked away guiltily.
"I'm sorry, I'm just telling you this is the only chance she has in restoring the light. If there was another way, I would have told you.", Adira said sadly, "You have to find Rapunzel and tell her what I told you."
"Why would I tell her to destroy herself! Are you completely insane!!!", Eugene screamed.
"Why do you think I was so hesitant to tell you?", Adira asked weakly.
Eugene stopped struggling and stared at her.
Lance and King Edmund released Eugene as he lost his fight and Lance went back over to Adira's side.
Lance put a hand on her shoulder, "It isn't your fault.", he comforted as a couple of tears streamed down her face.
Eugene walked toward Adira, his face unreadable and emotionless.
"You've heard the saying 'Don't shoot the messenger', right?", Eugene started staring at her.
Adira looked back at him and nodded.
"I was being unfair, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to take it out on you Adira.", he apologized, "Tell me all you know please."
Lance smiled at Eugene at his apology as Adira nodded again.
Adira cleared her throat,
"Flower gleam and glow,
"Let your power shine,
"Make the clock reverse,
"Change the fates design,
"Heal what has been hurt,
"And give back what was once was mine.
"That's the healing incantation but,
"Wither and Decay,
"End this Destiny,
"Break these earthly chains,
"And set the Spirits free.
"Is the reverse incantation."
Eugene looked at her, "Well yeah, we already know that. How do we combine them?"
Adira coughed and this time blood came out as she tried to catch her breath.
"Flower gleam and glow,
Wither and Decay,
Let your power shine,
End this destiny,
Make the clock reverse,
Break these earthly chains,
Change the fates design,
And set the Spirits free,
And give back what was once was mine.", Adira choked out.
Lance stared at her worried as Eugene nodded, "Got it, but it's missing the healing part."
Adira looked at him, "It's not missing, this is how it is."
"Okay, is that all?", Eugene asked looking at her intently.
"The rest is up to Rapunzel. All our hopes ride on her now.", Adira answered, "Go and find her before it is to late."
Suddenly the sky went dark and a storm blew through the trees.
The group looked up at the sky as the wind howled and lightning cracked through the black clouds.
Adira's eyes widened, "Go! Go right now! We're running out of time!!!", she yelled as the air flashed green.
Eugene glanced at Adira and ran off as King Edmund, Aunt Willow and the rest of the group followed, leaving Lance and Adira alone.

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