Chapter Fourty-Eight

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"Dad lied to me, he lied to me, I can't believe him!", Varian repeated over and over as all thought erased as his anger and shock washed over him.
"Why would be lie to me?!", he asked himself staring up at the dark cloudy sky.
Lightning flashed randomly and fast, the sound of thunder shaking the ground with vibrations.
He shouldn't have come outside.
The weather was dangerous and Varian knew a storm was going to hit any minute as the air was electric as the harsh wind blew.
Varian shivered as his cape blew in the wind wildly, threatening to pull him away.
Ruddiger suddenly then ran up to him while chittering trying to get Varian to wait for him.
"Hey buddy!", Varian exclaimed picking up his furry sidekick.
"I'm sorry if I scared you Ruddiger, it's just... it's just Dad lied to me about everything and I thought I could trust him.", Varian apologized as Ruddiger looked at him with big eyes, "I thought once my father was free from the amber, everything would be fixed and fine."
Varian looked up at the stormy sky his heart burning with sadness, "I don't want to be angry at Dad, but I won't keep relying on him to give me the answers. I'm going to find Cassandra and help her, even if she has a bad attitude. At least she doesn't lie to me and hide life-changing secrets."
Ruddiger shook his head and chittered anxiously.
Varian looked at him annoyed, "I'll be fine and even if you don't trust her, I do. So stop worrying so much."
Ruddiger watched Varian storm off, heading toward the Coronan wall and the eye of the storm.
As he headed toward the birth place of the Sundrop flower, Varian heard and saw a looming figure with ram horns step out of a giant purple circle.
Energy crackled in crazy streaks, lighting up the dark sky with eerie gloomy light.
Varian gasped at the sheer size of the figure and tried to figure out who he was.
Was this some demon stepping out of a portal?
Varian's mind whizzed with theories and possibilities as he stared at the sky.
What was happening?
While he stood frozen in fear and awe, Andrew suddenly rushed by him on horseback, nearly mowing him over.
"Hey watch it!", Varian yelled after him shaking his fist.
"I'm coming for you Cassandra, don't you dare...", Varian heard Andrew say aloud before he was to far ahead to hear.
"Huh? What the heck is going on around here?!", he yelled in frustration as he looked at Andrew's disappearing figure and the portal winking out of existence.
Was Andrew trying to kill Cassandra? Who was the giant being from the portal? Was that supposed to be Zhan Tiri, the ancient legendary warlock from the storybooks?
Varian's breath caught as he felt the air sharpen and change with a dark aura, filing the kingdom with grim decay.
He needed to get over there.
Varian hurriedly grabbed Ruddiger by the scruff of his neck and took off, running as fast as his legs could carry him.
As he ran Ruddiger climbed in to his neck and clung on, holding on for dear life.
"C'mon, c'mon! You can do this Varian! Cass might need you!!", he pepped talked himself vaulting over the Corona border with the help of his rock powers.
He then heard a bone chilling scream and he quickly realized it was Cassandra's scream of pain.
He had to resist the urge to call out her name as Varian heard her cries, he had to be smart about this.
Sliding down the cliff face cautiously, Varian saw to his dismay a frightening and horrible scene.
Looming over Cassandra stood a goat-headed octopus guy, draining and ripping away her moonstone and her strength. Cassandra was on her knees before she fell to the ground as Goat-Guy laughed and said something to her.
Varian then saw a figure hovering right over Cassandra, some ghost or demon, with curly black hair and a blood red dress, smiling cruelly at Rapunzel.
And Rapunzel and her friends were all on the ground, seemingly unable to get up as Rapunzel screamed Cass's name and Andrew's.
His attention then was caught as he stared at Andrew's bleeding body, a sword through his stomach.
It took all of poor Varian's strength and willpower not to pass out or and throw up at the bloody scene.
"At last!", Goat-Guy laughed manically, "The Ultimate Power is mine! And no one can stop me!", Varian heard him cry out.
Red Dress smiled and floated over to him, "Yes Master, and now you since you possess the Sundrop and Moonopal, Corona will bow to your will!"
Varian rolled his eyes in annoyance; yeesh, villains and their stupid declarations of things. It was like they were asking something or someone to stop them.
Wait a second...
Varian squinted at Red Dress and nearly screamed.
The demon was Gothel!!! The same woman who had kidnapped Rapunzel, tried to kill his parents and was the mother of Cassandra!!!
Ruddiger quickly rubbed Varian, trying to soothe him as sweat stared to pop on his forehead.
"How, how is she even...", Varian started to mutter, staring at Gothel in pure horror.
Goat-Guy nodded, "Well done my faithful student, you have come through and set me free and for that you will be rewarded in due time. Though, as for right now, I have some important tasks that need to be done first."
Gothel bowed, "Of course my Lord."
He then turned to leave but then gave Gothel one more instruction, "I want you to take care of those pests Gothel,", Goat-Guy said motioning to the fallen group, "clean up and don't leave a single speck of ash behind."
"I live to serve only the Master of All.", Gothel said bowing even deeper, her dark hair cascading over her face.
Varian then watched in shock as Goat-Guy flew off, taking into the sky with several other demons in the air.
He then turned his attention back to Gothel and tried to think of a plan on how to help Cassandra as he stayed hidden.
Suddenly Gothel straightened and laughed, sending chills down Varian's back.
"Heck yeah I will! Ha!", Gothel mocked turning toward Rapunzel.
"I'm really sorry darling, but the destruction of you and your annoying pets will have to wait as I have more pressing matters to deal with. I hope this doesn't inconvenience you my little flower.", Gothel cackled before rushing into the cliff face and disappearing into it.
Varian held back a scream as Gothel flew right past him, praying that the horrible woman didn't see him and emerge from the cliff side.
He even felt Ruddiger tense and his fur bristle, alarmed at the sudden blur of the demon.
As a couple of moments passed and nothing screamed for him, Varian cautiously slid down the rest of the cliff, coming to rest where Rapunzel and the rest lay on the ground unmoving.
"Cassandra!", Varian called rushing to her side immediately, "Cassandra!"
"C'mon Cassandra, wake up!", he yelled shaking her fearfully, "Cassie!!"
He looked down at her in stress and worry, afraid the worst had fallen upon her.
"Varian!", Rapunzel suddenly screamed, "Look out!!!"

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