Chapter Fourty-Six

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"You're a what now?", Lance asked wondering if Adira was going crazy cause of blood loss.
"Cause it sounded like you said demon, which I know you didn't say, so what did you say fierce warrior lady of awesomeness?", Lance asked holding her hand.
Adira looked him Lance straight in the eye, her own brown eyes looking regretful.
"I'm a demon Lance and not just any demon, I'm one of Zhan Tiri's demons.", Adira said pulling her hand away from him.
Lance's eyes widened as what Adira told him settled in.
Adira couldn't be a demon!
She was to nice, to strong, to brave, to awesome to be an evil demon!
"I still love and care for you as much as I first did Adira, nothing can change that.", Lance decided, "You being a demon doesn't change anything."
"Don't do this Lance,", Adira pleaded.
Lance looked at her, "Don't do what? Love you?"
Adira looked away, "It's better for you and for me."
Silence filled the awkward space as Lance stared at Adira sadly.
He then sat right next to her and patted her shoulder gently, trying to think of something to say to change things between them.
"I guess I need to explain myself even further don't I?", Adira asked laughing a little before coughing harshly, "Good Demanitus, I'm a mess."
Lance looked at her at listened, readying his mind to take in whatever she would throw.
"First off as a demon, I'm a lot a older then you. I'm exactly 289 years old and technically still young. Crazy to believe right?", Adira said trying to start with something light before it went deep.
"Moving away from my age, well, I was born a demon in the Dark Veil, the land Zhan Tiri and his followers were banished to.
"I was different back then to, different from all of them. I didn't want to be a demon. I wanted to be human and unlike my kind, wanted to live life to the fullest.
"I wanted a purpose besides wasting away in the Dark Veil and plotting on how to escape so I could destroy everything.
"I hated Zhan Tiri and his destruction, I hated the Dark Veil and I hated myself.
"One fateful day, I found a way out of the Veil.
"I was practically glowing with joy as I smelled flowers and touched alive trees and anything that lived and breathed. "Your world was filled with life, something mine never possessed.
"I was able to enjoy my stay for about a week, assuming the form of a human like all demons possess, before I felt myself losing my hold on your world.
"As demons, we can only be in your world for so long, stay tethered to it you could say. We start being drawn back to the Dark Veil as sickness falls on us from staying in a world not filled with decay.
"Unfortunately, I gained the sickness and the pull of Veil.
"As a demon trying to survive and stay in the mortal world, I went to the place where I felt destruction and decay lived strongly.
"The Dark Kingdom.
"The Dark Kingdom had the legendary moon opal, which radiated power. I snuck into the palace trying to find the source of power. As a demon, I was unable to reach it if I wanted to. I could still sense it and found the opal in its spherical rock cage.
"As I took a step near it, wanting to destroy something as evil as Zhan Tiri himself and keep your world clean, someone intercepted me.
"A strange man who was native to the kingdom it seemed, some protector of sorts to the opal.
"He knew I was a demon and he offered me something. He offered a welcome stay in your world or he lightly threatened a one-way trip back home.
"I chose staying in this world, obviously, and he took me to a balcony for tea.
"As we had tea he insisted I look like myself, a glowing green demon, and as I did he didn't show concern or fear.
"He chatted with me about the several pleasures your world owned before opening up the conversation to something more serious.
"I told him as a demon, I wanted to stay in your world; not for destruction and power, but for life and peace.
"He suggested I could fight against Zhan Tiri and stay in this world if I really wanted what I said.
"He told me if I agreed though, I'd lose my demon powers and become more human. I'd also have to serve the Brotherhood and pledge my service to making the world a better place, fighting against Zhan Tiri and his lingering forces.
"I excitedly agreed, wanting to rid myself of the darkness that filled me and fight against the very being I hated.
"He then warned me that the path I chose would be hard, human life was complicated and regretful.
"I wasn't swayed and I promised that I could take it. The man smiled and with some powerful magic, turned me into a substantial human being.
"That very day I became a member of the Brotherhood and lived my life kicking evil hooligans in the rearend.
"I never saw the mysterious man again who had given me a wonderful chance at life, but I never forgot my promise.
"I've lived as a human for a wonderful twenty-seven years and I've experienced loss, regret, love, and several more emotions.", Adira looked at him with shining eyes, "And you Lance have awoken a feeling I've never thought I'd feel again.
"But as a dying demon, it's better for you if you move on and don't get yourself attached to me.", she said coughing her face pale.
Lance grabbed her hand, "Your story only makes me realize how strong and good-willed you are Adira. You gave up your powers and promised to live a life of servitude.", he looked at her admiringly, "You're an amazing person and, and, I'll love you forever."
"You have a right to be happy Adira, you have every right.", Lance said his eyes starting to shine, "So I realize if me leaving makes you happy, I'll do it."
He then loosened his grip to leave but Adira gripped it, forcing him to stay.
Lance looked down at their holding hands in shock and felt his cheeks start to burn.
"You're right Lance, I do deserve to be happy again, but so do you. Especially you.", Adira said squeezing his hand, "I love you too, but I didn't want to admit it in fear of hurting you and myself. I understand now that in doing so, I was hurting the both of us."
Lance gaped at her and tried to find words again as his tongue failed to speak, "Are you saying you're giving me a chance?"
Adira nodded as she watched Lance's face brighten, "I am, but I was wondering if you'd be the one to give me a chance.", she said almost shyly.
"Of course you can have a chance Adira, you can have as many as you want!", Lance cried happy tears going down his face.
Adira's eyes finally let loose her tears as the two awkwardly but lovingly kissed.
Lightning punctuated the sky as the two lovers kissed and held hands, sealing the moment with light.

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