Chapter 10

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For the next hour or so, Donkey and I wandered around the woods feeling, well pretty down about everything that had just occurred. He was more miserable than I was, and as much as I tried to help him feel a bit better, nothing seemed to work. Shrek was totally making a big deal about everything. He didn't even let us explain to him the entire conversation we had with Fiona. But no, he had to have a massive outburst and take it out on us. We eventually arrived at a lake and perched ourselves near the water's edge so we could have a drink.

"Don't worry, Donkey, he'll come round," I said, stroking his head. "He's being his usual ogre self."

"He's acting so stubborn, why doesn't he just confess his feelings for her?" He groaned.

"He doesn't seem like the type of person to be open with his emotions," I explained. "Forcing him to open up clearly won't work."

As I got myself a handful of water, I heard a random yelp from next to me. I turned, and I almost let out a massive scream, sitting not too far from us was a dragon. But not just any dragon, it was the same dragon that was in the castle Fiona was trapped in. I was about to make a run for it when I noticed tears coming from her eyes. Donkey had seen this too and had gone over to her. I guess not all dragons are fierce and scary. Some actually have emotions. We spent some time consoling her, and we kind of had a conversation. (I don't speak dragon, so I have no idea what she was actually saying.)

After a while, I decided that enough was enough; if Shrek wanted to be petty and grumpy, then so would we. After saying goodbye to Dragon, we marched all the way back to the swamp to act on the idea I had come up with. We finally made it to Shrek's, and I instructed Donkey to find a couple of branches. If Shrek wanted a wall, then a wall was what he would get. I guess he must have heard us, and we saw him come out of his house

"Katie? Donkey?" He called out, "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like we're doing?" I said, placing a branch down on the ground.

"I would think, of all people, you would recognise a wall when you see one." Donkey added.

"Well, yeah," Shrek said, walking over to us. "But the wall's supposed to go around my swamp, not through it."

"Are you blind?" I said, "It is around your half. Look, that's your half, and this OUR half."

"Oh! Your half. Really?" He smirked, thinking that we were serious.

"Yes, our half." Donkey said. "We helped rescue the princess. We did half the work, so we get half the booty."

"Exactly. Fair is fair." I barked back. "Now, if you don't mind, can you hand me that big rock over there? You know, the one that looks like your head!"

Shrek grabbed a stick and tried to use it to push us away, but Donkey used his head to push the stick closer to Shrek. I hurried over to help him push the stick too. It was now looking like a tug of war match.

"Back off!" Shrek yelled.

"No, you back off." Donkey yelled back.

"This is my swamp!"

You mean our swamp!" I screamed.

"Let go, you two!"

"Why don't you let go!" I added.

"Stubborn jackasses!" He screamed at Donkey and me.

"Loudmouth idiot!" I yelled.

"Smelly ogre," Donkey said.

"Fine!" Shrek yelled, letting go of the stick and making Donkey and I fall over.

"Don't you dare work away from us, we aren't through with you yet!" I cried, marching over to Shrek, who was clearly trying to get out of the situation.

"Well, I'm through with you two!" he yelled.

That's when Donkey puffed up his chest and began to run after him.

"Uh-uh. You know, with you, it's always, 'Me, me, me!'" he yelled. "Well, guess what! Now it's our turn! So you just shut up and pay attention!"

We continued to follow Shrek around as he desperately tried to walk away from us. He needed to hear the truth, and he needed to listen to it.

"You are mean to us," Donkey continued. "You insult us, and you don't appreciate anything that Katie or I do! You're always pushing us around or pushing us away."

"Oh yeah," Shrek uttered, turning around. "Well, if I treated you both so bad, how come you two came back?

"Because that is what friends do, Shrek," I said, crossing my arms. "They forgive each other and makeup over stupid things!"

He then took a deep breath. "Yeah, you're right, guys. I forgive you... for stabbin' me in the back!" He then went into his makeshift toilet and slammed the toilet door in our faces.

"Oh, for crying out loud, Shrek," I groaned, banging on the toilet door. "Stop acting like a child and come and talk to us like a grown-up!"

"You're so wrapped up in layers, onion boy, you're afraid of your own feelings." Donkey yelled.

"Go away!" Shrek called out.

"There you are, doing it again just like you did to Fiona," I said. "All she ever did was like you, maybe even love you."

"Love me?" Shrek cried. "She said I was ugly, a hideous creature. I heard the three of you talking."

"She wasn't talkin' about you. She was talkin' about-" Donkey was about to say another word when I stopped him. I shook my head and mouthed the words no. If Shrek had to learn the truth about Fiona, then she had to tell him herself. Face to face. "Uh, uh, somebody else."

The toilet door creaked open, and Shrek slowly popped his head around the door. His face was a lot calmer, and his eyebrows were a bit raised. "S-she wasn't talking about me? Well, then who was she talking about?

"Ohhhh so you now want to know, huh? I said.

"Uh-uh, no way," Donkey said, walking away from Shrek, who had now come out of the toilet. "We ain't saying anything. You don't wanna listen to us. Right? Right?"

"Guys come on." Shrek pleaded.

"No!" Donkey and I shouted in unison.

"Okay, look. I'm sorry alright?"

We turned our backs away from him. If he called that an apology, then I wasn't going to even acknowledge it. I then heard him let out another deep sigh.

"I'm sorry." He said. "I guess I am just a big, stupid, ugly ogre. Can you both forgive me?"

We turned back around; now, that sounded like a decent apology. "Hey, that's what friends are for, right? Donkey said.

"Right. Friends?" Shrek added, holding out his hand.

"Friends," I said as we all shook hands.

"So, um, what did Fiona say about me?" Shrek asked.

"What are you asking us for, silly?" I laughed. "Why don't you just go ask her?"

"The wedding! We'll never make it in time." Shrek gasped.

Donkey then laughed, I knew what plan he had forming in his head. "Never fear, for where there's a will, there's a way, and I have a way."

He then whistled, and the sound of a booming roar came from above us. We looked up to see Dragon as she gradually came down to land.

"Guys?" Shrek asked.

"I guess it's just my animal magnetism." Donkey laughed.

"Aw, come here, you." Shrek started to laugh as well, giving Donkey a hug.

"All right, all right. Don't get all slobbery. No one likes a kiss ass."Donkey chuckled.

We all climbed onto Dragon's back and got ourselves in a steady position so that we wouldn't fall off.

"All right hold on tight.," he announced. "I haven't had a chance to install the seat belts yet." 

We all burst out laughing as Dragon began to take off. It was my first time ever flying, and it was amazing! One of the best experiences I've ever had. Now we were on a mission. We had a wedding to stop.

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