Chapter 26

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One thing I loved, and still do is going on strolls. For me, it's one of the best ways to clear my mind and reflect on everything in my life. It also gives me time to take in the ever-changing scenery around me. Nothing stays the same in nature; it's captivating, and it makes me appreciate the world I live in. 

The woods not too far from my house is in my eyes is a place that every single person should see. Walking down the woodland path somehow always uplifts someone's mood, relaxing not only their mind but spirit as well. This is the case for me, as well.

It was a late Friday afternoon, and I went out for my usual trip through the woods. Mum had spent the last three weeks since my birthday in bed as advised by the doctor. Her eyes were no longer as bright as they used to be, she moved slower and with more care. 

I would always hear her groaning and whining to herself each time she moved any part of her body. Daniel had spotted me yawning for what he said was the one-hundredth time, and insisted that I take a break from looking after her. I made sure to let her know that I was going out for a while, and she was more than happy that I was getting some me time.

I made my way down the path, the intertwining tower like trees never seemed to get old. Their golden-brown leaves cascaded down to create a soft duvet on the ground. The sounds of nature's orchestra filled the air, while the sun's rays shined and peeked through the gaps of the leaves. Taking strolls like these, walking through those living paintings was pure comfort. 

I sat at my favourite spot by the lake's edge and gazed around the surrounding areas; the shimmer that would glisten from the lake made everything look so magical. It was nature's natural mirror. Being there consistently gave me time to think over things and daydream on whatever was on my mind.

I frequently drift off into a world of my own, where everything is bliss and joyful. A sense of warmth fills my whole body. Oh, how I wish I could stay there forever. You could say I'm a typical daydreamer; I say I'm just a deep thinker. When I eventually snapped myself from my dream state, I noticed the sky had turned from a cool blue to a warm blend of orange and yellow. 

I began to walk back to the house, but not before picking a bunch of flowers for mum. Their sweet scent is what I love about them, not to mention how beautiful they looked. A rainbow of colours that would bring any room to life, and for my mum, it would certainly brighten her day a lot more.

I felt a pin drop of water hit my cheek, and I raised my eyes to the sky's murky clouds that started to appear. The rain then began to trickle down, and I knew I had to get moving. At last, I was on the main road home.


I stopped and squinted my eyes to see a silhouette of someone running towards me.

"Katie!" Their arms were frantically waving, but I couldn't for the life of me see their face. As they got closer, I could make out that they were wearing a woolly green jumper, and I immediately knew who it was.

"Daniel?" I yelled out.

I began to pace faster towards him, and it was then I could make out his face. His eyes were wide open, and his mouth was frowning. Something in my gut then knew that something was wrong. The rain was still continuing to scatter down over us when we eventually reached on another.

"Daniel, what's wrong?"

He hunched over and started to take quick short deep breaths.

" need... to get home now," He panted. "The doctor and Father John are at the house with dad...mums got worse."

He then looked up at me, his eyes were now red and puffy. My throat suddenly got dry, and my mouth was now starting to tremble. I didn't want to think the worst, but it was all that was now filling my mind.

"W-we need t-to hurry then." I stuttered.

I began to speed up my pace, and in a matter of seconds, I was darting up the road, Daniel not too far behind. I didn't know what I was going to find when I reached home, I dreaded what I was going to witness. However, I did my best to stay positive. It was the only thing that kept my feet moving.

"Please be ok," I thought. "Please be ok!"

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