Chapter 27

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I was running at such a speed that everything around me became a blur, I could feel a layer of sweat covering my skin. By now, the rain was gushing down; my clothes stuck onto me, and my hair was dripping wet, but I didn't care at all. All that was on my mind was my mum, and I kept telling myself that everything was going to be ok. I know this kept my feet moving. 

I burst through the front door and dashed upstairs towards my parent's bedroom. It was what I saw made my heart shatter into a million pieces. Mum's complexion was now a ghostly pale, and the bags under her eyes were so huge that you could see them from miles away. 

I could hear her wheezing heavily, and she was groaning out her words. I had never seen her in that state before, and I knew then that it was severe. Dad was sitting near the head of the bed, stroking mum's hand. He wasn't the type of person who showed his emotions to anyone, not even us. 

However, the way he was sobbing and clutching her hand made me tear up inside. Just as Daniel had said, the local doctor and priest were also in the room talking with one another. They immediately stopped their conversation as soon as they realised that I was there.

"What's going on?" I quivered. "Is mum going to be ok?"

Everyone stared blankly at me as the doctor walked over to where I was, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Katie," He sighed. "I've done all that I can. There isn't any more I can do."

"No... please, there has to be something, anything." I cried.

"There isn't Katie," My dad sniffed. "We...w-we have to say our goodbyes."

I felt Daniel's head lean on the arm, his loud sobbing feeling the room. I didn't want my emotions to fully take over, I needed to stay strong. However, the tears that were falling onto my cheeks expressed my current mood perfectly. I watched on as Father John prayed with my mum; it was short but kind of comforting in some respects. Dad then spoke to her. He was a stuttering and blubbering mess, but mum's low sweet voice did comfort him a little.

Daniel and I were beckoned over to her bedside, and I could see from her face that her illness had fully taken over her body. She whimpered from time to time, and I could tell that she was in unbearable pain.

"My dear children," she said quietly, letting out a few coughs. "Stay strong for one another, ok? I wouldn't want you both to be in total despair when I'm gone. Daniel, be a good boy for me. I know you'll be able to look after yourself and do well in life."

"I will, I promise, mum." He wept, wiping his eyes and nose. She slowly shifted her head to me and pulled a small weak smile.

"Oh, Katie. My beautiful golden-haired girl."

I dropped to my knees and gripped her other hand tight. Tears building more and more by the minute.

"Mum... please don't leave me." I sobbed. "I beg you, fight this illness for us."

"It has won over my body, Katie." Mum groaned. "I can't push on any longer, but I know you, your brother and father will be able to carry on without me."

I gripped her hand tighter, I didn't want this to be my new reality. Not having her around wasn't something I could deal with. How could I? She had done so much for not just for me but for Daniel too. How would we cope without her?

"I'm so sorry, mum." I whimpered, lowering my head. "I wish I could have been a better daughter for you."

"Now look here," She said. "You are wonderful, Katie, and you have and always will make me so proud. I couldn't have asked for a more loving daughter. Continue to be just that, and never lose sight of who you are. Don't make what others think or say about you bring you down. Never change for anyone, especially yourself. Do you promise?"

I gradually lifted my head up so that my puffy eyes met her weak ones. "Yes, mum. I promise I will."

"No matter what troubles and hardships you go through, I will always be with you." She said softly. "Always."

I became so overcome with emotion that I rested my head on the side of the bed. The tears started to flow, and at that point, I didn't have the strength to stop them. I could hear the rain drumming against the bedroom windows, the sky was now dark and gloomy, and at that moment, my life was genuinely crumbling apart. I continued to clutch mum's hand, my body trembling every passing second. Her breathing and deep wheezing became quieter and quieter until eventually, an eerie silence fell upon the room.

Nothing was going to be the same after that night, but I didn't know or realise just how dreadful things were soon going to get.

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