Chapter 14

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When I finally arrived back at the swamp, I honestly wasn't expecting to do much. I thought I would meet up with everyone and catch up on what had been going on while I had been away, maybe even do something fun for a couple of days. Instead of that, I found myself in Far Far Away, going on yet another adventure to stop the Fairy Godmother and her son with their evil plan. Allow me to explain...

So this fanfare randomly showed up outside Shrek's house, and a man holding a scroll informed Shrek and Fiona that they had been summoned to Far Far Away by the king and queen so that they could celebrate Fiona's marriage. I didn't get it at first, but then the man revealed anything, and it made more sense. The king and queen were, in fact, Fiona's parents, and I guess they wanted to meet Shrek in person. 

I didn't know how they would feel about their daughter now being fully-fledged ogre, but I imagined they wouldn't care that much. After all, she was their only child, and they would love her no matter what. Shrek wasn't that thrilled with the idea of leaving, but he didn't have much choice in the matter. In a few hours, we were all making our way towards Far Far Away.

I had always wanted to go there. I heard it had the best shopping district anywhere in the world. Some say it's 'The place where dreams come to life, and anything is possible.' I heard that it was a kingdom full of life; anyone who was anyone lived there. Majority of the princesses I grew up reading about as a little girl lived there, from Cinderella to Rapunzel. They all got their happy endings, and I felt that I could find mine there too.

However, the journey took forever, and I was growing bored by the hour. Thankfully, I had a book or two to pass the time. It wasn't long before Donkey started to get annoying, and I mean super irritating. He became that kid who would continuously ask that annoying question, "Are we there yet?"

I swear I was about to slap him with my book if Shrek hadn't told him to shut up. When we finally arrived, it wasn't long before people started to recognise who was inside the carriage. A large crowd began following us, I felt like a celebrity at that point, so I started waving to everyone, and they waved back at me.

"I could get used to this." I thought.

We arrived at the castle to thousands of people, including the king and queen, waiting for us. Let's just say it got pretty awkward when they all saw Shrek and Fiona. So much so that Donkey and I let them carry on ahead while we parked the carriage somewhere. Dinner time. Woah! It was crazy! Shrek and King Harold had this massive argument, and food went flying! I just sat back and ate, watching them bicker at one another. Fiona wasn't too happy with both of them and ended up storming out of the room.

"You didn't have to start fighting over the food, you know," I said as Donkey, Shrek, and I headed up towards Shrek and Fiona's room.

"He started it!" Shrek shouted. I stopped to glare at him while shaking my head. "Your behavior still wasn't on."

"You were supposed to make a good first impression on them, not a horrible one." Donkey added, walking beside him.

"It was a bad idea coming here; I told you guys that." Shrek said, "Did you honestly think they would like me? An ogre?"

We made it to the bedroom suite before hearing weird noises coming from inside.

"Fiona?" He called out, trying to open the door.

"Why is it locked?" I asked.

"Fiona!" Shrek yelled, barging his way into the room to find most of the bedroom furniture walking around the place. There was also a woman with glittery lilac hair and wearing a light blue dress in the room as well; she looked like a sweet old woman. Fiona introduced her as her Fairy Godmother, which didn't shock me at all, with Fiona being a princess and all. Fairy Godmother wasn't too pleased with finding out who Shrek was, and she was definitely voicing her views on it for sure. Before she left, she handed Fiona her card, but Shrek snatched it from her hand.

"Thanks, but we've got all the happiness we need. Happy, happy, happy..." Shrek bellowed.

"So I see," Fairy Godmother smiled as she climbed into her carriage, which may I add was floating outside the bedroom window. It looked pretty cool if you ask me.

"Let's go, Kyle," she said.

She closed the carriage door before it flew off into the distance. It wasn't long before Shrek and Fiona began arguing again, and it wasn't long before Fiona stormed out of the room.

"Once again yet another successful argument!" I exclaimed, "Went really well, didn't it?"

"That's real smooth, Shrek." Donkey added. "I'm an ogre!" He roared, mimicking what Shrek had done during the argument.

Shrek went over to the door and pressed his ear against it. I went to the door as well, and I could faintly hear Fiona crying. I brushed my hand through my hair while shaking my head.

This was going to be a long and tiring stay.

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