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It's crazy to think that as I finish writing this, I've been queen for a whole year. What a year it has been. Artie has been an amazing king, so kind-hearted and wise in governing over the people. His guidance has made Far Far Away prosper immensely, and we both continue to make sure that we do our utmost best to provide for everyone. I wanted to help people, particularly the young children whose lives were rough and hard-hitting, so I set up an orphanage. So far, we currently have around one hundred and so children living there.

Artie has been helping out the villains by establishing a rehabilitation programme for them. It's been going well despite several incidences, but other than that, it's all been pretty good. Daniel has been learning to become a knight while focusing on his studies, and he's been doing amazingly well. He's been able to learn pretty quickly, and I know he's been practising almost every single day.

Having the girls around has been so fantastic; they're always on hand whenever I need them. Isabel has had her eye on one of the stable boys for a few months, and Merida, Lucy, and I have been pushing her to speak to him. We have our annual ball coming up, so that would be an opportunity for her to go and ask him out. I need to remember that I'm going to Shrek's kids' birthday in a couple of days. Yep, you heard me right, more than one kid. He and Fiona have triplets; Fergus, Farkle, and Felicia, and I can't wait to see them again.

Artie and I have continued to grow stronger in our relationship, and Artie continues to shower me with love almost every single day.  We help each other with royal duties and keep each other motivated. Oh, before I forget... my dad showed up outside the castle a few weeks ago. He was so aggressive towards the guards, telling them who he was and that he had the right to come in and see me. Artie, Daniel, and I were relaxing in one of the loungerooms when a guard hurried in and told us what was happening.

"Why does he care about us now?" Daniel snapped. "It's because you're now queen, so he wants something, and expects you to care for him."

"Do you want me to sort it out, Katie?" Artie asked me.

I shook my head and asked the guard if my dad was still outside.

"Yes, your majesty," he nodded.

I said nothing for a short moment and then got up from the settee.

"Show me where he is," I said.

The guard led me outside, with Artie and Daniel following beside me. We stopped just before we reached the front gates, and when dad spotted us in the far distance, he started waving and calling out to me.

"Katie!" He yelled out. "These stupid guards won't allow me inside. Tell them I'm your father. I have the right to be allowed in."

I stood where I was just staring at him, my face remaining blank.

"Is that your brother with you?" he shouted. "Daniel, ask your sister to let me in!"

"Katie?" Daniel asked. "What are you going to do?"

I continued staring for a couple more seconds. Finally, I turned to the guard.

"Don't let him in, not ever. Turn him away and tell him...tell him not to come back. See to it that he is barred from ever coming near the castle." And with that, I headed back inside.

"Yes, your highness," the guard replied, walking over to the gate to let the other guards know of my instructions.

"Katie? Katie! I demand you open this gate for me!" I heard my dad yell, his voice getting quieter as I headed back into the castle.

I'm done with my past; I want to move on. I know this is going to sound crazy, but I'm thankful for all the hardship and pain my dad put me through. Think about it. If he hadn't sold me, I wouldn't have met Shrek, Donkey, or Fiona. I wouldn't have met Puss, Lillian, or Harrold either. All the adventures I had, the people I met along the way, all of that would never have happened. Most importantly, if he hadn't dumped me to Worcestershire Artie and I wouldn't have ever met. I guess all the bad things that occurred in my life turned out for pretty good.

So in my way, my life has been golden all along. It was just covered by the sad and horrible things I experienced. I didn't realise it till now, and I'm thankful for all I've been through; it has made me stronger and has given me a better life than I previously had.  I know Mum would be proud of me.

To anyone going through a tough time right now, it may all seem dark and scary, and you may be worried about the future, but don't worry. It will all pan out in the end; have faith is what I'm trying to say.  And if you are being judged, don't let what people think of you drag you down. Shut out their cruel words.

Now you all know me, and my side of the story has been told. I may be Goldilocks, and the fairy tales may say completely different things to what I've told you, but I know who I am.

I'm Katie Clavell, Queen of Far Far Away.

And that is my truth, my life.

And a golden one at that. 

And that's the end. Thank you so much to everyone for reading this story, and to those who helped contribute ideas for it. This is the first book I've ever written on here, and I'm glad that so many of you enjoyed it. I'll, of course, be going back and re-editing this, but it won't be for a while.

Now for those wondering about whether or not there will be a new book. The answer to that question is... Yes, there will be. I began writing this story as part of an assignment I had to do for my university degree last semester.

One hint about it: It's inspired by one of my all-time favourite Studio Ghibli films.

It won't be out for a bit as I want to take a short break ( Two weeks or so) from Wattpad, but I will be back soon.

Please continue to share this story with others and of course, vote :D

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