Chapter 41

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As the months rolled by, I got used to being at Worcestershire and adapting to its routine; going to classes and living the boarding school lifestyle wasn't as bad as I first thought it was going to be. I had made a handful of friends and was doing well in most of my studies. Sure there were a few stressful moments, but hey, isn't that what high school is all about? Luckily for me, I had Lucy, Merida, and Isabel with me, and we were an unstoppable bunch. We would do all the things teenage girls loved to do, such as hang out and give each other makeovers. 

If I could say anything about them, it would be that they are amazing and funny to be around. Always making me smile and feel loved. For the first time in my life, I felt normal, like I was the same as everybody else. Even though I wasn't. To everyone, I was just Katie Clavell. And that was who I had always wanted to be for as long as I could remember. I wasn't Goldilocks, I wasn't the thief who did terrible things. I was just your average teenage girl. There were times that I felt low. Of course, I couldn't tell anybody why. I had to keep my feeling all to myself until I was behind closed doors.

I missed my mum; her warm embraces would always lift my spirits up whenever I was upset. Her kind words would always motivate me. I missed Daniel too. I hated that we were so far away from each other. If only my dad had sent us to the same school, then life would have been even better. Though Daniel could be annoying, sometimes I still cared about him, after all, he is my little brother. I would have dreams about them sometimes; all of us back home together and being happy just like old times, before dad came and ruined it all.

Speaking of Daniel, I thankfully managed to find out his school's address and was able to send him a letter. I was super anxious about whether he would get it, let alone write back. But he did, and I was so thrilled to hear from him and find out how he was getting on at his school. He was doing well and was also making a lot of friends. I was happy for him and glad that he was doing ok without me around. As for my friendship with Artie, it was growing stronger by the day. 

We would hang out whenever we could and help each other out with homework. When Artie said he was unpopular in school, he certainly wasn't kidding. I was always on hand to help him anytime someone (mainly the jousting team) dunked his head in a chamber pot, trapped him in a locker, or anything of the bullying sort. 

He would leave thank you notes in my locker or by the door of my room, which was so sweet of him to do. We got to learn more about each other day by day, and the one thing that certainly took me by surprise was that he was in love with someone. Well, that part wasn't shocking. He's a boy, and it's a normal thing for any teenage boy or girl to experience. What was surprising was that he had serious feelings for Gwen. Of all the girls in the entire school, he liked her. Seriously? Why would anyone in their right mind have an interest in her?

Sure Gwen was super popular, pretty, and stylish, but she was mean! An absolute snobby brat, who may I add, was rude and self-centred. She would always look down on him and treated Artie horribly, just like everyone else in school. Yet Artie still had feelings for her. Honestly, boys and their brains are just complicated and confusing to understand.

I can remember talking to the girls about this while we were sitting in the courtyard one lunchtime.

"If you ask me," Merida said. "Artie is just downright stupid."

He's not stupid," I argued. "Just... blinded by love."

"Again, he's stupid," Merida uttered. To have a crush on Gwen is one thing, but to be head over heels in love with a major popular girl like her is downright idiotic."

"She wouldn't date him," Lucy added. "Gwen doesn't even like him anyway. Rumour around the school is that she and Lancelot are going out."

"Won't be surprised if that's true," Isabel said.

"I just wish Artie would see how ridiculous he's being." I groaned.

"Do I detect a hint of jealously Katie?" Merida chucked.

"What? Me? No, why would I be jealous of Guinevere of all people?"

Isabel laughed as she bit into her sandwich. "Maybe because someone has a little crush?"

"On Arthur?" I cried. "No, he's just a friend that's it. Besides we've only known each other for a few months."

"You never know, anything can happen," Lucy laughed.

"Honestly, you guys are unbelievable." I gasped, smiling a little. They certainly knew how to wind me up. It was then, as if by coincidence, I spotted Tiffany and Guinevere nearby, handing out leaflets to other students sitting around us. They soon came to us, and Gwen just gave me an unpleasant look.

"What do you guys want?" Merida spat.

"We just came to give you idiots leaflets about the Winter Ball," Gwen said, shoving the leaflets into our hands.

"Winter ball?" I questioned.

"It's a formal Christmas party the school holds every year," Tiffany explained.

"And I'm going to be crowned snow queen again." Gwen giggled.

"As usual," Isabel mumbled.

"Jealousy isn't a good look for you Isabel," Gwen said. "It's not my fault that I'm super popular... oh, wait it is."

"You're not always going to win, you know," I turned to her. "Someone is going to take your spot."

She huffed as she flicked her hair back. "Unlikely, but what's certainly unlikely is any of you guys winning or getting dates."

The girls and I just glared at her, unamused by her words at all.

"Come of Tiff, we have to get going, we have more leaflets to hand out. See ya later, ladies." The girls laughed as they walked off towards more students.

"Why is she likes this?" I exclaimed.

"Who knows," Lucy shrugged. "But we will show her. We're going to have a blast and look amazing at the same time."

We all nodded. This was going to be my first ball ( If you don't count the one I went to for Shrek and Fiona's wedding celebration.) I was super excited and couldn't wait to get all dressed. Christmas that year was going to be super fun, that's for sure.

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