Chapter 32

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I was lying on a bed, my eyes suddenly snapped open.

I raised myself up.

"Where am I?"

I looked around. It was hard to see, but the light from the window helped me figure out my surroundings. I was in a bedroom, and it made the hairs on my arms stand straight. Goosebumps crawled up my body from head to toe. As I rubbed my hands together, I realised where I was. It wasn't just any old bedroom, I knew that for sure. It was mine but... different. A shell of where I once grew up, a ghostly sense was in the air.

I crept over to the window and gently pulled back the curtains, I could barely see a thing outside. Dark clouds were swirling across the sky, booms and crashes from the thunder and lightning rippled through the air. The rain was beating down. The howling wind blew ferociously through the trees, ripping the leaves off their branches.

All was still in the room, only the sound of my breathing could be heard.

Then a feeling came over me. A presence, a familiar one. One that I recognised. I looked behind me, and there, sitting on the bed, was a woman. A woman dressed in all white, her face looking at the ground. Her long brown hair was smooth and tidy, a few strands were pushed behind her ear. I wandered around and got a slight glance at her, I wasn't at all frightened, but calm and collective.

"M-mum? I-is that you?"

She slowly raised her head and stared at me, her eyes were drained and lifeless. Her face was a soft pale colour.

"Katie, my darling, Katie." She said. "What happened to you?"

"I...I don't understand," I questioned. "What do you mean?

"You let me down Katie, your actions have caused so much damage and destruction to everyone around you. You've brought so much shame to our family."

"Mum, why are you saying this?" I cried, walking over to her. "Please, I know you don't mean that!"

I reached over to take hold of her hand, but as I did, she suddenly disappeared into thin air. I was puzzled and frantically looked around, calling out her name. I dashed out of my bedroom, and it was then I thoroughly established my location. I was back home, in the house I so cherished.

The question is... how did I get here? And why was everywhere so dark and dingy looking?

I quickly thought of where mum could be and then darted down the corridor and into my parent's bedroom. Sure enough, I found her looking out of the window. However, she doesn't turn to face me.

"I thought I raised you to be better than what you've become," she said in a cold tone. "You have really disappointed me, Katie, I thought you were a good girl."

I felt the tears beginning to form, my voice was starting to break as her words pounded into my heart, breaking it piece by piece.

"I...I am. You did raise me well," I said. "I wanted to have a good life, but dad he... he forced me to steal. To lead a dishonest and bad life."

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