Chapter 2

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I hated what my dad did to not just me, but my brother too, and I never wanted to see his horrid face ever again. Although to be fair, it has been a year since I saw him. You'll see throughout my story why my feelings for him are so negative. Once upon a time, my dad and I got along very well. He would always do whatever he could to spend quality time with my brother and me. However, when I was five, things started to change. I don't know why, and I don't think I ever will, but he began teaching me about how to break the law and commit theft. Those things eventually shaped me into the girl everyone knows me for.

I knew what I was doing was wrong, and I could've got into some serious trouble if I was caught, but I couldn't escape it. I got trapped in my dad's web, and as much as I tried to wiggle my way out, he kept me tied down into it. It wasn't what I wanted in life; I wanted something better for myself. To be happy. I told him several times that what he was making me do was wrong, but he wouldn't listen to me, not at all. A few months into it all, I told him straight that I had enough with everything and that I wasn't going to be a thief anymore. That is when I saw a different side to him, one that I began to see more often after that day. He grabbed my wrist tightly and gave me a stare so cold it sent shivers throughout my body.

"You better shut that mouth of yours, young lady," he growled. "You're going to continue doing this, or else I'll lock you down in the barn cellar. Is that clear?"

I stood there, frozen, whimpering like crazy. My dad then tightened his grip around my wrist, causing me to whine in pain.

"Daddy P-please let go," I sobbed, trying to pull my hand away. "Y-you're hurting me."

"I said, is that clear Katie?!" he screamed.

I frantically nodded. I couldn't believe what my own dad did that to me. That's the first time he was ever aggressive to me, and it wouldn't be the last. After that day, he controlled me like a helpless little puppet. One day while mum and Daniel went to the market, he took me deep into the woods. An hour went by, and we were going through territory I didn't recognise. We then ended up hiding behind a tall oak tree.

There, just a few yards from us was this little-thatched cottage. My dad then told me to break in and have a look around for something worthwhile to steal. I pleaded with him not to let me do it, but he warned me that if I didn't, I would be sorry. That's how my 'infamous persona' was born, and over the years, the events of what happened were changed around to become the well-known story you all know and love today. Ever since then, I was known for not just being a fairy tale character but a thief too.

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