Chapter 13

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So as you'd expect, mum wasn't at all happy with dad. For the next several days, all they did was argue with one another. I told myself that it wasn't my fault for them going off at each other, but a part of me felt solely responsible. I could have just lied and said I'd escaped the kidnappers, and everything would be fine. However, I knew Daniel would have told me to tell her the truth, even if it caused severe consequences.

All of this fighting wasn't helping mum's recovery at all.  I told her to just let it be and to forget about the whole thing, but she refused to do so. She wasn't going to allow dad to get away with selling his own daughter, and she certainly wasn't going to let him off without him understanding how despicable his actions were. Her health soon started to deteriorate, and in less than a week, she was forced to be bedridden and only allowed out of bed to use the bathroom and shower.

I made sure to do whatever I could to get her on the mend. As much as I wanted dad out of our lives again, we needed his help to look after mum. It was pretty tense, having him still around the house. It got to the point where he was gradually showing his hatred towards me, and Daniel too.

One lunchtime, Daniel and I were in the garden doing chores. I was vigorously washing clothes while he was raking some leaves.

"I hope mum gets better soon," Daniel whimpered. "I don't want dad around anymore."

"Me too," I replied. "But from the doctor's examination of mum yesterday, it doesn't look good."

"We don't need him, Katie!" he exclaimed, "We can look after her ourselves."

"You know that's not true," I sighed.  "I know we're not fond of dad, but right now, we need his help."

Daniel groaned before picking up another pile of leaves and tossing them into a corner. He knew I was right but didn't want to admit it.

"Katie! Daniel!" A roaring voice came from behind us. I turned to see dad walking over with a heavy sack in his hands.

"Why haven't you both finished your chores yet?" he asked.

"You gave us lots to do out here," Daniel said.

"Then hurry up, you lazy imbeciles, honestly how can you both be this pathetic."

"We're not pathetic!" Daniel snapped back. "We're not going to let you be horrible to us-"

 "Excuse me?" Dad yelled, marching over to him. "How dare you disrespect me, you stupid boy!"

I got up from the washing and hurried over to them, pushing dad away from Daniel. "Leave him alone! Maybe if you started treating us properly and showing respect, then maybe we would be nicer."

"Don't get lippy with me, young lady. You had to tell your mum about what I did, didn't you? Because of you, your mother has got worse!"

"That's not true!" Daniel yelled.

"Really? "Dad asked, raising an eyebrow. "If your sister hadn't opened her dumb mouth, then your mum would be better by now."

I could feel a piece of me break inside. How dare he say that to me! Of course, I knew it wasn't my fault. However, the more I thought about it, the more I started to question if I was actually responsible. Was it my fault? Did I really cause this to happen to my mum?

Two weeks passed, and mum's condition was still looking quite serious, but she always managed to put a smile on everyone else's face. She would always ask me about Shrek, Donkey, and Fiona, as well as the crazy adventure I went on. I loved seeing her laugh about the silly things I did with them. It always brought a smile to my face.

"So when are they coming back from their honeymoon? Mum asked me one evening.

"In the next couple of days, why?"

"I think it would be nice for you to visit them for a few weeks," She replied. "You know, catch up on with them."

"You're sick, mum. I need to look after you."

"And you need some time to relax and have fun," Mum groaned, pushing herself upright in her bed. "Don't worry, your brother and dad will be here."

"I trust Daniel, Dad is a different question." I scoffed.

"Listen, sweetie," Mum began. "I know you don't have a strong liking to your dad right now, but please, for me, do try and get on with him."

I let out a brief sigh before nodding. Mum's face lit up, and it certainly put her in an even better mood. "And you're going to visit your friends for a few weeks, no ifs or buts. That's an order." She coughed.

"Fine," I laughed. "It would be nice to catch up with everyone."

"Exactly, have fun and enjoy yourself. Be happy."

So the next day, I packed a few bits of clothes and headed back to the swamp. I didn't want to leave, but mum did have a point. I did need some fun and time to relax, I had been looking after mum for so long that I'd forgotten what it was like to be a teenager. Hopefully, I thought, the trip would change that. I gave my brother and mum a hug before I walked down the garden path and down the road.

"Make sure you come back." I turned to see my dad standing by the garden gate, his hands shoved into his trouser pockets.

"I will don't worry. Not going to abandon you all." I called back, before continuing down the road.

"This is going to be a great trip," I thought. "Who knows, we may have another adventure."

And boy, was I right.

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